The Irish Growers Thread!

maul, are they some kind of deformed leaves? or a deformity (not serious) where the branchs were snipped off before ?

pure guess work you understand..;)
I thought that too, but then I have the same things growing where I didn't snip the branches. I just don't want them to be some sort of mutant male flowers and come home from my holidays to find a shitpile of seedy weed.
well at least it`ll bring the weight up yeild wise hahahahaha

ah no serious........... there looks to be a line down the centre and kinda unrolling in the pic.. have you tried to unroll it??? does it, they feel like leaf or like they got something inside prob too small just yet to tell if full of something tho...
well at least it`ll bring the weight up yeild wise hahahahaha

ah no serious........... there looks to be a line down the centre and kinda unrolling in the pic.. have you tried to unroll it??? does it, they feel like leaf or like they got something inside prob too small just yet to tell if full of something tho...
Yeah when I unroll them it feels just like a new leaf that is still really soft and there are 2 little hairs inside. Close up doesn't look too far from yer little man's favorite hiding spot:o. Maybe my bitches just have big lips!!:clap:
so who was it that brought up the mainlineing... think it was iam...

just been going through the thread again and find it genius, throw it in with a hempy type it would produce some awesome colas, ha not so sure i`m doing a scrog now ...

only thing holding me back is when yeild comes into it... as in, i imagine the mainlineing to produce big colas no popcorn, or scrog lots of lollypop type colas???

now to avoid variables lets say all things are equal, as in 1 pot each grow same light each grow etc etc, just the different method...
Yeah when I unroll them it feels just like a new leaf that is still really soft and there are 2 little hairs inside. Close up doesn't look too far from yer little man's favorite hiding spot:o. Maybe my bitches just have big lips!!:clap:
It looks like deformed leaves are wrapped around your newly grown pistils.

Dont be paranoid, and if you must be, just pull them off.
It looks like deformed leaves are wrapped around your newly grown pistils.

Dont be paranoid, and if you must be, just pull them off.

ah you know yourself har, we all worry that little bit about the girls, especially at the golden time from flip to sexing and onwards....;)

little bit of progress here, but thats just cause the kid is away at hurling training for next few days, so another couple coats of paint and i`m likeing the way its turning out, plants are comeing along ok, i`ve been deleberatly starveing them of water to push roots and keep the nodes tight, so far so good there a lush green and tight as hell....

i`ll give them another week or so, depending on growth of course before final pots, i really just want a good mother for clones and we`ll go from there..

anyone check out the hempy thread, in his pics he has the clones grow into single colas its quite brilliant really, with that method in mind in soil i think you can really fill the footprint of the light perfectly, and practicly straight into flower, give or take a week or so for roots to establish ect..

any opinions?
Anger and sweat is whaling outta me this night. the dick i was to get a 50 bag from tonight dident fucking get any and am still dry, i need someone to break into my house so i can beat them to death and get this anger outta my system!

Whoever has weed smoke one for me and really enjoy it
man i`m with you, nearly bent to temptation last evening but thank god made it through hahahaah its fucking bad, and i think it`ll be the last time i ever want to take a tollerance break...

in saying that its definatly needed, was smokeing way too much and very friviously at times, so those habits need curling... and i think i`ll enjoy the harvest all the more when ever it may be..
Some kannabia mikromachine, it was a freebie auto seed I grew. And yeah, to me taste is a lot more important than when I started smoking, Now I am focusing on getting the best tasting herb possible with coco.

god almighty these kids are trying my patience all day..........

if there was ever a time to break and go get weed its now... fingers crossed i don`t give in..

ah you know yourself har, we all worry that little bit about the girls, especially at the golden time from flip to sexing and onwards....;)

little bit of progress here, but thats just cause the kid is away at hurling training for next few days, so another couple coats of paint and i`m likeing the way its turning out, plants are comeing along ok, i`ve been deleberatly starveing them of water to push roots and keep the nodes tight, so far so good there a lush green and tight as hell....

i`ll give them another week or so, depending on growth of course before final pots, i really just want a good mother for clones and we`ll go from there..

anyone check out the hempy thread, in his pics he has the clones grow into single colas its quite brilliant really, with that method in mind in soil i think you can really fill the footprint of the light perfectly, and practicly straight into flower, give or take a week or so for roots to establish ect..

