When exactaly to switch from veg nutes to preflower-bloom nutes?

I have a couple girls that are popping hairs, and it looks to me like a little more than just showing the sex. What do you guys think?

Also, I'm looking for a little clarification as to when exactly the best time is to switch from veg, to pre/bloom nutes-all info would be helpful.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
switch now, they look like they are starting flower stage, some people switch a few days before they flower


Well-Known Member
Looks like your preflowering. I'm transitioning my nutes now to bloom. Starting with 1/4 - 1/2 strength and so on..


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna keep feeding veg nutes until I get nickle sized buds on most the tops.....my Lemon Kush's are Nitrogen whores, if i switch to bloom now it may hurt my yield.


Active Member
is there any reason to wean them off veg nutes before switching to bloom? does anyone use both when making the transition?
I'm gonna keep feeding veg nutes until I get nickle sized buds on most the tops.....my Lemon Kush's are Nitrogen whores, if i switch to bloom now it may hurt my yield.
-one of the two that are popping hairs is a blackberry kush, should I follow your lead with keeping the veg nutes until little nugs have formed?-or switch over now? I definitely don't want to hurt my yield because of a late start these two girls are only about 2.5'x2.5'.
-in general are all kushes nitrogen lovers?


Well-Known Member
is there any reason to wean them off veg nutes before switching to bloom? does anyone use both when making the transition?
Mine started flowering a couple of weeks ago. I flushed for 2 weeks (recommended by Rosenthal) and started bloom nutes yesterday.
Also, I'm going to use the fox farm trio-(open sesame, beastie bloom, and cha-ching)-
And I'm wondering how long to feed the open sesame which is the pre flower nute, before switching to the beastie bloom, which is the fattener...anyone have any info on this?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't go all out on bloom nutes at the first signs of flowering, wait till you start seeing actual buds start forming. Plants slowly transition from vegging to flowering, I'd do the same with nutes, slowly transition from veg nutes to bloom nutes, that way you are giving the plant what it needs when it needs it.

Far as open sesame and beasty bloom, check fox farms feeding chart.


Well-Known Member
-one of the two that are popping hairs is a blackberry kush, should I follow your lead with keeping the veg nutes until little nugs have formed?-or switch over now? I definitely don't want to hurt my yield because of a late start these two girls are only about 2.5'x2.5'.
-in general are all kushes nitrogen lovers?
i'm not too sure about the strain you are growing.....Mine are Nitrogen whores I know for a fact......I would definitely wait till you see some at LEAST dime sized buds till you switch to bloom nutes........yeah my girls are about the same size just a lil bigger some are about 3x3 and others are 3x3x4.......if you switch over now you may experience some serious yellowing because they may not want the bloom nutes yet....they need time to really start flowering before the bloom nute applications. some of mine have been flowering for 1 month already but they are still wanting veg nutes.


Well-Known Member
they look pretty green to me, i think you can stop with the veg nutes and use your bloom nutes now, but I'm no pro. if they fade yellow you can always just add more N later.


Well-Known Member
well people usually don't "flip" to 12/12 outdoors.....it is more of a gradual change

I've been practicing trying to get my 12/12 flip going.. it's kinda like Jedi training with alot of bong hits..

Least that's what I did this year.. every year I do get better :)