Many cartel grows in the woods behind us!


Well-Known Member
At least you get the leftover stuff... If I was up there I would be ripping their shit non stop. I am 100% anti rip, but for guys like those that pollute the environment and destroy the spot they are in I say fuck them very much.


Active Member
Most of there plants are shitty, there all growing a major auto flower strain so they can get it done quick... But there are some that are alright., I've witnessed huge grows, gnarly plants so I just look down on shitty strains, crappy grows with know knowledge or love for the plant..but to some I'm sure there good.


Active Member
I forsee an assbeating for you eventually ... just sayin.
What the fuck is that supposed to mean... Y Cause we took some plants from some pieces of shit that are growing in MY woods... That already got popped...Haha get the fuck off my post!


Active Member
You claim its "crazy" and "dangerous" to use your own words.

Regardless of your claim to the woods, its not going to make people happy when your stealing their shit. I have no love for those kind of grows either, but jacking someones crop is jacking someones crop and at the end of the day people will do stupid shit to protect their plants.


Well-Known Member
At least you get the leftover stuff... If I was up there I would be ripping their shit non stop. I am 100% anti rip, but for guys like those that pollute the environment and destroy the spot they are in I say fuck them very much.
touch the plants and meet some .223's to yo teeth.....


Well-Known Member
thieves......lmao.....have a little self respect and grow your own you own the fuckin woods?? didn't think so


Active Member
You claim its "crazy" and "dangerous" to use your own words.

Regardless of your claim to the woods, its not going to make people happy when your stealing their shit. I have no love for those kind of grows either, but jacking someones crop is jacking someones crop and at the end of the day people will do stupid shit to protect their plants.
U are right about that, I am totally against stealing people crops, that's one of the main things we have respect for, especially backyard grows. I dont look at that as stealing there plants, they've been busted and police have done there raid on the gardens, we have just gone back for clean up, except as of my buddy's have scared them out, I might have taken part but honestly I have no respect for them.. Not to be growing 20,000 -150,000 plant crops, killing deer, bears. Etc.


Active Member
thieves......lmao.....have a little self respect and grow your own you own the fuckin woods?? didn't think so
Haha we do grown our own, and nope I don't own the woods,U would do the same shit if there was a 100,000 plant garden that just got raided right next to ur house. U wouldn't go check it out later just to look around? Haha get ur facts straight man!


Active Member
pics or gtfo....
Pics... Hahaha of what? A bunch of chopped down plants or old branches laying around or wait... Maybe some bagged up bud haha I don't care if u don't believe me man, don't have any pics.. Plus I'm using a phone and can't figure out how to post pics even if I had any.. Just started this site..


Active Member
At least you get the leftover stuff... If I was up there I would be ripping their shit non stop. I am 100% anti rip, but for guys like those that pollute the environment and destroy the spot they are in I say fuck them very much.
Yeah cop, you would.


Active Member
Come on... he tells you he's not a cop, just that he wants to be! LOL!!!!!!!
Its funny cause its true,
He pretend he knows so much shit, yet if you see his plants, oh god.
And he wants to be LAPD yet he goes on this site, idk guys a joke.
Take nothing he says seriously.
He says your plants will combust if you have water drops on them.


Well-Known Member
haha I wouldn't touch those plants do you know they haven't been spraying those buds with piss you fucking moron.....think before you act go smoke paisa piss lmao