December 8, 2011
What do we really know about Obama?
Jim Simpson
An email that has been floating around the internet asks, "Where are Obama's girlfriends?" It continues:
Now look at the rest of what we know... no classmates, not even the recorder for the Columbia class notes ever heard of him.
- Who was the best man at his wedding? Start there. Check for groomsmen. Then get the footage of the graduation ceremony. Has anyone talked to the professors? Isn't it odd that no one is bragging that they knew him or taught him or lived with him.
When did he meet Michele and how? Are there photos? Every president provides the public with all their photos, etc. for their library. What has he released? Nada other than what was in this so-called biography! And experts who study writing styles, etc. claim it was not O's own words or typical of his speech pat terns, etc.
Does this make any of you wonder?
Well, yes, actually, it does. Bill Clinton was very secretive about his college years, never releasing transcripts and not bothering to explain the months-long tour of the Soviet Union he took while at Oxford. He also defied the FBI regarding security clearances for presidential appointees. This allowed communist agents like John Huang to obtain sensitive executive branch positions and engage in unprecedented military espionage. No one has called Clinton on this yet.
But that said, no President to date has been so secretive about his past. We have yet to see Obama's college transcripts from Occidental, Columbia or Harvard. We know little about his youth except his made-up fantasy "Dreams From My Father,"
likely written by Weather Underground bomber Bill Ayers, and the only thing we have from Columbia is
one article and
this one testimony from a self-proclaimed roommate.
Still, we have managed to squeeze out a bit more information. Most is not very encouraging. Listed below is a doubtless incomplete compendium:
First, there are the Occidental College photos, notably of Obama by himself, smoking pot or whatever:
Following is testimony from some of his Occidental College friends. It popped up after the election, and smells very much like propaganda, but they do claim to have known him at least:
HERE it is.
There is
this list of his friends and associates. There is also the testimony from one of his Occidental classmates about what a committed leftist Obama was.
Worth a listen.
attendance at Occidental is significant because Occidental was founded by Armand Hammer, Occidental Petroleum CEO, lifelong communist Soviet agent and son of American Communist Party co-founder Julius Hammer. Armand Hammer was pivotal in the political careers of Al Gore Sr. and Jr. Sr. would have never been elected without him, and may have been recruited to be an agent of influence. LIke father, like son?
Trevor Loudon has done almost all of the work to discover Obama's
real associates, including Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers, Van Jones and others, although Glenn Beck and others usually have taken the credit. His website,, is worth bookmarking, spreading around and consulting frequently. Trevor's infamous "Obama Files" have been made into a book,
Barack Obama and the Enemies Within. Get it.
did attend Harvard although grades and course work remain under wraps. We do know how he got in and paid for it, a story studiously ignored by the mass media. Famous black leader and civil rights pioneer
Percy Sutton described it
in a TV interview. He wrote a letter on Obama's behalf, which, at the time would have been somewhat akin to getting a letter of recommendation from Martin Luther King, were he still alive. Sutton also explained that Obama's education was paid for by a Saudi prince through the Prince's connection with American Muslim, Khalid Mansour.
was not editor of the Harvard Law Review as many have incorrectly asserted. The editor was a republican. Obama was
president of the Law Review. It is largely a ceremonial post and requires little if any writing. That explains why there is nothing in the Law Review under his byline. The editor described Obama as very confident and always courteous. Here is a video relating the story of his Law Review candidacy, from PBS no less:
You have doubtless heard the rumors of Obama's homosexuality. A couple of gay men who allegedly had relations with him have been murdered. These men were also members of Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church. One, Donald Young, was the choir director. The
article discussing this also asserts that Wright ran what was "essentially a matchmaking service for gay married black professional members of the church..."
These men were gay, they indeed died as described, and Mr. Young's mother has asserted that her son was murdered to keep his relationship with Obama secret. These reports, however, have remained largely unexplored by the mass media, so their veracity cannot be confirmed.
The following however is beyond dispute. Obama wrote a poem at Occidental that may describe a gay encounter. His mentor, the communist and Soviet agent,
Frank Marshall Davis, was also an
admitted pornographer and pedophile. This poem, reproduced here from
a New York Times article, is difficult to read (graphic content warning), but sounds very much like Obama is describing Davis: