This could be why? This is a christian right wing huge charity that really really sucks in reality, look it up if you doubt!
World Vision Christian ministry or CIA front?
Date: Saturday, 25 June 2005, 9:10 am
World Vision is supposedly a Christian Missionary group.
And like the family, I'm sure that many of the people are sincere in their desire to serve God.
World Vision ran the refugee camps where the CIA recruited (by force) Cubans for the Bay of Pigs fiasco.
Lee Harvey Oswald worked with these groups. So did Claw Bertrand (Clay Shaw). Many of the people Jim Garrison investigated about the Kennedy assasination had been recruited at World Vision camps.
World Vision had a lot to do with identifying targets for the Army's "Operation Phoenix" civilian assassination campaign in Vietnam.
Still later World Vision ran the refugee camps where the CIA recruited (by force) Nicaraguans and El Salvadorians for the Contras.
World Vision ran the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon where the Israeli controlled Philangist Christians massacred over 2000 women, children and elderly refugees.
World Vision also took over the camp at Jonestown just after the massacre there.
Mark David Chapman, (who killed John Lennon) was a member of World Vision.
John Hinkley Jr. who tried to kill Ronald Reagan, was a member of World Vision.
His father John Hinkley Sr. was one of the directors of World Vision.
Do you think it's all coincidence?
If so, I've got a nice Bridge for sale in Brooklyn.
World Vision's "front" is a non-denomination international christian fellowship that asks for donations.
(that reminds me of something??????)
but behind the "front" there are, as Jesus put it, "dead men's bones" and all corruption.