Has FDD2BLK helped you and how??

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Well-Known Member
Fdd is the shit and he is everywhere how he reads so many posts is not normal i think he may be sub human or maybe an alien. Either way wouldnt want this world without him. He has given so much knowledge couldnt say thanks enough


Well-Known Member
fdd your're a good friend, but a better fellow grower... there is none. lol Thanks for all you do man.


Well-Known Member
back in the 90's i ran a pro SOG op... knocked back a lot of dough and got a lot of props from end users so i must have been doing something right... since now all i want to do is make a small personal closet i found RUI and have been lurking for months.... i actually joined the other day so i could see some of fdd's pics on how he actually does some things...

so, fdd got me to join and now to give credit where it is due, he has gotten me to post.

lots of good members here, but like a good mod should, fdd stands out.

fdd, i would venture to guess that for each person in this thread posting there is another 20 lurkers out there nodding their heads in agreement.

good karma :joint:


New Member
OMG!!! NOOO!!!

Yes yes it cute and all but you made SUPER FDD look like SUPER fag boy.:confused:

Boooooooooo!!! You're ruining the images I have created...damn you....:cuss:
It's A Bird
It's A Plane
It's...... FDD????
Fighting The Never Ending Battle For
Truth, Justice, And The American Way.


New Member
Whadda mean? :roll:

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol::clap:
You should add the masked face :) That is mysterious.
Actually I DO REALLY like that pic you made of Super Fdd in a cape. I like him looking pretty :) Its growing on me.
still can befor the room turns to riot


Well-Known Member
yeah, I can see what lacy's saying...if fdd turned out to be a cross dresser or something, it would kinda kill my image of him. Is that prejudiced of me? lol probably but tis true!


Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting there's something fdd doesn't know/can't do? BLASPHEMY!

*steps far away from bkstylz so that when the lightning strikes, I don't get singed*


Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting there's something fdd doesn't know/can't do? BLASPHEMY!

*steps far away from bkstylz so that when the lightning strikes, I don't get singed*
LOL...not implying anything...today was the first day I've even responded to anything fdd has posted.

just ice breaking (in a bad way) :mrgreen:
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