• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/



Ursus marijanus
I tend to disagree with you about all humans being parasites.

You think picking up random bits of trash you see on the ground helps? Do you know there are 7 islands of garbage floating around in the ocean that have a combined land mass of a large continent?
Have you seen the destruction that oil mining causes? Do you understand the reason that oil mining exists and what drives it?

I really don't want to get into an ecology lesson here but needless to say that every human is a parasite upon the earth, people may have good intentions but that doesn't detract from the fact that we consume, produce waste and do not benefit the planet. Each person in North america literally lives like a king. Measured in slaves, each person uses the combined energy of 100 slaves in oil products every day.

Take a quick look around your house and marvel at the things that oil produced. Your shoes, your plates, carpet, wood floors, your vehicle, your food. Pretty much everything you own, use and look at is produced by oil.

Don't tell me to pick up random bits of trash when you know nothing about me, I'm a fucking ecologist and not only do I understand how everything in the world is connected and can visualize each and every linkage right back to it's trace elements in the soil, I can see how humans are a blight on the planet. You may wish to disagree with me on this but you can't. My facts are facts, yours are wishful opinion.
Two observations.
1) Humans are not parasites. They are omnivores/predators. Parasites are generally specific to a host organism, and there are none such in the human life cycle.
2) Islands of trash? This is serious overstatement. They cannot even be seen from space, so the density of trash is far, far too low to merit the term "island", which suggests an areawhere the trash completely covers and hides the water.

Kalebaiden, are you truly a professional ecologist? Do you count yourself a scientist? You do not write like one, but rather like someone from the postmodern relativist lit-crit tradition, which is of course the antithesis of consequent thought. The exaggeration of your examples, distorting terms of art unto meaninglessness, speaks against you understanding what science even is. Jmo. cn


Well-Known Member
I try to. I like to avoid STDs. Humans need to learn how to control themselves.
??? but you still love it right?? so today you wake up and say I don't like women??? just cause you're not touching it doesn't mean you don't want to... so instead of touching women you revert to men to control your urges??? and STDs have nothing to do with loving the box... just trying to understand the logic... stay high


Well-Known Member
not so funny thing is the govt. is dumping trash in the ocean... the navy throws a shit load of trash in the ocean all the time... stay high


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Im personally sick of hearing about this Bullshit. So somebody in the world doesn't agree with gay marriage. Whoopty fucking doo. Is bitching about it really fixing anything? I think not. People need to agree to disagree. I for one don't give a damn if gays get married. I'm not boycot something because that person has a different opinion than me. At least he stood for what he believes.


Well-Known Member
Its quite easy to solve these social issues really.

What we need to do is take, oh say a 500,000 familiy cross section of the US. have each of them go into, and closely scrutinize each others Lives, and homes. then anything they find objectionable, we will simply make illegal., that way everybody can be happy all the time...

Oh ya, for the record, im against ALL marriage... silly humans...


Well-Known Member
Im the LAST person to make a judgement.
I just think that being gay is unnatural to the cycle of life.
If everyone turned gay... no more life.
Its just so fucked up too me on so many levels.. And im VERY open minded.
Im the last person to tell anyone, anything.
Shit yea.. if it makes those 2 people happy.. I dont care...
Still have that feeling though that it's not right..
Shittttt man I dont even like watching lesbian porn...
So fucked up.
The famous line: "I'm very open minded"

FYI: People don't "turn" gay. You can't catch the gay, either. People are born that way. Get a clue.


Well-Known Member
Why must society be so quick to regulate what people choose to do or how they choose to live, in their personal lives? If what you do or how you feel does not infringe upon another's rights or freedoms, who should say you are wrong? Why must we try and pigeon-hole everyone into some mainstream view on how we think they should feel, look and act?

From the emo kid in school who is bullied relentlessly to the plain-looking overweight girl that goes through life ignored, to the guy who just wants to smoke a bit of cannabis at home, society consistently wages a terror campaign against anyone who is different. Wouldn't we all be happier and better off if we just accepted people for who they are? There are still people in the world who think cannabis users are all wastrel zombies, and unproductive members of society. Choose to ignore predjuidice and sterotypes, try to understand your fellow man.


