I watched a woman get beat the other night


Well-Known Member
Sick shit, consider yourself a pussy for the rest of your life. You should have to tell this story to every woman you meet for the rest of your life so you never have the chance to have sex or a baby. Your DNA needs to be wiped of the face of the earth forever.
Um I believe she's a female


Ursus marijanus
BTW I'm not disgusted by violence.....I just think that exposing a child to domestic violence is wrong. violence is necessary in certain situations......if somebody attacks you what are you gonna tell them?? Can you please stop stabbing me in the ribs?? No you are gonna try to get the knife from the mother fucker stabbing you so you don't die
Well the two choices are
1) engage
2) have someone else engage
I would think that in this instance, calling the cops is not a punk ass bitch move, myself. What would you recommend for someone with zero fighting skill? cn


Ursus marijanus
I read a lot of 'she shudda's but not anything about what should be done now. Maybe I missed it-- if so, my bad.

I still think most posters are more interested in impressing each other with how tough they are than addressing the real problem here.
My advice was "think on it and have a plan for the next time". I'm curious as to why you disqualified that. cn


Well-Known Member
Well the two choices are
1) engage
2) have someone else engage
I would think that in this instance, calling the cops is not a punk ass bitch move, myself. What would you recommend for someone with zero fighting skill? cn
I would recommend snaking him while he is in the act.....By snaking I mean sneaking up on him with a weapon and hitting him very hard.

EDIT: also you said calling the cops isn't a punk ass bitch move?? Once again......what would happen in the time frame the cops take to get there? You just gonna watch this tragic event?? that sounds a little punkish to me

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
If you can point out to me some study of the positive affects of vigilantism in society, I'm up for the read.

So far, I think I'm the only one other than Stillbuzzin to ask about what may still be done for the victim in this-- no head in the sand here.
so nothing is worth doing unless it has been proven with some statistic to be good . . . .your a real piece of work, double blind general pussy and coward, this country used to have good samartiain laws . . . . .

thats the thing dipshit, you doitn need to ask, plenty to do, fill a report cops have to follow up . . . secondly id go down to this douches house and tell him next time i hear or precieve that shit is going on, ill be knowking with company and at that point it will be your choice hwo you act

i got a sister and a mother, they both know to take care of themselves or i will, and they dont wnat to see me in jail, meaning dont let that shit happen more than once ever!

and ya , those unwilling to act should just do what they normally do and think about it . . .and still not do the right thing


Well-Known Member
My advice was "think on it and have a plan for the next time". I'm curious as to why you disqualified that. cn
Oh, that's fine advice, but was disqualified due to it not helping the original victim (unless she is part of the 'next time' I suppose).

I was thinking along the lines of getting the woman out of that household. Urca said that the perp is a friend of one of her friends in the car, so she could initiate contact. I think the best thing to do now is try to get that woman some help. She may refuse it, but getting her a hotline number or two wouldn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
so nothing is worth doing unless it has been proven with some statistic to be good . . . .your a real piece of work, double blind general pussy and coward, this country used to have good samartiain laws . . . . .
Barely intelligible. But I think you mean to hurt my feelings. Well..



Ursus marijanus
Oh, that's fine advice, but was disqualified due to it not helping the original victim (unless she is part of the 'next time' I suppose).

I was thinking along the lines of getting the woman out of that household. Urca said that the perp is a friend of one of her friends in the car, so she could initiate contact. I think the best thing to do now is try to get that woman some help. She may refuse it, but getting her a hotline number or two wouldn't hurt.
I can't see how the victim wouldn't be a part of "the next time". The guy is clearly accustomed to beating her in public.

The hotline idea is sound, but the numbers would have to be delivered to the woman in question discreetly. Having the boyfriend or his potential informants be aware of it might be bad. cn


New Member
I read a lot of 'she shudda's but not anything about what should be done now. Maybe I missed it-- if so, my bad.

I still think most posters are more interested in impressing each other with how tough they are than addressing the real problem here.
well u are correct there was alot of that going on
but i tend to stay out of that thinking and offer more logical solutions

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
Barely intelligible. But I think you mean to hurt my feelings. Well..
your the coward, unwilling to get bruised for someones elses benefit in that moment in time, your a coward who thinks his way to elitism, in the real world there is right and wrong and grey area is context or causality,

violence is wrong

doing good deeds is good

grey area is in this incident is your neighbor with a child in hand pretty much being beaten over and over, pretty sure my loss of possible health and or freedom is worth that women and childs life possibly being better or at least for a small time . . . . .self sacrifice with no return thats me , what does that make you

risk /reward micro management loser, unwilling to do whats should be done, so you can hide behind a even bigger corruption the cops, who can effect lives just as bad as a abusive partner


Well-Known Member
I gotta head out to the beach-- so no offense intended if I don't post back for a bit. I don't think I'll be missed horribly anyway.;-)

Samwell- Hope to take this all up with you later. Have a great weekend!

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I gotta head out to the beach-- so no offense intended if I don't post back for a bit. I don't think I'll be missed horribly anyway.;-)

Samwell- Hope to take this all up with you later. Have a great weekend!
dont stop any subjection or victimization's while your out at your 3feet of rock shore, wouldnt want your nice precious day to be ruined with other people emotions


New Member
I gotta head out to the beach-- so no offense intended if I don't post back for a bit. I don't think I'll be missed horribly anyway.;-)

Samwell- Hope to take this all up with you later. Have a great weekend!
ok but if u see the beach bully kicking sand in someones face
whoop that ass

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
violence is wrong

doing good deeds is good
So violence is wrong unless it's toward someone that has resorted to violence? What if she made him a batch of brownies, then when he was done eating the brownies she showed him a video of her blowing some black dude and spitting the spooge into the brownie mix? Wouldn't that be a justifiable reason to choke a bitch?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
So violence is wrong unless it's toward someone that has resorted to violence? What if she made him a batch of brownies, then when he was done eating the brownies she showed him a video of her blowing some black dude and spitting the spooge into the brownie mix? Wouldn't that be a justifiable reason to choke a bitch?
how is that justified . . . in any way

you people are petty, hurt feelings are not a reason to hurt somone

defending someones safety is a fine reason , as long as you can control yourself as well

its about proper control and proper restraint and you know, being responsible , i got a mother and sister, and ya ill spend 20 days in jail to defend there safety and the safety of others if it is required . . im no Zimmerman but i would have done somthing, and more often then not once these people get called out they stop, then its call the po po time and get that fuck to ajil, if i had to go down there id bring friends and be smart, citizens arrest style and not attack him unless attacked myself, smart not fool hearty

so many cowards afraid of getting bruised, i ws the kid in school that helped the outcast at parties i was the guy that picked bullies of off kids in the hallway, and ya i dont regret it

is this hard for you to understand?


New Member
So violence is wrong unless it's toward someone that has resorted to violence? What if she made him a batch of brownies, then when he was done eating the brownies she showed him a video of her blowing some black dude and spitting the spooge into the brownie mix? Wouldn't that be a justifiable reason to choke a bitch?
no it would be a good reason not to eat brownies