Well-Known Member
Thank you Moebius, I'm getting really excited as I get closer to my days off where I can give this project the time it needs to get going. The various contents of the bottles from work are dish soap, oven cleaner, degreaser, and bleach. I cut the bottles at work rinse them thoroughly with an awesome over head hose, hand wash them, rinse them again, put them in an industrial dish washer with sanitizing liquids, and rinse them again. We use all these things on the dishes, food storage containers, and the flat iron grill top, and I've used them to clean out bowls before, so I think they rinse off safely and the plants will be safe. Either way I have tried to collect mostly dish detergent bottles, and if I can get 9 of them before I get to that stage of the grow (probably a week before I decide to flip the lights) then I will just recycle the other bottles.
I was going to be all dissimissive and say 'Thats not a good idea dude' but then I thought about it.
Lots of growers use bleach and other harsh chemicals in their grows. Some of the chemicals I use are quite corrosive and harsh too. PK 13/14 isnt very pleasant, neither is H202. And pure nutrients are not kind to hands. .... Of course, as long as those bottles are rinsed as you say, its all good.