NOOB - First Grow - Trans Siberian AUTO - T5HO Closet


Well-Known Member
Mex Bag Seed Update

For some reason I love this one the most. I used MG and perlite only from seed. I have paid it the least attention and it has had the best growth. I was using it as a tester plant. the growth has been incredible, pics below:

7.26.jpg This is the day I topped it

8.10.jpg This is 16 days later (unreal)

She is only in a 1 gallon pot. I am going to put her into a 3 gallon pot and see if I can work on my clonning techniques as well as some LSTing. she is already shown her sex and is definately a female. She is roughly 30 days old from seed. I will keep you all posted on her progress as well...

A big thanks to everyone for looking and all the adivice that has been given. This forum rocks and there is so much to learn here. Thanks again!!


Well-Known Member
I have 2 plants a Blue Mystic and Big Bud in MG organic with time released soil and didnt experience any of the problems you have had I even added nutes to it before knowing that you arent supposed to. Anyway they are doing great and roughly the same age as your plants. I am by no means an expert at growing but I think if you would have just used the MG by itself you might not have experienced half the problems you did.

Blue Mystic

Didnt have current pic of my Big Bud but it looks similar to the above pic


Well-Known Member
Kirob, I'm sure you are right about the Mg...I have had a few successful outdoor grows with it. I think by adding the manure compost, over watering, transplanting too early, etc. etc....caused the majority of my problems. I finally bought my seeds as opposed to using bag seed and got overzealous...thanks for checking in and your blue mystic looks awesome, how many days old is it?


Well-Known Member
Mex Bag Seed Update

For some reason I love this one the most. I used MG and perlite only from seed. I have paid it the least attention and it has had the best growth. I was using it as a tester plant. the growth has been incredible, pics below:

View attachment 2289360 This is the day I topped it

View attachment 2289361 This is 16 days later (unreal)

She is only in a 1 gallon pot. I am going to put her into a 3 gallon pot and see if I can work on my clonning techniques as well as some LSTing. she is already shown her sex and is definately a female. She is roughly 30 days old from seed. I will keep you all posted on her progress as well...

A big thanks to everyone for looking and all the adivice that has been given. This forum rocks and there is so much to learn here. Thanks again!!
She's coming back great man!!:)


Well-Known Member
Kirob, I'm sure you are right about the Mg...I have had a few successful outdoor grows with it. I think by adding the manure compost, over watering, transplanting too early, etc. etc....caused the majority of my problems. I finally bought my seeds as opposed to using bag seed and got overzealous...thanks for checking in and your blue mystic looks awesome, how many days old is it?

She's 32 days since seed. I forgot to mention, put some buckets outside and hope for rain, after I got the tip that rain water is rich in Nitrogen I started using that whenever I can. You wont regret it!


Well-Known Member
Thanks kirob!! I'll be putting a bucket outside immediately...we are in our rainy season, do should fill up quickly!! And she looks great at 32...hope my girls who are on the mend can get there!!


Well-Known Member
They will, and if you top or FIM them they get super bushy like that Mystic I also supercrop and LST it to keep it short. I rotate the pots a couple times a day to I get mass light exposure to all sides of the plant.

Make sure you dont let the rain water get stagnant. I funnel mine into 1 gal. milk jugs and put the cap on to prevent that from happening. Depending on how many watering cans you have you might wanna put a few buckets outside and get as much rain water as you can. Just my opinion.

Good luck on your grow, I'll be following to see where it goes for you :)


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, I think my only option for the Auto's are to lst them...and that might not even be an option now since they went almost three weeks with stunted growth...being on a time sensitive schedule for flowering...I will do my best. I'm just happy I made it thus far, lol... I have one other non auto in there, el aquimista from the tude...she will get topped and lst'ed...fooshoo!!

I will definitely heed your advice and use gallon jugs with tops...I got a bunch from the purified water jugs I've between using, thanks again!!


Well-Known Member
Thought I would post up real quick. All the girls are doing well and growing a good 1/2 inch a day. I am running into a problem though...In thinking they prolly would not make it, I started a few more and now have more girls than my grow can handle. So I think I will have to do a little SOG action. Kinda a waste, but what can I are some pics:

Hawaiian Day 20 8.5.jpg Hawaiian Day 1 of changes Hawaiian Day 27.jpg Hawaiian Bag Seed day 7
Trans1 Day 16.jpg Trans 1 Day 1 of changes Trans1 Day 22.jpgTrans 1 Day 7
Trans 2 Day 14 8.5.jpg Trans 2 Day 1 of changes Trans 2 Day 21.jpg Trans 2 Day 7
Trans 3 Day 14 8.5.jpg Trans 3 Day 1 of Changes Trans 3 Day 21.jpg Trans 3 Day 7

Thanks again to all for looking and commenting!!


