Hi guys I need LOTS of help here..(hydro/soil) yellow leaves,mites, mold all the shit


First let me thank you for being willing to help me. :)

I have an entire poorly maintained set up thrown in my lap and I've decided to take it over. So I am a n00b (I am in the middle of reading Ed Rosenthal's book so I know some little somethings [and I've lived with this shit in my house for a few years but now that I see it's about to fall apart I am taking it over, I know I am no expert and need lots of help but ANYWAYS!..])

The system is as follows - 1 600 w - 1 adjustable (600-1,000 watt) - for flowering and then one t5 (6 bulbs but only 3 are plugged in) - for veggie/moms and then there's a "hydro" set-up....I say "hydro" because well...it's basically a 10 gallon res. with a a large container on top that has lines in it (technical terms, right? N00bness!) with an blackstar LED 240w

Firstly, it was ridden with spider mites (to the point where everything in veg had huge webs all over everywhere..) it was gross. :shock: I treated everything (even the stuff that has been budding...[which I know I shouldn't of now]) with Floramite and cleaned and bleached the entire area and vacuumed everything etc. I'm using something called rapid -something or other every 3 days to keep them off (also have mighty wash) the rapid stuff is supposedly catfish oil or something....I know about Azasol/max but right now that stuff is out of my budget.

Secondly, three of nine plants in the hydro system were taken out because they all got too big and 'the other ones couldn't get enough light with that many.' As it stands, they are sitting on my bathroom sink slowly dying...(My bathroom has 4 CFL 60w pointed on them) I put them in a bowl with some water because I really have no fucking clue what to do (besides put them into soil right now which I guess is my best option?) Is putting them in a bowl of water constantly drowning the roots going to kill them? (And to make matters worse I forgot to ph the water...erghhhhh! I guess it's better then letting them just sit on the sink counter like they were previously [I have heard their roots get 'burned' by light so I figured the bowl will shade the roots while giving them some water - I have also read [on here] it's bad if they've been over nutrients to 'starve' them of nuts but I think they've been burned so bad that they could use it.]) Will they do okay if I throw them into soil? As it stands right now, the majority of the leaves are 'clawing' turning yellow and falling off. I want to save them because they are a supposed remake (they are the gdp x cherry pie remake) of the infamous gsc (which I'm sure you're prolly like 'how did these fux get gsc?' *shrugs* we know people, and we live in Frisco...- we did pay a hefty tag for them and I guess they're not real so [which I found out later]! Still.)

Thirdly, I think there's mold in the ones I spoke of above (not sure?) Please diagnosis per the picture below! (if it is mold - what can I do about it? Since it's hydro I have to be more careful about spraying for mites [because yes, the hydro system has mites too..] and I am sure that applies to spraying for mold too...I imagine.)

I have big plastic bins that are clear that I was going to put them in - water them once a day for 10 minutes with ph'd water (is there a certain range I should stay in since they are doing poorly? I read like I should have the PH low since they are hurting [like 5.6]) Is that a good idea or should I just put em in soil? I don't know, ugggh. :wall:

I guess I should probably get them the hell out of the bathroom too as that's probably not helping anything...( I have some clip on lights that I could put some CFL ins...I just need to find a spot where my cats won't eat them..)

Fourthly, the plants that are budding have huge yellow leaves falling off...like the leaves that store all the sugar and shit that they need to not detract from budding....YEAH those puppies! My friend told me it's because too much cal/mag was used (by the way I am not mixing the nutrients myself yet...I want/need to read up on all this stuff first before I totalllllllllllly take it over.) I'd like to get a second opinion pointers and I don't mind doing it non-organically.

I know, right now, we are using boogiebrew (which was used in the res in the dro system) which is a totally vegan organic - cha-ching - and -actually that's all I know, for now.

I have attached some pictures of what's going down...

Yellow - clawing leaves hydro -photo (6).jpg

- more clawingphoto (3).jpg

- Mold? PM? photo (5).jpg

Yellow leaves in the flowering - photo (1).jpg

More yellow leaves - photo (7).jpg

I hope after reading/seeing all this you'll be like 'thank god this girl is taking over because whoever was doing this stuff before did not know what he was doing!' And I totally agree..

Thanks again for your help!



Active Member
looks like you got a job ahead of you. just remember its a learning experience and you have a great group of plants to learn on.

best of luck.

so was the person who was growing them before living in the same house?


