As far as our country I have to agree with captain, there are food banks, soup kitchens, food stamps and even shoplifting. Our country is filled with food and
if any kid is starving its the parents fault. What would cause a parent to starve there child? Crack, heroin, meth, or raw stupidity. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere there is really no excuse.
If you want to make it a political thing I can thing I can think of at least on country that has spend many trillions of dollars on war. Just blowing the fuck out of everything and spending all the money too. What if they spent that on some thing positive? For a few hundred billion dollars or so I bet you could...... Feed everyone in the world fresh organic local grown food... Replace 90% of our need for oil..... Buy a new green car for everyone on earth..... Make sure all factories on earth are sustainable and not a burden on the earth...... Health care for everyone on earth..... And I bet the would still have change left over! Not to mention how many new enemies are you gonna make with that plan.
As for the fat people having more than the starving kids, they are starving too. With nothing it there diet but fat and sugar there body just keeps storing it away hoping they will get some good green vegetables and a little exercise. It there lard asses than need to be taught how to feed kids, half my 10 year olds class is fat. That just fucked!
Check this out... I wish our country would look out for us.