Texas Growers Unite!


Well-Known Member
OK John we be cool.And 1 more time dont send me pms saying im a girl.SOMEBEECH is from a song,Miranda Lamberts husban cant get name in head of who is rt now but she grew up down the road from me.RIU you ppl need to google FDD2blk to see how safe this site is,might be surpised.
I did -- this is what I found. Is there something else I'm not seeing saying this was due to RIU??

  • Yes, fdd got popped by the feds. His wife said she looked out the window and the FBI was in their back yard. It has nothing to do with Rollitup, the story goes like this. He sold to someone who narked on him, probably to save themselves. So the feds targeted him, and asked fdd for some bud. fdd met with them, but didn't bring any bud. So they arranged another meeting to make the purchase, but instead the feds went to his house. They found his stash and arrested him. He is in jail in Oakland, and the feds want to move him to Illinois. His wife says he is not doing well, his blood pressure is way high. She is distraught, and feeling helpless. She says they cannot afford an attorney, so he doesn't even have one yet.​



Well-Known Member
if 6ft3 girl man you need help,i am a guy you said you drunk but Damn dude i can read when i used to drink!!!!!Sober up.FDD is in big trouble not gonna say not my place.

This is very old news, I dont even know why its being brought up.RIU wasn't the cause of the bust but no matter where you go on or below the web you have big brother watching.If you constantly post incriminating shit they'll get around to fucking your world up eventually.fdd is around from time to time but if you have been in here any length of time google knows.Google your screen name.


Well-Known Member
Damn I was sloppy drunk last night, I am still drunk.. I had to call into work this morning.. Cotton mouth from being dehydrated, liquid shits, and sharp pain in middle of my brain.. Beer did this to me, and pot is still illegal.. WTF?


Well-Known Member
Well guys Maybe so some of ya'll have been waiting on me to post my new pics or maybe some of ya'll don't care... Regardless here they are.. Took me long enough... Right? lol

Sorry they are smaller then my usual pics.. Some fucking reason I cant figure out how to load my pics onto RIU.. Maybe its safer if I don't...



Well-Known Member
Lol, no mylar... Mylar is for pussies... JK.. Notice im burning 2 1000's over one 4x4.. Thats Danksta! Next run I am doing 4 1k's over each 4x4.. Over kill I know..
The strains were PowerKush, masterkush and white widow.. Most of the good looking buds were Powerkush.. And those long stringy buds were White widow from green house seeds.. "Thank you Green House seeds for selling trash genetics to the masses" "fucking faggots" "fuck GHSeeds"

I had to drop the tables to the floor, and run the res under my house because they got to tall.. Fucking pain in the ass...

The first table is 2 or 3 weeks in "yes that is male" I am a breeder the other table will be un-harmed by the pollen.. The cut date and the time pollen opens out are spaced perfectly.. The second table is 6 weeks after the flip...


Well-Known Member
What do you really expect all these seeds are more "paper n plastic" then quality grown. thats how the last 8+ years have gone down.

But the prices just keep going up


Well-Known Member
Well I am clean as of now this was over last winter.. When I fire things up again I will not post pics until I have moved..

Its not really all that baller. It is a make shift grow in my eyes..

Btw just a couple minutes ago as I was flipping through threads I saw a advertisement for where I lived I swear it said something along the lines of IP address.. However I am not scared because I have nothing growing..

Still a little scary..

I wonder can you be busted for pics and post and grow equipment that are linked together?

It seems possible but I don't know if it would hold up in court with out any buds?

My brother told me after you move make sure to not even to one leaf or seed anywhere because they can link you to a grow, I dont know how true that is...

BTW fucking missed work! spent all day on here doing fucking nothing.. Except I might have land myself a badass job in Houston I will know if I got it in a couple of days.. Wish me luck..

PS RIU said I have given out to much rep today but wait 24 hours before spreading anymore rep... Lol...

Some nice bud porn,ty for sharing.Me dont have the big balls to post pics of a baller setup like that.


Well-Known Member
Glen told me they could look thru ya phone if they wanted,didnt know that!I dont sell chit and just grow for meself,too much work and time on my little 4 plant grow,to give away my meds.


Well-Known Member
Yep they can also listen to you through your phone even if its off.. Google it! some terrorist policy BS.. Thats not what scares me the 30,000 drones about to be released is what scares the shit out of me.. Good time to invest in hood covers and mylar the fuck out your ceilings and spray foam your attic... Shit is about to get ugly here real soon in America.

Glen told me they could look thru ya phone if they wanted,didnt know that!I dont sell chit and just grow for meself,too much work and time on my little 4 plant grow,to give away my meds.


Well-Known Member
The tables were offset by 4 weeks the first table was for smoke the second table was for seeds..

The first table had not one seed the second table I got thousands of seeds :weed:.. The bud was worthless I sold it for reggie prices to who ever wanted it, but must of it was used to make ISO oil.. BTW I used about 2 gallons of 99.9% alcohol that is a ton of oil.. Where I live I can sell ISO oil $35 for a gram and 100 for a eight.. Same with Kief..

Just finally got my Syrian Rue seeds... Looks like I will be tripping balls this weekend:shock:

Yea he tht it was a new Pheno lol....