The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
neuts around 5 days ago full strenght and small bit of rain water yesterday morning, i was trying to feed them every 3rd or 4th day but every morning the pot feels im jus watering a little every second day so it doesent dry up

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
your not too bad then, and wouldn`t mind a patch here and there, i think most growers come across an odd mark or deficency here and there thats nothing to worry about...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
think kang was on about it ages ago when american weed was starting.. also for those with channel 5 watch now, strangest pets.... guy has a 10ft snake another with a full storey aquarium...

now a growing question... my screen will be 6ft across, only 2.2 ft deep, so am i best to invest in one 600whps or say three or 4 150w hps to spread out the light, light mover wouldn`t work, looked into it...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
yeah i`m thinking the same pad, and as i`ll be scrogging for the next three or four grows i sorta have to dial it in now, i can always get a 600w in the future, and the light movers good and all as they are just won`t fit and work in that space so a couple of smaller ones is my only option, whats the heat like off the 250w`s??

three of them will fit perfect in there and should still give me a decent yeild, trouble there is more ballasts etc to worry about going wallop mid grow or something..


Well-Known Member
Up to my eye balls reformatting a mates pc here and just installed tor on it to take a look around while everything installs,

ive put my dieing seedling into a hempy bucket and gave her a good drink with the tesco water so i will know prity soon if ive got things sorted and i really i have lol, most check out super weed on nat geo i think its new, wont be about later too much shit to do with computers so later guys, ill update tomorrow


Active Member
If you could control heat you could go with 2 400w bulbs. Would only 2 bulbs put out less heat than 3 smaller ones as well mabe