They never said that gays arent welcome, and they never said they are against them. Like almost everybody else right now, you are taking words and twisting them to benefit your argument.I think gay people are the same as everyone else and should be able to do what ever any one else can.
But I wont be loosing sleep because a sandwich company is against them.
Oh dam ,well chick-fil-a says we arent welcome might as well figure out how to be straight.
"Succeeding" would mean becoming legally accepted, something that gays still have not accomplished. Before the marriage issue even, 18 states still have sodomy laws on the books. So what would be polygamists' chances of doing more than delighting rating-whore talk show hosts? Don't give in to the fear. cnFailing? In the past few years there have only been MORE polygamous families emerging. I would think they are succeeding. You should watch this. They are saying the exact same words that gays use. That ppl that dont accept polygamy are ignorant bigots and that polygamists deserve equal rights.
Money is speech, no? Two million a year says they do speak against them. cnThey never said that gays arent welcome, and they never said they are against them. Like almost everybody else right now, you are taking words and twisting them to benefit your argument.
april, for the love of all that is good and sacred, shut this fucker down.Misery is an equal right.
This thread makes my head hurt....
whatever you say mr. huckabee because this is about the first amendment and nothing elseThey never said that gays arent welcome, and they never said they are against them. Like almost everybody else right now, you are taking words and twisting them to benefit your argument.
They are doing the same thing as gays. Trying to become legally accepted.. although at a slower pace, I dont doubt they will achieve their goal one day, especially if gays succeed, because if not, that would be unfair."Succeeding" would mean becoming legally accepted, something that gays still have not accomplished. Before the marriage issue even, 18 states still have sodomy laws on the books. So what would be polygamists' chances of doing more than delighting rating-whore talk show hosts? Don't give in to the fear. cn
Oh wow, now polygamy is right? Pfffff... thats pathetic. You guys are all proving me right. Whats next? "Who are you to say that guy cant marry and fuck his pet rabbit" or "who are you to tell that guy he cant marry his little sister"? Dont you see what this leads to?
I think you're trying to lay a logic trap, but polar bears is wily. cnThey are doing the same thing as gays. Trying to become legally accepted.. although at a slower pace, I dont doubt they will achieve their goal one day, especially if gays succeed, because if not, that would be unfair.
Ted Bundy already made a comeback here on this forum. He isnt that popular among the masses tho. His rep and post count have only diminished over the past few months.It's only a short step from allowing gay marriage to allowing serial murder. I predict within 3 years of allowing the gays to marry the usa will be flooded with the likes of ted bundy and jeffrey dahmer.
He also ate people before it was LEGAL.
No logic trap, I dont think that far ahead for an internet debate.I think you're trying to lay a logic trap, but polar bears is wily. cn
Like a drag race? cnKaendar can we at least agree that homosexuality is a race? Just trying to find some middle ground here.
I luv my gay brother.april, for the love of all that is good and sacred, shut this fucker down.
otherwise we will have to listen to kaendar's self righteous ass talk about how gays are secret dog fuckers who want to marry their daughters all night, and how his desires to fuck his suegra are holier than thou.
i am off to go trim now. everyone, please give kaendar a hearty "fuck off" for me.
Im far from perfect or even good, but I dont want my child growing up in a world where his friends have 4 stepmoms, 27 stepsiblings, one of them being a horse. I dont want him having classmates that have mommies that are also aunties.
and i dont want my kids hanging out with a bunch of morons with notched eyebrows.. but it just happens man, but dude youre taking shit way out of context.. how does gay marriage lead to incest lol thats a whole new thread dude... nothin like this shit. thats like this.. "Man i was driving to work today and i leprechauns are going to be the next terrorists" yepIm far from perfect or even good, but I dont want my child growing up in a world where his friends have 4 stepmoms, 27 stepsiblings, one of them being a horse. I dont want him having classmates that have mommies that are also aunties.