Long time no see


Active Member
Looks like the not so hidden meaning of what FresnoFarmer said just flew past your head like a horse's head from a catapult.


Well-Known Member
And yeah. The harvard gangster got me :lol:

I just can't get past his cryptic codes :dunce:
He must have learned that shit from the skull and bones.
Thanks for flattering me.......I always knew I was smarter than you, but Harvard? I am so touched by your admiration. Now go play some tongue tag



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Okay? So I posted an old ass picture with some old ass guns.....and I'm not even in a gang....lmfao

At least I wasn't having orgies with Eric and Bradley as a teenager.....I was totin' iron and getting money when I was a teen.....you were swapping tonsils and playing "hide the sausage" with other boys
I think you're confusing me with the kind of movies you like to watch.