What should I do. Personal question


Active Member
Well just sitting here Been thinking about how I get nervous or something when I go out about going to a certain place or if I get asked to go somewhere and I never go because I get weird feeling also I don't like to talk to people but I will talk to anybody if it's just me or that person.but if there's people around friends or not I wont say nothing really and if I do it feels like forced conversation. I don't like being in big crowds and around a lot of people I sometimes get nervous and shake a lil and just really do nothing but sit here. I smoke weed and it does calm and help but shit it can only help so much but it's the best thing yet.


Rebel From The North
Well just sitting here Been thinking about how I get nervous or something when I go out about going to a certain place or if I get asked to go somewhere and I never go because I get weird feeling also I don't like to talk to people but I will talk to anybody if it's just me or that person.but if there's people around friends or not I wont say nothing really and if I do it feels like forced conversation. I don't like being in big crowds and around a lot of people I sometimes get nervous and shake a lil and just really do nothing but sit here. I smoke weed and it does calm and help but shit it can only help so much but it's the best thing yet.

Sounds like some kind of post tramatic syndrome! Something must of takin place in your past!


Well-Known Member
Figuring things out for yourself is the only freedom anyone really has, use that freedom, make up your own mind. - Rasczak

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Sounds like you have social anxiety.

Everyone gets nervous about speaking and meeting new people. Some people have more skills at dealing with that nervousness. I think social anxiety is often a case of poor self esteem.

I admit it, I have poor self esteem but I try my best to correct it. It doesn't matter what we look like, as long as you take care of yourself and keep yourself healthy, you'll feel confident.

People truely respect someone who takes care of themselves and keeps themselves healthy. I'm not talking about huge muscle beef-cake but someone who puts enough effort in to reach daily exercise and food category goals. You can tell how healthy someone is by their face. Being healthy also changes your demeanor.


Well-Known Member
Well just sitting here Been thinking about how I get nervous or something when I go out about going to a certain place or if I get asked to go somewhere and I never go because I get weird feeling also I don't like to talk to people but I will talk to anybody if it's just me or that person.but if there's people around friends or not I wont say nothing really and if I do it feels like forced conversation. I don't like being in big crowds and around a lot of people I sometimes get nervous and shake a lil and just really do nothing but sit here. I smoke weed and it does calm and help but shit it can only help so much but it's the best thing yet.

Same way myself.. go and google introvert myths..

I dont prefer crowds.. stay away from them but when asked to go out with the family I do.. but... I medicate.

I guess the older I get the less I worry about anyone else but family..


Well-Known Member
you should hang out with people more often,to much introversion or isolation is a bad thing.Im not saying go and hangout with a shit ton of people everyday,just hang out and socialize more often to break the isolation habit and the break in habitual anxiety will follow...my 2 cents


Misguided Angel
Sounds like you have anxiety issues, my old lady has the same thing. If she is going to a function where she doesn't know anyone she feels like she is going to puke, really any situation outside of her comfort zone makes her feel this way. It is actually more common than you'd think. Her doctor had her on these anti-anxiety pills that made her bat shit crazy, I asked her for a friends phone number one time and she started spelling toast? That is when I came out of retirement and started growing again because nothing has helped her more than MJ. It has helped that I have made her push her threshold on occasion too.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Well just sitting here Been thinking about how I get nervous or something when I go out about going to a certain place or if I get asked to go somewhere and I never go because I get weird feeling also I don't like to talk to people but I will talk to anybody if it's just me or that person.but if there's people around friends or not I wont say nothing really and if I do it feels like forced conversation. I don't like being in big crowds and around a lot of people I sometimes get nervous and shake a lil and just really do nothing but sit here. I smoke weed and it does calm and help but shit it can only help so much but it's the best thing yet.

I have been that same way almost all my life. Its most definitely a "social anxiety" disorder, and like you, weed helps me out immensely with it. Mine has progressed to a full on agoraphobia. Partially has to do with being made to feel worthless in early childhood and develops into a PTSD from there.


Rebel From The North
I have been that same way almost all my life. Its most definitely a "social anxiety" disorder, and like you, weed helps me out immensely with it. Mine has progressed to a full on agoraphobia. Partially has to do with being made to feel worthless in early childhood and develops into a PTSD from there.
So if left alone it gets worse, maybe geting help would be a better option?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
There IS always THAT. Weed is the way more pleasant option tho....especially at MY stage of the game.


Well-Known Member
If anything, this thread should show you your not alone. I think everybody feels these things to a certain degree. How bad you let the symptoms show is up to you. 99% of all people are fake as hell in a social situation. So best advice i could give, is learn to fake it. maybe over time, youll realize thats you can get out and socialize. you dont even have to do much talkn really, people like to talk about themselves, let em... I for one jus dont give a damn bout anything they have to say, so ill remain introverted...

hey Jack, havnt seen you around here lately, maybe jus my observation skills tho ... lol...


Well-Known Member
I'm like that rather sit at home alone most the time, fear of being driven any where and I really don't like to drive to far out of town.
It sucks..


Well-Known Member
Sounds like some kind of post tramatic syndrome! Something must of takin place in your past!
did you had a bad child hood ? or any prior psychological issues in family ?
were your parents abusive towards each other and/or you??
are you fucking serious?

all introverted people were abused as children... damn i didn't know that absolute fact...

im pretty sure my childhood was just fine. and i HATE crowds or groups of people over 4 where conversation is like a struggle just one person waiting for their chance to speak FUCK THAT. i know exactly what your talking about. you cant express yourself like you want too and it sucks.

i work in a call center where i have to talk to people ALL DAY LONG and i never have any problems and im as friendly as can be. but if i go to the breakroom and theres a ton of people standing around talking, i try to make at least one comment on the topic at hand, get what i need and get out as fast as possible.

some ppl might say we're "too quite" or "withdrawn". guess what? FUCK em.

speakin as a fellow introvert. bud only puts me deeper into my thoughts. if u wanna be the talkative fun cool guy in the group then do some x or meth or sumthin lol.


Staff member
you either have social anxiety or generalized anxiety, have fun i have General anxiety ruins my fucking life.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you have social anxiety.

Everyone gets nervous about speaking and meeting new people. Some people have more skills at dealing with that nervousness. I think social anxiety is often a case of poor self esteem.

I admit it, I have poor self esteem but I try my best to correct it. It doesn't matter what we look like, as long as you take care of yourself and keep yourself healthy, you'll feel confident.

People truely respect someone who takes care of themselves and keeps themselves healthy. I'm not talking about huge muscle beef-cake but someone who puts enough effort in to reach daily exercise and food category goals. You can tell how healthy someone is by their face. Being healthy also changes your demeanor.
So you're saying the dude is ugly! I get it now!


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Socializing problems. Me too. I stay at home in my own little world. Except everyday at 7am sharp I go to this semi-social thing called a job. Thats usually all the interacting I need/ can handle. The older I get the more introverted I've become. I find myself to be more interesting and cooler than everyone else I meet. So I just stay at home and do awesome things with myself. Like just today I got some pepperoni sticks and pretended I was Godzilla destroying Tokyo and the p sticks were the skyscrapers! It was a blast. I also managed to feed myself at the same time. 2 birds 1 stone.