And I agree that corporations are people, that's exactly the reason we need to put some of these corporations in the pokey!Yet corporations are people don'tchaknow.
And I agree that corporations are people, that's exactly the reason we need to put some of these corporations in the pokey!Yet corporations are people don'tchaknow.
im more in favor of the death penalty for corporations that ignore lawful regulations or harm actual persons for profit. the spectre of the dissolution of their company, and loss of their investments as well as personal accountability and prison for the board members who's companies engage in criminal acts would solve most of the problems caused by our current lack of regulatory power.And I agree that corporations are people, that's exactly the reason we need to put some of these corporations in the pokey!
So you're against faggots too?slap around respectable companies (like chik-fil-a) for political purposes.
No company that makes a business of converting chicken fat into institutionalized anti-gay sentiment should be allowed to exist. Let them stand by their convictions. If they don't like gays then let them refuse to do business with them instead of pretending to be fair on the one hand and lobbying against them on the other. If Catholics insist that they can and should extend their religious beliefs into the realm of commerce then let this chicken vendor do the more in favor of the death penalty for corporations that ignore lawful regulations or harm actual persons for profit. the spectre of the dissolution of their company, and loss of their investments as well as personal accountability and prison for the board members who's companies engage in criminal acts would solve most of the problems caused by our current lack of regulatory power.
such powers would be immediately abused by the anti-business luddite socialist assholes (like the occupy morons) to slap around respectable companies (like chik-fil-a) for political purposes.
people who own businesses have every right to hold beliefs and support those beliefs with their donations and their voices. or is freedom of speech only for causes favoured by liberals?No company that makes a business of converting chicken fat into institutionalized anti-gay sentiment should be allowed to exist. Let them stand by their convictions. If they don't like gays then let them refuse to do business with them instead of pretending to be fair on the one hand and lobbying against them on the other. If Catholics insist that they can and should extend their religious beliefs into the realm of commerce then let this chicken vendor do the same.
why you gotta hate on church's? course im a popeyes man myself...Please Jesus, let Church's Chicken hate blacks. Amen.
i spent my whole week dealing with faggots. im tired of them, every time i have to handle the faggots they leave me tired, sweaty and sticky. my hands hurt, my back hurts and my butt hurts. goddamned faggots need to be straighter, so they dont get stuck in the wood chipper.So you're against faggots too?![]()
people who own businesses have every right to hold beliefs and support those beliefs with their donations and their voices. or is freedom of speech only for causes favoured by liberals?
i disagree with just about every position ever taken by the new black panther party, la raza, the rainbow coalition, and pflag, does this mean i have to stfu and listen to their bullshit or surrender my rights and my business interests? should we establish a minimum gay content law for all farms, food service companies, and restaraunts? what would be the appropriate level of gay/lesbian/transgender/whatever-the-fuck-else-is-next content? perhaps we should only allow a certain number of non-homosexual persons to engage in the food industry, to ensure that all diners may receive equally gay treatment. exactly how gay must one be to work at the drive trough window? on a scale of Willem De Foe to Harvey Firestein, how gay should your waiter be? i really want to know.
i spent my whole week dealing with faggots. im tired of them, every time i have to handle the faggots they leave me tired, sweaty and sticky. my hands hurt, my back hurts and my butt hurts. goddamned faggots need to be straighter, so they dont get stuck in the wood chipper.
?? the aryan brotherhood? the neo nazi prison gang? i dont think they have a 501c3. if i were black and looking to buy a house and my realtor had a swastika tattooed on his face and White Power blasted across his chest i would seek out a different realtor just from a financial perspective, likewise i would not buy a corndog from malik "I Hate Every Iota of a Cracker" shabazz. thats just good sense.We shouldn't hate.. man.
The point I am making is this - if we are allowed to contribute to organizations that engender hatred of others then we should also be allowed to refuse to serve them in our places of business. A business owner should not be selling houses to black people if he is also donating his profits from selling those houses to the Arian brotherhood.
the faggots have too many branches sticking out. they poke me in the buttocks and legs, drip sap everywhere and get stuck in the chipper's chute, who said anything about gays?Your butt hurts from dealing with gays? Tough job.
the faggots have too many branches sticking out. they poke me in the buttocks and legs, drip sap everywhere and get stuck in the chipper's chute, who said anything about gays?
you sir have a dirty mind!You didn't really say that you got stuck in Chip's chute did you?