And what country are you from? All had slaves at some point. And no they whernt all black. And as for slaves now! NOT this guy. If you don't fight for your rights you are a sheep. At least my government let's me and all legal residents arm and defend ourselves at the same time openly question and disagree with the powers in charge of this country. You sound like a young kid that believes what you have been told. Not true history bad or not.
dont fucking tell me about true history.
you imported 12 million fucking black slaves in to the americas and you are denying it.
the exact same way you are defending how your government lets you defend yourselves with a gun and probably against the exact same people that you enslaved, without a gun, and then lets you grow 98 plants because you lie like a bastard to a doctor that it has medicinal purposes which is fucking shit.
it knocks you in to a fucking trance and it gives you cancer.
there is a prescribed drug for nearly every single ailment on the planet except a few that fucking weed wont help.
but a healthy individual cannot have the same argument.