Well-Known Member
^^^ That was my point, but im a super sarcastic muthafukr....

Thats wut happens wen u grow up on Rosanne lol..

neways, + rep to u sir..


Well-Known Member
True, some ppl might be genetically dispositioned to be more tough than others and some more weak etc... but just cuz a girl has more male traits doesnt mean she has to act on it and be a lesbian. No matter how we are born, it is our choice on how we act on those things and deal with them. Think about it like this. Some ppl are born with anger problems. That doesnt mean they have to go around fucking shit up and punching ppls faces in, they dont have to act on the anger. Its their choice if they decide to let the anger control them and influence their actions.
Yeah, and just because you're attracted to girls it doesn't mean you should act on it. You really should just stay home and beat off instead.


Active Member
The famous line: "I'm very open minded"

FYI: People don't "turn" gay. You can't catch the gay, either. People are born that way. Get a clue.
how would you prefer he let you know that he is open minded, if you are offended by the use of "the famous line". What would you advise people use in its place to avoid being attacked by bigots?

and FYI: I know people who "became" gay, they will even tell you themselves that their attractions changed during their teenage years. But i'm sure you have some reason that you know more about them then they do.


Well-Known Member
Two observations.
1) Humans are not parasites. They are omnivores/predators. Parasites are generally specific to a host organism, and there are none such in the human life cycle.
2) Islands of trash? This is serious overstatement. They cannot even be seen from space, so the density of trash is far, far too low to merit the term "island", which suggests an areawhere the trash completely covers and hides the water.

Kalebaiden, are you truly a professional ecologist? Do you count yourself a scientist? You do not write like one, but rather like someone from the postmodern relativist lit-crit tradition, which is of course the antithesis of consequent thought. The exaggeration of your examples, distorting terms of art unto meaninglessness, speaks against you understanding what science even is. Jmo. cn
Come on cn, do you really think he *literally* meant that humans are parasites?

I think you're picking at a nit here.


Well-Known Member
how would you prefer he let you know that he is open minded, if you are offended by the use of "the famous line". What would you advise people use in its place to avoid being attacked by bigots?

and FYI: I know people who "became" gay, they will even tell you themselves that their attractions changed during their teenage years. But i'm sure you have some reason that you know more about them then they do.
I would prefer he was honest and admit that he's a bigot. Seems simple enough, right?

FYI: You don't know people that "became gay". That's fucking laughable. You may know people that finally admitted they're gay, or stopped suppressing their homosexual feelings, but nobody is first heterosexual and then "becomes gay".


Ursus marijanus
Come on cn, do you really think he *literally* meant that humans are parasites?

I think you're picking at a nit here.
St0w, consider this portion of his post.

I'm a fucking ecologist and not only do I understand how everything in the world is connected and can visualize each and every linkage right back to it's trace elements in the soil, I can see how humans are a blight on the planet. You may wish to disagree with me on this but you can't. My facts are facts, yours are wishful opinion.
Yes, he's presenting it (and the continental trash island confabulation) as scientific fact. He is bludgeoning us, the audience, with his status as a scientist to legitimize these flights of politicized ideological fancy as established theory, and daring us to question them. That does injustice to scientists everywhere, as they subscribe to a much higher standard of care in the handling of ideas and data. And that brings out the bloodymuzzled old campaigner who is always right there behind Mr. Nice Bear. If the premises are shown wrong, the argument sags imo. cn


Well-Known Member
He's just angry that I caught him biting a random butt.

You refer to humans as their classification yet if you look at the earth as the host organism, then the term parasite applies in full.

The garbage islands are real, any internet search can prove this and yes their full of toxicity and non bio-degradeables. The pacific island is only one example and many more exist.

I can't truly call myself an ecologist or even a scientist because I don't have those lovely letters after my name. When I finally get them (and i'm in the process currently) I absolutely refuse to write like one. I feel there's little need to all the wordiness especially when there are much simpler ways of putting things. I write fact in layman so even the most medicated person can understand the gist. If you want to grab the nit comb and go over my words I will make special attempt to provide links to all that I say for references.

In essence, CN is absolutly correct about me. I do present science as if it were a weapon and I do so to bash the information into people. While I may have some flaws in my methods as CN points out, there is merit to my posts.