Well-Known Member
Those look good and healthy man nice work. Like I said before Im not an expert by any means but are those pots clear? If so and by judging what I've read you might want to wrap them in something opaque.


Well-Known Member
The ones in solo cups are clear, but they are inside another solo cup that is not clear. I guess I just like to see the roots grow so I know when to transplant out of the cups....but you are right, everywhere I've read clear is no good and roots hate the light...thanks for checking in Kirob...I might through some pics up today, they get so big every day!!


Well-Known Member
Been a couple days, thought I would post some pics. All is good and well. A little nute burn on some of the lower leaves, but very little. Will only be giving Purified Water for the next couple of weeks, FFOF should do just fine until flower for these Auto's. Pics below

Trans 1 Day 26.jpg Trans 1

Trans 2 Day 25.jpg Trans 2

Trans 3 Day 25.jpg Trans 3

Here is the Hawaiian, doing great!!

Hawaiian Day 31.jpg

I also have an Alquimista non auto in there from the 'tude'. She is on day 18

Alquimista Day 18.jpg

I think I will post some side shots for my next update. All the trans are very short and stocky but are still growing strong. Thanks for the comments, likes, and looks!! :)


Well-Known Member
Got my first signs of flower on one of the Autos (Trans 3), the youngest, 26 days from seed, believe it or not. So I thought a post was in order!!

Trans 3 Day 26_First day of Flower.jpg


Well-Known Member
All is well and good here, just thought I would post a few more pics. My "Trans 1" seems to be twisting a little bit and is staying extremely stocky...I'm really not that worried. I LST'd her for the past two days...and she still looks good... The other two seem to be a lot taller with a little more stretch...everyone is gonna be a little different... 1, 2, and 3 respectively below...

Trans 1 Day 29.jpg Trans 1 Day 29

Trans 2 Day 28.jpg Trans 2 Day 28

Trans 3 Day 28.jpg Trans 3 Day 28

Aiight RIU...thanks for looking and all the support...will post back in a couple days


Well-Known Member
P.S. Just wanted to post my Hawaiian bag seed lady and the Alquimista (fem, non-auto) from the Tude...both are kicking a$$. I just topped them yesterday. Once the Autos are done I am going to put these guys in bigger pots and start to flower them (and maybe try a clone or two, if I can figure that process out)

Hawaiian Day 34.jpg Hawaiian Day 34, Topped yesterday

Alquimista Day 21.jpg Alquimista Day 21, Topped yesterday

Thanks again peeps!!


Well-Known Member
And now we have two of the three trans in flower...couple pics below...enjoy!!

Trans 3 6 days after first signs of flower:

Trans 3 8.23 Flower Day 6.jpg

Trans 2 didn't start flowering untill about 3 days lets call this flower day 3:

Trans 2  8.23 Flower Day  3.jpg

And my third trans is still not into flower and is having some stunting issues yet again...she was the oldest and went through all that stress the longest, so it figures she would still have some problems...she still looks healthy though, it is what it is. My first run with a bunch of mistakes, any yield is a bonus and my next round will be 10x better!!

thanks all for looking!!


Well-Known Member
RIU....just wanted to post an update on my Mex Bag Seed with pics. She is of the lowest quality seed but is the best looking plant in my grow (for now, LOL)

7.26.jpg This was a pic 30 days ago when she was topped for the first time. She is about 2 weeks in this pic.

8.24.jpg This is today. Topped twice. I counted the shots at cannopy and she has 18. I can't wait to flower her!!


Active Member
looking good man. good work on bring that plant back to life! i bet you will get a good turn around.


Well-Known Member
All is good an well, I know I haven't updated in a while.

Day 15 flower on one of my Trans: Trans 3 8.30 Flower Day 15.jpg

The other two I don't think are gonna make it. One is stunted: prolly 40 days old and 6 inches high with little signs of flower. The other is the same size as the one in the picture above but I think I may have overwatered and has a serious wilting issue. I am trying to nurse her back to health and she is showing signs of recovery so that is good.

Looking back to how much stress I put on these three right from the beginning, I am suprised I have gotten this far. Thanks to all for checking in!!