2012 outdoor grow (rd 3) by doowmd


Well-Known Member
I flushed for 2 weeks before I started bloom nutes and then started at half strength. They seem to be taking them well. They were ready, I guess, because there was no leaf reaction. They had preflowered in June and were starting to flower when I started the flush.


Well-Known Member
Nearly all of her fan leaves are either yellow or brown now. My guess is a little of both:
Too early for full strength bloom nutes.

I've been thinking about her off and on today and think she'll just get str8 water from here on out. I believe she'll be ready by the 1st of sept.

Thanks! Yea the kitty litter containers are perfect size. I don't use an atv tho, just pack one of the kitty litter containers and a gallon jug in one hand and 2 kitty litter containers in the other.(2 carry 2 in one hand I took a wire hanger and wrapped it thru the handles.) It's a bit of a haul, but I need the exercise and am a pretty big dude so it aint really that hard. but by the time I pack em back there and hoe the spot I'm sweatin like a hog.

I collected several of those intending to store them in the woods and then realized how hot the water got after setting thru a couple of 90-100 degree days and decided to just start packing em back fresh each time. Plus I was kinda sketched about leaving what may be used as evidence in the woods.

About the one that was a male. That was a super silver from dinafem. but it was one of the freebies from the 'tude, (i ordered a 5 pack and one came as a freebie too and the one that turned out to be male was the freebie.) I think that was just a mistake in the packing dept. at the 'tude.
I was pretty upset but shit happens and that was the first out of quite a few that wasn't what it was supposed to be, so I'll still order w/ confidence next season. (but might pass on the super silver just in case lol)
yeah I gave one of my plants bloom nutes too early......wayyy bad idea.....it started yellowing like a motha fucka lol....I am just using veg nutes until I actually see some lil buds on there.....they have pistil clusters but they are nitrogen whores so I am gonna wait till the clusters grow to at least the size of a nickel. sorry to hear about that plant bro.....She will pull through


Well-Known Member
Thx for the support everyone. I feel like she will make it thru to harvest:weed:, but I made a rookie mistake by applying full strength nutes trying to hurry the plant along like a dumb-ass. Plus she's more sensitive than the Kushes and I shoulda remembered that shit!:wall:

But oh well, live and learn!:razz:

Almost embarrassed to post the vid this weekend.......but I probably will anyway.:fire:


Well-Known Member
Thx for the support everyone. I feel like she will make it thru to harvest:weed:, but I made a rookie mistake by applying full strength nutes trying to hurry the plant along like a dumb-ass. Plus she's more sensitive than the Kushes and I shoulda remembered that shit!:wall:

But oh well, live and learn!:razz:

Almost embarrassed to post the vid this weekend.......but I probably will anyway.:fire:
pshhh don't be embarrassed.....I fried my last 10 seedlings with nute burn.....I was pissed because that could have been an extra pound easy....but we live and learn bro. that is what is so great about this hobby. i bet you both of us will try our hardest not to make the mistakes we have made this year in the future lol


Well-Known Member
Ur right about that.....I'll let you in a little secret since were sharing lol........I was gifted six medijuana seeds:hump:,started them in late January in a closet in my basement. and fuckin mice ate every one before I knew what happened! Like one day they were sprouted and fine:leaf::clap: and the next day fuckin ripped up and torn/eaten! :shock:

I was fuckin heartbroken and have until now remained silent about the fate of my poor little medi's! I was sooooo looking forward to those plants you don't even know!

If you haven't heard about the medi's, they've been grown on a few threads on here, if you search for it and watnot you'll see why I was so heartbroke over it.


Well-Known Member
Haha I have seen a couple ppl's medi's on here......And yeah mine were a few different strains....Now I am left with all Lemon Kush.....and maybe 1 purple kush and bubba.....I'm not even sure.....I killed most of the burnt up seedlings.....but the ones that I thought I could salvage I threw in the ground and they took off lol. they are only 2 feet tall right now but they are starting to bush out since I have been supercropping them


Well-Known Member
Another mouse story:
When I was a teen I started some tomato plants in my bedroom window along with 1 MJ plant. I put a rope wick in the MJ and it was really taking off. I came home one day and all I had left was a ragged stump. I panicked and thought my mom had cut it off. Later I moved a curtain and found what was left of the plant. A mouse had taken it behind the curtain and tore it up. I wonder if he had a nice mousy buzz ?? Little bastard...That same year I planted more outside that were very nice. They got ripped off. It was a bad year of growing for me.