Active Member
I would say toss the moldy ones finish budding the ones in flowering read read read and then start fresh and since it will be ur setup make ur setup as far as design and I would pick one medium and perfect that then try another one I kinda started the same way u did


Active Member
I would only keep the best plants and toss the rest, since your new to this its going to be very difficult to diagnose so many across multiple mediums. Save the best, read alot, and learn what you can as you finish out growing the most viable plants. After harvest, clean and sterlize everything, and start fresh. Start smaller, and like momma said move to one mediym and focys your research on it.
I would say toss the moldy ones finish budding the ones in flowering read read read and then start fresh and since it will be ur setup make ur setup as far as design and I would pick one medium and perfect that then try another one I kinda started the same way u did

I think we paid $500 for these so I am not sure if I want to 'toss them.' I'd like to save them if at all possible.


Active Member
Well now ur being stubborn u obviously have way more than u can handle ur goin to take a lost giving ur experience level but do what u feel
Well now ur being stubborn u obviously have way more than u can handle ur goin to take a lost giving ur experience level but do what u feel
Not stubborn, per say, I'd like to save them if at all possible. If it's not, then I will have no choice but to toss them. But given that $500 was paid, I prefer to save them (btw three have already died previously..RIP.) I have no life now and am willing to spend the time and dedication it takes to help them out :)


Active Member
500 can easily be recouped from finishing a few plants. However, if the mites or mold get into your buds you gunna be eff'd. On top of that, with all them that spread out your spending money on light for plants that will likely die or yeild nothing significant. Even an amatuer can pick out the ones that have no hope, toss those now. Take good pictures of the ones you want to save and let some of the experienced people tell you which to keep. Then consolidate them under one light if possible.


Active Member
For pictures I would take a macro of each plant, and a micro of a leaf or leaves that represent the problem its having. I would also isolate the mite ridden ones as those evil bastards can spread like a plague.
500 can easily be recouped from finishing a few plants. However, if the mites or mold get into your buds you gunna be eff'd. On top of that, with all them that spread out your spending money on light for plants that will likely die or yeild nothing significant. Even an amatuer can pick out the ones that have no hope, toss those now. Take good pictures of the ones you want to save and let some of the experienced people tell you which to keep. Then consolidate them under one light if possible.

The mites have already gotten to the budding plants (which is why I treated them with Floramite [I know I shouldn't of now] and cleaned out everything) This 'person' (grrr) did not give a fuck- they are the laziest fucking person I know and only watered (actually had me do the majority of watering..) never sprayed for mites etc. The buds definitely have mites and have about 4 weeks left to go...

Funny thing is he picked the biggest/best plants out of the hydro system so the smaller weaker ones could get light....no logic I tells ya.

Is that mold or PM in the rockwool?
For pictures I would take a macro of each plant, and a micro of a leaf or leaves that represent the problem its having. I would also isolate the mite ridden ones as those evil bastards can spread like a plague.

The mites are EVERYWHERE - in the veg closet - hydro closet and in the budding closet. I intend on keeping ontop of spraying (mightywash etc.) What else besides mightywash can I spray the ones in budding with?

I tried to exterminate the best I could...I'm going to set a bomb off after the ones are done budding...


Active Member
You need to free up a light some how. Perhaps clear out the veg closet and sterilize it. Since all the plants have mites theres no harm in them sharing light. You need a clean space to put plants once your sure theyre mite free. With multiple mite ridden plants together youll likely never get rid of the mites because theyll respread. Make a clean area, move plants into it only after thourogh inspection, and prob spray them a few times after you move them to the clean area to be sure.


Active Member
Ah, not sure how harmful pm is but mold can be bad, id remove it if possible. Going to the pool ill check back later, hopefully someone more experienced will weigh in.
You need to free up a light some how. Perhaps clear out the veg closet and sterilize it. Since all the plants have mites theres no harm in them sharing light. You need a clean space to put plants once your sure theyre mite free. With multiple mite ridden plants together youll likely never get rid of the mites because theyll respread. Make a clean area, move plants into it only after thourogh inspection, and prob spray them a few times after you move them to the clean area to be sure.

Yes, I did all that actually already, I cleaned out each closet one by one with bleach - vacuumed up all the dirt sprayed everything with Floramite. I've accepted the fact that I have mites and they're probably not going to go anywhere and that I need to be preventative (which is why I intend on setting off a bomb and redoing the entire cleaning process AGAIN in 4 weeks after they are done budding and spray every 3 days mid-term.) I'll probably hit everything up with Floramite again prior to putting them into flowering. (i.e. let everything sit in veg for the next 4 weeks [but then I risk root lock, right?])

Should I remove this post and put it in with the more experienced growers? I am a n00b but I need expert help.


Well-Known Member
its your first run, whoever said toss the mold plants.. is right lol, that shit only spreads. dont be greedy and try to get the most bud when in the long run you might ruin all your bud, you got a lot of work ahead of you lol, good luck man... your next grow should go awesome though because this is an intense learning experience. pull the moldy plants is what id do and take that little loss, in the long run youll crush 500 worth on buddies