the boredom thing i agree with at a deep levelBordom and creative fulfillment. Not a medical condition? It should be.
No, it shouldn't be. True medical useage of cannabis should not be intertwined with recreational useage.Bordom and creative fulfillment. Not a medical condition? It should be.
No, it shouldn't be. True medical useage of cannabis should not be intertwined with recreational useage.
While I agree recreational cannabis use should be legal, its people who can't differentiate the difference between the two that keep the medical cannabis movement at a standstill. Unfortunately when most non-users look out the window to see whats new in medical cannabis, they see 19 year old skaters wearing tye-dye and baseball caps, complaining that their "back hurts today".
These are the people who need to clean up their act if they want to be taken seriously. Your back hurts, but you can still pull off a front kick flip to nose grind? Amazing.
If you want medical cannabis to be taken seriously by society, then act like it. And no, Cotchept, your not a medical cannabis patient. You are a recreational user.
Be proud of that, but don't sully the names of actual medical users by saying that "bordom and creative fulfillment" should be considered the same as AIDS, Crohns, Cancer, MS, MD.
Its not, and it makes you look very stupid to think that.
Yes it should be, why should a cancer patient have any more rights to a plant then a casual user? Sully the names of medical usersNo, it shouldn't be. True medical useage of cannabis should not be intertwined with recreational useage.
While I agree recreational cannabis use should be legal, its people who can't differentiate the difference between the two that keep the medical cannabis movement at a standstill. Unfortunately when most non-users look out the window to see whats new in medical cannabis, they see 19 year old skaters wearing tye-dye and baseball caps, complaining that their "back hurts today".
These are the people who need to clean up their act if they want to be taken seriously. Your back hurts, but you can still pull off a front kick flip to nose grind? Amazing.
If you want medical cannabis to be taken seriously by society, then act like it. And no, Cotchept, your not a medical cannabis patient. You are a recreational user.
Be proud of that, but don't sully the names of actual medical users by saying that "bordom and creative fulfillment" should be considered the same as AIDS, Crohns, Cancer, MS, MD.
Its not, and it makes you look very stupid to think that.
i don't think the halted movement has anything to do with young adults using it recreationally and claiming it's 'medical'.
it has everything to do with too much money being made on synthetic replacements for what cannabis does, and the fact that it makes people not want to go to war.
there is more connotation to the word 'medicate' being applied here than you are giving it credit for
i think the problem is actually in reverse to the way you state it: it's people who go on about how it should only be used 'medically' that keep it ambiguous.
Yes it should be, why should a cancer patient have any more rights to a plant then a casual user? Sully the names of medical users, seems like a human complex thing to me.
i didn't, and you missed the point again. the point is that it is not casual users ruining the legitimacy of medical cannabis, it is the war on cannabis ruining its legitimacyPlease point me to where I said non-medical users should not have access to legalized cannabis.
there's no difference between cannabis and 'medical cannabis'. i don't know what hat you're pulling that out ofWhere you are wrong, and very wrong at that is where you think that the casual user has a right to "medical cannabis".
there's no difference between cannabis and 'medical cannabis'. i don't know what hat you're pulling that out of
is it just the potent stuff? oh shit, i broke your rule growing potent pot
again, you've got beef with a vegetarian. so to speak
So please explain the difference between the two for me? because I provide high quality CANNABIS to my patients, not "medical cannabis".Rights? Maybe because a casual users life was never at risk? Your statement is so far out of the realm of reality that I don't think I can classify it as coherent.
Once again, a casual user should have the right to cannabis. You are right there. Where you are wrong, and very wrong at that is where you think that the casual user has a right to "medical cannabis".
I have some patients that like some of my wierd non stable crosses that I try now and then (Blue Venom x Arjan Haze #1), have one lady who says it relieves the tension behind her eyes.Nope, it's Cannabis bred and grown for use of specific ailments.
yes, preciselySo please explain the difference between the two for me? because I provide high quality CANNABIS to my patients, not "medical cannabis".
That term "medical cannabis" is so irrelevant to me, I have worked with and used cannabis for over 25+ years! It's just 1 out of many herbs I and my patients use. It's the mindset you have to seperate it as such is what causes this medical/casual complex some people have.
I have lived with terminally ill patients who used cannabis as well as other herbs and medications and I still fail to see where these users have ANY MORE RIGHT to cannabis then the casual user
Please stop the play on words with "medical cannabis", cannabis has been grown and used long before the medical movement of this day; trying to swerve our ellected officals with coloquial terms is part of the reason there is a stigma attached to it's use.,
If you are like me, and cancer takes a big bite out of your ass, opiates are just worthless do nothing.haha, alright right... the whole world is cannabis deficient... opiates are evil motherfuckers
i don't think i would ever compare opiates to cannabis. just not the same class of substance.If you are like me, and cancer takes a big bite out of your ass, opiates are just worthless do nothing.
Are they evilThis is the same thing they say about MJ. No matter what the med, or issue, the drug that cures me could kill you.
Don't know about deficient but it would sure be nice to find some neutral space between those enjoy it and those who do not. Its like any thing else in life there is always some dick head who wants to direct your life because they believe they have the only way to live.
i recommend a good mellow indica strain. hybrids like northern lights i have found to be particularily effective for pain relief and mood lifting, and especially hungerI use it to ease cancer pain.
I also used it to help get me off oxy that I had been on for 7 years. I was taking 160mg a day or more from the docs. Plus I would get lidocaine drips done and other crap. It helps, but it's not a cure all. I still am never hungry, still have no energy and etc .... As I toy around with it more I find different stains help with different things. I am rather new to it all, and only started using a year ago. I don't have any one around I know, or friends to learn from. I'm sorta all on my own trying to figure out what, what is.