any opinions?
Clones straight into flower is cool, but ya aint going to yeild very much per plant. Generally
used in SOG set ups so you need alot of plants on a table to make it worth ur while. Normally 4 persqft and sometimes up to 9. A modified SOG would be my preferred tech, just let them vedge for a coulple of weeks, so your plant count goes down:)
alright lads, still havent harvested yet, Fucked if i know whats going on. The afghan is nearly all brown hairs but not putting on weight, Will i chop her, Tried to get a good pic but cant, and i dont want to let her go to much. The big bug is packing on weight nicely and would say she is a quater brown hairs, about a week left i would say, every fan leaf has fallen off her and all other leaves browning.

All this talk of hempy buckets has me really interested, was reading up alot last night but still have some Q, I think i am gonna go 50% perlite and 50% vercumlite ( sorry for spelling). now my main Q is i have a 51ltr packing crate, could i do 2 plants in this and how much are the large bags of per and ver in the likes of woddies
alright lads, still havent harvested yet, Fucked if i know whats going on. The afghan is nearly all brown hairs but not putting on weight, Will i chop her, Tried to get a good pic but cant, and i dont want to let her go to much. The big bug is packing on weight nicely and would say she is a quater brown hairs, about a week left i would say, every fan leaf has fallen off her and all other leaves browning.

All this talk of hempy buckets has me really interested, was reading up alot last night but still have some Q, I think i am gonna go 50% perlite and 50% vercumlite ( sorry for spelling). now my main Q is i have a 51ltr packing crate, could i do 2 plants in this and how much are the large bags of per and ver in the likes of woddies
Your leaves have fallen out and they havnt plumped up yet?

Oh my...
Clones straight into flower is cool, but ya aint going to yeild very much per plant. Generally
used in SOG set ups so you need alot of plants on a table to make it worth ur while. Normally 4 persqft and sometimes up to 9. A modified SOG would be my preferred tech, just let them vedge for a coulple of weeks, so your plant count goes down:)

ah just tossing ideas around bill, thats a good point tho, about bringing the numbers down, i know in mobius`s thread the world of hempy he has his style down to a t so hes pulling respectable yeilds from his, and i think he runs 3 600w with up to 24 "colas" in each run, could be mistaken while since i read the thread....
alright lads, still havent harvested yet, Fucked if i know whats going on. The afghan is nearly all brown hairs but not putting on weight, Will i chop her, Tried to get a good pic but cant, and i dont want to let her go to much. The big bug is packing on weight nicely and would say she is a quater brown hairs, about a week left i would say, every fan leaf has fallen off her and all other leaves browning.

All this talk of hempy buckets has me really interested, was reading up alot last night but still have some Q, I think i am gonna go 50% perlite and 50% vercumlite ( sorry for spelling). now my main Q is i have a 51ltr packing crate, could i do 2 plants in this and how much are the large bags of per and ver in the likes of woddies

did you try like har saidto take the cola from top and leave the popcorn to fatten up?

with the crate can you some way seperate it to two, like slip in some ply in the middle and make two "pots" from it, so you can have two seperate areas for roots to run wild in without getting tangled?
wel lads, how,s all today. finally got me scrog screen made up, just have to fill the bitch now. 850mmx700mm. had to make it 700 wide to get through doors in case of emergency, i also got a 12v submersible pump so i can just pick up the whole lot and hide it in the middle of a field if need be, without distubing anything. August 2012 006.jpg August 2012 005.jpg
did you try like har saidto take the cola from top and leave the popcorn to fatten up?

with the crate can you some way seperate it to two, like slip in some ply in the middle and make two "pots" from it, so you can have two seperate areas for roots to run wild in without getting tangled?

WONT BE ABLE TO DO THAT BECAUSE ISINT THE WHOLE REASON JUST TO HAVE THE RES AT THE BOTTOM AND JUST ONE HOLE, sorry for caps, to stoned to go back and it not be ok for both plants to share the whole crate.

Plus i have another Q, everyonce and awhile to you have tyo tip the excess water out of the ress because its dirty water???

No i didnt chop the bigger ones off. I think i am gonna just cave in and cut the afghan tomorrow night because i aint got cash to buy more smoke and think i will have run out by friday. gonna just let the bigbud go for another week odd....the right choice on which one to cut ?????