Gay marriage?

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gay sex = horse fuckery and pedophilia
Obviously im not comparing gays to pedophilia, all im saying is that if marriage is a right for one group, then based on this argument of equality, then it has to be a right for everybody else. Otherwise, were going to see marches and pride parades from mormon guys with 6 wives and 39 children.
A lie, says who? Find me one omniscient human being that can confirm that gays were born in that condition, and ill submit to that truth. Until then, its your opinion.

If your truth requires an omniscient human being, you have irretrievably begged the question. cn
Fine then, marriage is a right. So while were altering the definition that has been the same since forever, lets go ahead and give polygamists that right too, and how about creeps that wanna marry their horses. You know what, lets make it ok for guys to buy 14 year old girls from southeast asia and marry them too.

Are you telling me that you don't see a clear distinction between:

A consenting man and another consenting man loving each other and wanting to spend their lives together


A consenting man marrying a horse that is incapable of consenting or expression it's opinion


A consenting man marrying a child that is incapable of consenting to such a decision.

Do you seriously not see the difference? I don't think I can participate in a discussion with you any longer. Also fuck you for being a bigot and not even having the balls to admit it.
Just like theres a reason niggers have to sit at the back of the bus, right? Popular opinion doesn't equate to being right. Your thought process is not rational, you are blinded by hatred. You claim to be rational, but you want to deny gay people rights that are offered to heterosexual people and provide absolutely no good reason. You cannot justify your reasons and you sound ridiculous. It's a shame that a bigot like you has more rights than a gay couple that loves each other.
and you are calling him a bigot?? humph.....that's hilarious....the perfect hypocrite
Obviously im not comparing gays to pedophilia, all im saying is that if marriage is a right for one group, then based on this argument of equality, then it has to be a right for everybody else.

obviously you were. the slope is slippery with butt lube amirght?
Why is this so damm important all of a sudden, what people do in their own bedrooms is their business and no ones else. With that said I want to go to Chick, get some chicken and take photos of the chicks kissing and put them on facebook.

Just saying kind of hot, dont you think?
Obviously im not comparing gays to pedophilia, all im saying is that if marriage is a right for one group, then based on this argument of equality, then it has to be a right for everybody else. Otherwise, were going to see marches and pride parades from mormon guys with 6 wives and 39 children.

Because I dont like the fact that ppl can spew bullshit openly. If gays would admit they werent born that way, then I would stop giving a damn about whatever happens to them.
You obviously feel quite comfortable spewing bullshit.

Alcoholism runs in families, but to you there is no genetic predisposition to alcoholism. To you, alcoholism is not a disease. The reams of scientific data be damned.

Homosexuality is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Not to you, you insist it's a choice.

That's what I call bullshit.
and you are calling him a bigot?? humph.....that's hilarious....the perfect hypocrite

It was used for effect and not as a representation of my personal view. I thought about adding a disclaimer stating that, but thought you guys would pick up on that. I don't care what skin color or sexual orientation anyone has.
Are you telling me that you don't see a clear distinction between:

A consenting man and another consenting man loving each other and wanting to spend their lives together


A consenting man marrying a horse that is incapable of consenting or expression it's opinion


A consenting man marrying a child that is incapable of consenting to such a decision.

Do you seriously not see the difference? I don't think I can participate in a discussion with you any longer. Also fuck you for being a bigot and not even having the balls to admit it.
I wasnt comparing gay marriage with those forms of marriage, I was making a point of equal rights.
It was used for effect and not as a representation of my personal view. I thought about adding a disclaimer stating that, but thought you guys would pick up on that. I don't care what skin color or sexual orientation anyone has.
You obviously hate us niggers.
Rational thought? The most irrational way of thinking is to justify homosexuality by claiming gays were born that way! We need to learn as humans to take responsibility for the choices we make, and not try to blame it on genetics and shit when the world doesnt accept it. Theres a reason the world doesnt accept it.

more like bigots like you don't accept it. you don't speak for the rest of us.

please answer my questionnaire.

You obviously feel quite comfortable spewing bullshit.

Alcoholism runs in families, but to you there is no genetic predisposition to alcoholism. To you, alcoholism is not a disease. The reams of scientific data be damned.

Homosexuality is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Not to you, you insist it's a choice.

That's what I call bullshit.
Yes there is a genetic predisposition to alcoholism, but does that force their hand to grab a beer, and force their throat to swallow it? No! No matter what predisposition you have, its your choice to control that and act on it.
I wasnt comparing gay marriage with those forms of marriage, I was making a point of equal rights.

You are comparing apples to oranges though. There is a fundamental difference between gay marriage, and bestiality and pedophile marriages and it's disingenuous to compare them. A more representative comparison would be that heterosexual couples can get married, so why not homosexual couples?
You are comparing apples to oranges though. There is a fundamental difference between gay marriage, and bestiality and pedophile marriages and it's disingenuous to compare them. A more representative comparison would be that heterosexual couples can get married, so why not homosexual couples?

But that would undercut K's thesis that gays are agin the right nature of things. cn
Fine then, marriage is a right. So while were altering the definition that has been the same since forever, lets go ahead and give polygamists that right too, and how about creeps that wanna marry their horses. You know what, lets make it ok for guys to buy 14 year old girls from southeast asia and marry them too.

i know you like to try to convince yourself that the horse you fucked and the kid you molested could consent, but rest assured, they can't.
That is odd, I've never read the bible at all so I always go off of what people and the media says, contradicting at the least.

Spoken like a true idiot.

At least read the one thing you criticize and admit you know nothing about, then you can bash all you want. See, when I judge something in my mind, I at least know what the fuck it is I am judging instead of spouting off at the mouth.

There is no passage in the Bible that Christians adhere to that equates "homosexuality" with going to hell. Do your research and you'll find that it's people, NOT THE BIBLE, that says such bullshit. In fact, as a Christian man myself, I have no judgement on who marries who. I could care less if two men get married, it has no effect on me.

These Westboro-types are highlighted in the media to make all Christians seem this way, just as they highlight all the bombings Muslims do.
Then , idiots like you take that info and run with it. You admit your ignorance by basing your opinions on what the media says and never take the time to do your fact-finding, therefore you contribute to the snowball of ignorance collecting other people's ignorance by running off at the mouth about things you know nothing about.
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