uhm yeah it is
and it's public record
the federal reserve bank has never been audited, neve3r opened it's books, and never allowed public scrutiny of the balance sheet, how it creates and services loans, what contractual obligations they have, what their liabilities are, etc.. even the membership of the reserve board is secret, with only the chairman as spokesperson revealing his face.
internal reviews are not an audit, promising that you checked your books, and everything is going to plan may satisfy the morons in congress, but i cant just tell the IRS that i dont owe any taxes this year, and thats that. catch a clue. the federal reserve bank is not federal there is no reserve and it is NOT a bank. it is a cartel operating in secret under blanket authority to exercise the monetary duties of the congress, and then it was simply told to police itself.
if you wish to believe that the federal reserve system is well regulated, operating in the open, and doing a great job with the powers given to it by the congress 100 years ago, then you are a fool.
in the 100 years since the federal reserve was created through fraud by JP morgan the Rockerfellers, the Warburg banking cartel in germany and the Rothschild banking cartel in england and switzerland, the natrion (and the world) have become less free less stable, and more dependant on the central banking institutions worldwide. a thinking person can no longer consider the federal reserve an american institution, it is part of the IMF and the world bank banking cartel. we are now just cogs in THEIR machine, and our federal reserve which operates under the auspices of congress who in turn derive their powers from US the american citizenry no longer have any say in our monetary system.
if you think that our "central bank" being just one small part of a worldwide organization of banks, operating in the manner that the foreign banks determine is best "globally" offers any security, stability, or "Hope and Change" to the US economy, or the economies of the weaker nations in the developing world then you are a DAMNED FOOL!