Black Couple denied marriage at white church

Hushed? I am not one for silencing anyone for any thing but direct incite to violence. I am arguing that there is a different effect of racism, the effect of racism when it emanates from the race in power is far more detrimental than that which emanates from the subjugated race (s). I amend my statement, finger pointing was a term expedient to the moment.

I am not sure that one form of racism can be considered more benign than another. Let's say the oppressed group comes to power. Let's also say that the prevalence and type/intensityof racist thought remains essentially the same. Does their racism suddenly become worse?
I am reacting to the idea that racism should be ranked by its potential for consequence. That smacks of the politics of casuism (realpolitik) and not of principle. My opinion. cn
Anyone who thinks this is the media stirring crap up has never lived in the south. There is no shortage of people who think like this, and most of them tend to congregate with other like-thinking religious whackjobs at a church.
i live in the south and im not racist i think you watching to many movies man rofl its not relly a bunch of hicks that dont know how to talk thats a sterio type your sterio typing southern people probably because you have never been south in your life. i dont think that way and no one in my family thinks that way the only racist person i know is from ny and this dude is relly racist.
i live in the south and im not racist i think you watching to many movies man rofl its not relly a bunch of hicks that dont know how to talk thats a sterio type your sterio typing southern people probably because you have never been south in your life. i dont think that way and no one in my family thinks that way the only racist person i know is from ny and this dude is relly racist.

You could of at least used spell check before you went on a rant about stereotyping southern people
Cause your post sounds like it is coming from a 'slow" person from the south
i take that back there is plenty of racism down here its not comeing from whites though.... cant even walk down the street with out being called a cracker! or take my trash out!
i take that back there is plenty of racism down here its not comeing from whites though.... cant even walk down the street with out being called a cracker! or take my trash out!

I already figured that was the road you were trying to drive down

Are you really from the south?
if someone cant find someone without the same colored skin to hate on they will find something elts (my spelling) doesnt bother me though at least i dont use spell check to fool people like you do.
i also got picked on in school for being white btw.... pretty shitty how fast the tides turn. just beacuse 100 years ago there was a bunch of racism dosent give ne one elts the right to fuck with someone because of their race...
i also got picked on in school for being white btw.... pretty shitty how fast the tides turn. just beacuse 100 years ago there was a bunch of racism dosent give ne one elts the right to fuck with someone because of their race...

You sound like you do not like black people

WHy is that?
there is always going to be racism of some would think when obama made president that it made some sort of change for the better nationality wise.and truthfully i think it has some..
by the way im white black and native american even though some people in my family deny the black (ironic huh??)..anyways where i live its mostly the old timers carrying it on ..the black and the white people.... they cant make the change.................
there is always going to be racism of some would think when obama made president that it made some sort of change for the better nationality wise.and truthfully i think it has some..
by the way im white black and native american even though some people in my family deny the black (ironic huh??)..anyways where i live its mostly the old timers carrying it on ..the black and the white people.... they cant make the change.................

I hear ya
My grandmother is pretty racist
Not in a hateful way
But just in a fearful stereotypical way
when the elders in my family were younger they was afraid of admitting of having any type of black heritage in fear of retaliation...i kow people say it all the time but things apparently were alot different
back 40 or 50 years ago..
How many on the confederate one?

Right, but a few posts ago I thought you were saying that people were slow or stupid cause they are from the south ? So is it ok to be a bigot as the person claims to not be a racist ? Because to me they are the same - hatred because of differences be they be geographical differences or those of skin color or other differences. I'm not trying to rail you over it but I am curious to hear a response in your own words, please.