Dam straight lady j, that's the way to grow! the plan as it stands (again lol) is build my wardrobe with three chambers. I want a mother chamber, clone/veg chamber, and of course flowerI forgot to tell you...I looked at that link you dropped on me...it was awesome. I think I'm going to do a sog with clones from the tent in the sterilite bin!
I'm thinking about a cardboard box to keep a mother in...lol. Will also grow out Strawberry Cough (mostly sativa) to be a mother, and run one of the girls I have vegged out already in the mean time. Have tons of water bottles around the house...and they're 16 ounces, perfect! Taking clones today...Dam straight lady j, that's the way to grow! the plan as it stands (again lol) is build my wardrobe with three chambers. I want a mother chamber, clone/veg chamber, and of course flowerThere's so many other things rolling around my head tho. I need to zero in on a plan and stick with that shit! right now i'm building a tiny cloner out of basically a tackle box. Should have room for about 30 clones in there. Will only need a few at a time for now tho. I'm still learning, so I dont want to get overwhelmed haha, besides, the two girls I have I'll probably only be able to take a few clones each, which is fine, im just stalling til i get my bigger box.
Haven't been in the box this morning yet, but I did stick my Green Ninja in the solo cup, she's waiting on top the box for lights on, then i'll place her in the shade of the bigger pot so she's not getting full light yet. Also placed a dome over the new girl. Excited to see if the new bean can catch up to her bigger sister.
Before haha. After I finish this grow, the sog will have to wait until the moveBadass lady j, now is this before or after you gave up the lifestyle haha.
I read up on the state laws...and it fucked me up!!! It's ridiculous...barely have any weed on you and you go to jail. Grow anything and you're a felon. If I get caught, it would completely destroy my way of life and that of the people around me. Then I saw how many people had viewed my thread...you know 5-0 checks out these forums, it's very likely they've seen my thread since it's always on the first page on the indoor section. Do they care? Maybe, maybe not. But I think I have too much to lose to be so freely sharing you know? Only 1 more year and I'm in a MMJ state...would be a shame to go to prison before then. I haven't heard of many people getting caught from the forums, but I really have too much to lose!Kinda what I figured. Somethin spook you or just paranoia? I feelz you in that sense. Shits a scary trade. I live in an apartment where the cops are always here. Hopefully that just means they keep busy with the otha niggas around here haha. Tweaks me out everytime I see the 5.0 outside tho lol
If you get caught...they will most likely take your computer as well. Who's to say they won't find where you've been posting? They don't have to have an international warrant to use what you've posted online as evidence against you. I guess you could counteract it by being very careful and making sure to delete everything...but I rather just not have worry about it. I'm not saying you should go the same route by the way! Just feel that it's right for me for the moment.Good point. The way I see it/understand it, these forums' servers are somewhere in Europe. No way the popo here in the states could get your IP from them w/o massive warrants, even then some countires dont play nice with u.s. watrants especially from shitty municipal cops. Itd have to be one of them big bro letter types, and if theyre watching you, your already fucked. IMO lol.
But I digress, your right, better safe.... Than sorry.
On a side note, got a new cab! Bout 3x6x2 feet. Plenty big enuf for metime to get to work! Prolly take a few Weeks to months tho haha.
Stay safe lady j, and dont leave me hangin here, you were part of my inspiration and were still long lost twins!!!
I didn't 'tweak' myself (lol what does that mean?)... I just finally looked up the state law and discovered you go to jail for growing a quarter ounce the same as if you grew 9.9 lbs. So it doesn't really matter if it's just a little grow, you get caught and you're getting locked up. Also discovered that cultivation at all is a felony. No chance for a misdemeanor. If someone ever complained about glowing lights, smell, or just being suspicious in general...police will pay me a visit, and a lot of times, they show up with dogs. They might just do a knock and talk (if I'm lucky), but if they smell something (and I happened to be smoking, or lets say they smell my neighbors smoke and mistake it for my crib since they all smoke!), the police have the right to enter. Once they discover I have plants, my computer and camera are up for grabs. They don't have to be watching me to take it from me and look for evidence on there. If you get hit with distributing (you don't even have to be selling, fuck around and have a scale or baggies and it's O.V.), most states / counties can take your household goods as 'forfeiture' unless you can prove they weren't bought with drug money...which can be extraordinarily difficult. This is how they make big bucks off dealers. Then, you have to think of the cost of posting bail, fine you will owe the court, and a lawyer. Then anyone in the house will suffer...any adults in the house will probably get charged with at the least conspiracy, or full blown cultivation themselves. If there are any children in the house, not only do you get more time and more charges, but they will end up probably going under state foster care.Good. Ps. In other to use your PC against you, it guess back to them having to be already watching yo ass! The only way I see them having a reason to watch you is: heavy traffic due to slangin, light leaks, smell, or noise. even if they bust down your door, they usually look for rooms of bud, not micro boxes lol. They might open my new cab, but im fairly certain i'm sage. What's your biggest concern if you don't mind me asking? There's obviously something you did to maybe tweak yourself? Maybe you think u left aloose end or somethin? Jw homegurl. Too personal I understand.
lmao never heard of that! I always thought of tweak as to perfect something, or something a crackhead does when they're off that work!! lol. Sorry to make you paranoid! But it's really unfair what they do, and it's better to protect yourself or at least understand what you're up against. I thought I would sound more like a lawyer than 5-0Tweak means being paranoid lol. Which your doin to me! shit sounds scary when you put it that way lol. Soundin like a 5-0 yourself haha.
Doesn't it ease your mind to know if you're caught that it will probably be a misdemeanor now? I think it's so fucked up that you can have a seedling here and go to jail anyway...anything under 10lbs is a felony with jail time w/ fine...more than 10lbs is much worse jail time and fine.Looked up my local laws. 5 plants is now my max. Fuck lol. Kinda puts a damper on my sog lol. 5 or less is misdemeanor here. Guess ill scrog 4 with a mama plant. What u think lady j, seems the most profitable in terms of yield. Thinking about it, thats more manageable than a sog right now. Have to rethink my cab design now haha.
NiceYea, I feel a git better knowing if im busted, it's not worse than anything else ive been busted for. Been thinking and scrog still requires veg time, tryin to stay away from that. I dont have the light penetration for full life cycle buds. Gonna try and setup a four plant 12/12 perp grow. Switching out every 4 Weeks. That gives each plant 12 Weeks to flower. I may have awffew more plants than I should with the clones, but clones are easily destroyed/easy to hide. Could have a small box specially made for them. Plausible.
with this new setup, id harvest every 4 Weeks, with, hopefully, a decent yield. Still sticking with cfl. Gotta order my 200w cfl still. if I do one thing, ive got to figure out a solid plan and stick to it with this new cab haha. One things for sure, always 12/12. Minus my mama.
Well, I plan on growing whatever. Not picky which strain is dominant. The ones i have are primarily indica, whenever i order them i just search for short plants haha. But my newest idea is to incorporate an ebb and flow system with my coco! in the cab of course. Just gotta measure it all out. I like diy projects, it keeps my hands busy and my mind off the strains of life haha. I really dont care if everything fails. Its my hobby, and eventually ill find what works, and what i like most. I enjoy growing because of growing, i just enjoy growing bud more because its prettier than everything else. IMO haha. plus you can shmoke it!Nice. Are you going to be growing Sativas only?
And are you planning on putting the 200w in the sterilite bins and is it the lotus bulb?
LOL I know what you mean about sticking with the plan...as you know.