Gay marriage?

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I personally don't believe in gay marriage tho... I believe that it should be solely the union of a man and a woman as husband and wife... But I'd never actually try to stop gay people from being married, It's not really any of my business...

I would rather it was called something else and they were given the same rights through it... but I don't make the laws...
sure you were man... sure you were

just kiddddin
So, what are you saying? Gay's don't deserve the same rights as everyone else? How is that any different than the civil rights movement, they were arguing blacks didn't deserve the same rights as white people.

Clearly you would spit on the constitution if you had the chance. The First amendment clearly states religion shall have no bearing on laws. Correct me if I'm wrong but the reason gay's can't marry is because it doesn't constitute a lawful marriage which by definition is between a man and a woman which again, correct me if I'm wrong usually originates from the bible and various religions.
The weakest argument for gay rights is comparing it to race issues. Until science can prove without a doubt that homosexuals were born gay, this argument holds no merit. Nobody can choose the color of their skin. And dont blame the definition of marriage on religion.
The weakest argument for gay rights is comparing it to race issues. Until science can prove without a doubt that homosexuals were born gay, this argument holds no merit. Nobody can choose the color of their skin. And dont blame the definition of marriage on religion.
youre always talkin bout race
The weakest argument for gay rights is comparing it to race issues. Until science can prove without a doubt that homosexuals were born gay, this argument holds no merit. Nobody can choose the color of their skin. And dont blame the definition of marriage on religion.

so, if someone chooses to be gay, a decision which harms no one, they should be denied equal rights?

i choose to eat my corn with salt sometimes, a decision which harms no one. should i be denied my equal rights because i choose to put salt on my corn at times?
so, if someone chooses to be gay, a decision which harms no one, they should be denied equal rights?

i choose to eat my corn with salt sometimes, a decision which harms no one. should i be denied my equal rights because i choose to put salt on my corn at times?

better be addin pepper to that corn, little butter, whats the deal with eating corn at 6 am im fuckin hungry... and kaender man youre a faggot... a dumb ass bundle of sticks, so what if they choose to be gay man.. you dont like them then dont talk to em or something.. i fuck you up man :-P
better be addin pepper to that corn, little butter, whats the deal with eating corn at 6 am im fuckin hungry... and kaender man youre a faggot... a dumb ass bundle of sticks, so what if they choose to be gay man.. you dont like them then dont talk to em or something.. i fuck you up man :-P
Lol, I have no problem with gay ppl. I have gay friends. I just have a problem with ppl trying to defend their actions with bullshit. No, their choice to be gay isnt hurting anybody, and I never said it did.
Government don't belong in people bedroom, they exist to make laws that apply equally to everybody without regard to their sexual orientation, race or sex. As for Religion if they could keep their dirty priest hand's out of little boy's pants I would care a little more about the morality line they would like me to walk. As for peoples who are so desperate to tell other what to do with their life I would suggest them to get one of their own. Maybe they simply have unresolved issues...
The weakest argument for gay rights is comparing it to race issues. Until science can prove without a doubt that homosexuals were born gay, this argument holds no merit. Nobody can choose the color of their skin. And dont blame the definition of marriage on religion.
Unless I am absolutely wrong, I believe science has proved it. Not to your satisfaction, perhaps.

But all that aside, why would anyone choose to be a member of the most despised and persecuted minority group in the history of ever?
The weakest argument for gay rights is comparing it to race issues. Until science can prove without a doubt that homosexuals were born gay, this argument holds no merit. Nobody can choose the color of their skin. And dont blame the definition of marriage on religion.

And if someone posts evidence you will dismiss it and wallow in your own ignorance. It's already happened several times in this thread.

You formed an opinion on what you think marriage should consist of, and it has been cemented in your mind and no amount of evidence or rational thought will persuade you.
I believe he truly believes what he posts. He has been indoctrinated with many wacky beliefs and he cannot let them go no matter how much evidence and rational thought you throw at him. he is no different than a bible thumper, only he thumps about 911 and gays.
Unless I am absolutely wrong, I believe science has proved it. Not to your satisfaction, perhaps.

But all that aside, why would anyone choose to be a member of the most despised and persecuted minority group in the history of ever?
If science would have proven it, gays would be shouting in the street throwing fucking glitter on everyone. That would be world news. The only thing science has proved, is that some gays are capable of being heterosexual again, proving they werent born that way. Of course nobody talks about those studies.
And if someone posts evidence you will dismiss it and wallow in your own ignorance. It's already happened several times in this thread.

You formed an opinion on what you think marriage should consist of, and it has been cemented in your mind and no amount of evidence or rational thought will persuade you.
Evidence is just evidence.. not proof. I can show you lots of evidence that gays werent born gay. Like I said, if it was proven without a doubt that homosexuality is a genetic trait, (which it wont) then that shit would be on every news channel in the world. It would be breaking news.
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