vortex gives me wings!yeah, speaking of, how did you get that shot Nug? you a bird? lol
your fine...So I forgot the book I had set on the intake for my light fan (I use it so light doesn't get in during dark) and it was 97 when I checked on them it was that way for about 1.5 hours. I'm cool right?
I've been growing in those kinds of horrid temperatures the past 4-5 weeks in my grow tent and still getting super dank bud, lol just not as dense as I'd like. I used to have to do the same thing with my inline fan to keep light leaks out during daytime hours hahaha you'll freak out when you forget...hell i ran outside one time in my undies at 2am at night just because I forgot to take the cover off my damn inline fan; good times, good timesSo I forgot the book I had set on the intake for my light fan (I use it so light doesn't get in during dark) and it was 97 when I checked on them it was that way for about 1.5 hours. I'm cool right?
pebbles....6 week cure
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Dude, are you kidding me??? Looks amazing. Fotos and herbage both. . . You've about mastered the ol camera by now, eh?Lab Update
Vortex Modular Scrog 32 headed Main-Line @5 weeks......24 in. tall....40 inch dia......10 gal smart pot.....looking good, just getting her dank on.....i mixed her soil too light in the beginning, so she is getting poo tea to keep her beefy...
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Make up some kelp/bat guano tea and water with that.....Should have gone with subcool super soilim currently runnin a 32 head Tahoe og and she is starting to run out of gas around week 2 going into 3. any mid flowering tea recipes that can get me through?