Well-Known Member
Yea that's why I keep a cat in the basement permanently now! lol

We had a cat that was kinda wild......she'd come in when we'd let her, and survive on her own out in the woods when we put her out. (*She was here before we moved to the house*) She'd catch moles, frogs, birds, and even small rabbits and squirrels, and of course mice. Well we got a couple of dogs, the cat didn't dig dogs (*of course*) and the feeling was mutual (*of course*) eventually, she got out one day while the dogs were loose and they ran her off and hasn't been seen since, a little over a year ago.

Now we got another kitten/cat that isn't nearly the mouse killer ol' crazy eyes was.

But yea the mice love those tender young plants. Must make the little bastards feel big being able to rip a plant up out of the soil........fuckin napoleon complex having bastards.


Well-Known Member
Yea that's why I keep a cat in the basement permanently now! lol

We had a cat that was kinda wild......she'd come in when we'd let her, and survive on her own out in the woods when we put her out. (*She was here before we moved to the house*) She'd catch moles, frogs, birds, and even small rabbits and squirrels, and of course mice. Well we got a couple of dogs, the cat didn't dig dogs (*of course*) and the feeling was mutual (*of course*) eventually, she got out one day while the dogs were loose and they ran her off and hasn't been seen since, a little over a year ago.

Now we got another kitten/cat that isn't nearly the mouse killer ol' crazy eyes was.

But yea the mice love those tender young plants. Must make the little bastards feel big being able to rip a plant up out of the soil........fuckin napoleon complex having bastards.
haha psycho kitties......gotta love them lol


Well-Known Member
Yea that's why I keep a cat in the basement permanently now! lol

We had a cat that was kinda wild......she'd come in when we'd let her, and survive on her own out in the woods when we put her out. (*She was here before we moved to the house*) She'd catch moles, frogs, birds, and even small rabbits and squirrels, and of course mice. Well we got a couple of dogs, the cat didn't dig dogs (*of course*) and the feeling was mutual (*of course*) eventually, she got out one day while the dogs were loose and they ran her off and hasn't been seen since, a little over a year ago.

Now we got another kitten/cat that isn't nearly the mouse killer ol' crazy eyes was.

But yea the mice love those tender young plants. Must make the little bastards feel big being able to rip a plant up out of the soil........fuckin napoleon complex having bastards.

I had a bad ass black cat that would kill everything including snakes. She was cool. We kept one of her male kittens and he was a big useless pest. She would box his head with the back of her paw and it sounded so loud. Like a hollow coconut, lol.


Well-Known Member
I have cats so no mice problem -had one up in Humboldt that ran them all out of the neighbor's grow house too :bigjoint: Haven't had much issue with cats getting my weed but one shit in them :eek:


Well-Known Member
I have cats so no mice problem -had one up in Humboldt that ran them all out of the neighbor's grow house too :bigjoint: Haven't had much issue with cats getting my weed but one shit in them :eek:
yeah.....they like to shit next to my plants too......the kittens like to snack on the lower leaves.......it is dangerous though because they can get sick because of the BT I spray and foliar feeding


Well-Known Member
yeah.....they like to shit next to my plants too......the kittens like to snack on the lower leaves.......it is dangerous though because they can get sick because of the BT I spray and foliar feeding
I only have 2 pets... and learned from my last grow what not to do this year..
1. dont allow dogs who shed near the grow!
2. Grow BIGGER!

the little one to the left here loves to eat my strawberry queen fan leaves right off the plant but she is gentle and hell it's a leaf
Have a buddy who saves his larger stems (kinda like the thumb one you have) for his dogs.. its HEMP so.. that is an excellent natural chewy for them

then again I also have my stoner ants!


Well-Known Member
Ya I have def learned the hard way on some things too lol moving from Hawaii to California was funny cause the humidity was so different from the beach to the desert haha never wanted anyone to see the seedlings that dried out cause I did not give them enough water hahaha I felt like such a noob ;)


Well-Known Member
I shot a video today and will post asap.

I now think that there might be an ant colony under the sdg, that or maybe a mole, cause someth8ing looks to be definitely fucking w/ her more than just an o.d. of nutes. When I post the video, check out the bottom of the main stalk going into the ground. It's basically dead.......fuckin kills me, but its watevr now I guess. The Kush sisters are looking good. The RP Kush should be killer and the DF kush smells so f'n good when I get close to her. She'll be a late finisher I think, but prolly the best.

I'll post the vid tonite or tomorrow..........is the anticipation building? lol