Gay marriage?

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Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
Am I calling gays Faggots or anything derogatory or offensive? NO, because im not a hateful person and feel that all human beings (except white supremacists and child molesters) should be treated with respect no matter how they choose to live life.
What about black supremacists..? they get a free ride in your book..?


Well-Known Member
It highlights the hatred that he is trying to hide.
I'm thinking hatred for himself! I heard a lot of stories about church kids getting "Played With". I'm thinking he is either gay and hates himself for it because that is what jesus says to do, or he was diddled by a priest and now hates gay old men and him self because he is dirty now. Just my guess! I was friends with a gay guy before, He hooked me up with more pussy than I could have ever pulled on my own, How is that hurting anyone? He wasn't trying to get on me.


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking hatred for himself! I heard a lot of stories about church kids getting "Played With". I'm thinking he is either gay and hates himself for it because that is what jesus says to do, or he was diddled by a priest and now hates gay old men and him self because he is dirty now. Just my guess! I was friends with a gay guy before, He hooked me up with more pussy than I could have ever pulled on my own, How is that hurting anyone? He wasn't trying to get on me.
There is no hatred involved, I dont hate anybody. I was taught to "love thy neighbor".


Well-Known Member
can you make another one??? The top goes some thing like "I smoke for insomnia and can quit any time I want" The bottom something like. I need the stuff other wise I would be addicted to opiates and other pharma drugs... and something about being a cop reject?


Well-Known Member
can you make another one??? The top goes some thing like "I smoke for insomnia and can quit any time I want" The bottom something like. I need the stuff other wise I would be addicted to opiates and other pharma drugs...

they get upset when i do too many of these things.


Well-Known Member
can you make another one??? The top goes some thing like "I smoke for insomnia and can quit any time I want" The bottom something like. I need the stuff other wise I would be addicted to opiates and other pharma drugs... and something about being a cop reject?
I dont think NORML would be very happy with that one


Well-Known Member
Whether you like it or not that term was readily used in the days blacks had to ride in the back of the bus. The negative connotation associate with the word is exactly what I wanted to convey to demonstrate the similarities in the old popular opinion of racial prejudice and Kaendars appeal to current popular opinion about gays. It highlights the hatred that he is trying to hide. Anyone that gets offended by 6 letters, especially given my explanation of why it was used, can go fuck themselves.
haha....keep telling yourself that dude.


Well-Known Member
I like the way you think man. Im not even asking for free meds, just affordable meds. I dont mind organically grown outdoor buds that cost almost nothing to produce, just dont try and ask $150 for the ounce. Thats almost pure profit. I have a family and bills and shit, but also medical conditions that wud otherwise have me hooked on opiates and other habit forming drugs.
??? which one is it? it the Police Officers forum that you got laughed out of you say it is only for insomnia!
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