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Trying to distort reality?how about he announces it just before the school system starts warming up for next year? ever thought about that???
Trying to distort reality?how about he announces it just before the school system starts warming up for next year? ever thought about that???
racist? a program that singles out and helps a certain community, who happen to be african american, is racist... really?
there are 1000s of programs out there to help communities in dire need... communities that are overwhelmingly white.... you don't hear about them because the media knows, who gives a damn, if you single out the fact that it's for BOOOO!!! AFRICAN AMERICANS!! it turns very scary.... couple it with all sorts of euphamistic phrases and before you know it idiots are freaking out because the government is RACIST... and the GUY IN CHARGE IS BLACK!!!!
goddamn that was satisfying....
No, that's your argument. "if there's a group of white, black, asian, whatever group, and there's a law designed to help that one group" EXCLUDING ALL OTHERS... that IS racist...."racist is trying to say that one group doesn't deserve the help because the law is race specific"... All races have been discriminated against at some point in history. Why single out only one group? You're trying to justify racism.if there's a group of white, black, asian, whatever group, and there's a law designed to help that one group... that's not racist.... racist is trying to say that one group doesn't deserve the help because the law is race specific... even though there exists a historically proven statistic to show that a certain group has been discriminated against, any attempt to fix it is racist... is that your argument?
The debate isn't about education, it's about RACIAL DISCRIMINATION. So, don't buy shit at Safeway that you already bought at the flea market. You don't own the internet, you don't get to decide who is allowed to speak, fascist.Does anybody actually have kids here? How much did 300 page spiral bound notebooks cost lately at the store? How about 3 ring binders? If you cant answer these two questions, SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Its unbelievable. I saw 100 page spiral notebooks for almost $6 each at safeway. WHAT THE FUCK???? I get 5 for $1 at the flea market.
And more mouthy. They were so cute when they were little, WTF happened?They do get more expensive as they get older.
if there's a group of white, black, asian, whatever group, and there's a law designed to help that one group... that's not racist.... racist is trying to say that one group doesn't deserve the help because the law is race specific...
even though there exists a historically proven statistic to show that a certain group has been discriminated against, any attempt to fix it is racist... is that your argument?
Who can afford cash? 99.9% of students who don't receive scholarships borrow some or all their tuition. You're ignoring Pell grants, etc. available to poorer students where they pay nothing at all. Tuition is rising at an astounding rate, solely because of the huge government subsidies. Yet industry can not find enough qualified engineers. Much of these funds are just wasted on non-marketable skills and school sponsored partying. I live in a college town. Believe me, if you saw how your "children" behave here, you would disown them.Poor people, thru student loans, pay twice as much for education as those who could afford cash. That means the people who can least afford education pay the most. Lets remember, the African-Americans were not immigrants. Their ancestry consists of slave grandparents being kidnapped and sold via boats to the united states. African-Americans and Native-Americans are the only non-immigrant ethnicity in the USA. Also, Mayans/aztecs ( west coast).
Not if Daddy's a crackhead.I think if you really wanted to level the playing field we need to get rid of our drug laws. These laws may not be racist in their wording but have been undeniably racist in their execution. More daddies at home helping raise their kids instead of being locked up would be the best thing that happened in the poor urban areas.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. You're the one defending racial discrimination. What a idiot! Oops. sorry, RACIST idiot.Page 2 3 and 4 you sir are a fucking racist idiot Percentage of Public School Students by Racial Characteristics. Table 2 illustrates the student racial characteristics for students attending public schools in the Appalachian states. During SY2008-2009, Virginia had the highest percentage of Asian/Pacific Islander-identified students (5.9 percent) in its public schools, as well as the highest percentage of Black, non- Hispanic identified students (26.4 percent) and Hispanic students (9.2 percent). West Virginia had the highest percentage of White students (92.8 percent), followed by Kentucky (84.7 percent). The option to select “two or more races” was not offered in these states during the above-mentioned school year.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that. You're the one defending racial discrimination. What a idiot! Oops. sorry, RACIST idiot.
I doubt there's any evidence African Americans have any more trouble with those tests that anyone else. Standardized testing ensures we apply the same metric to all schools. The only ones protesting standardized test are the teachers unions. They don't want anyone grading THEIR work.Personally, I think it is because our federal government is too involved. What is ironic to me is the fact the department of education (government run) pushes standardized multiple choice testing which African Americans statistically have trouble with. If we got big government and the Obama mindset out of education the standardized testing mindset would possibly be null and void if the community voted that way. Giving NOT just blacks, but people of all races who struggle with those stupid tests better opportunities
OK, you convinced me. You are that stupid.Page 2 3 and 4 you sir are a fucking racist idiot Percentage of Public School Students by Racial Characteristics. Table 2 illustrates the student racial characteristics for students attending public schools in the Appalachian states. During SY2008-2009, Virginia had the highest percentage of Asian/Pacific Islander-identified students (5.9 percent) in its public schools, as well as the highest percentage of Black, non- Hispanic identified students (26.4 percent) and Hispanic students (9.2 percent). West Virginia had the highest percentage of White students (92.8 percent), followed by Kentucky (84.7 percent). The option to select “two or more races” was not offered in these states during the above-mentioned school year.
how is trying to get rid of the achievement gap an example of racial discrimination?
i'll go grab some popcorn and wait for you to tell me how trying to make two races more equal is an example of racial discrimination.
Buck, imo the very term "achievement gap" hides shenanigans. If there is an opportunity gap, that is actionable imo. But an achievement gap is not necessarily the result of an inequality of opportunity. I do not think achievement is a useful retroactive measure of opportunity, since individuals vary widely in ambition. cn
Misstating the situation and asking us to prove your misstatement wrong is a dishonest tactic. Defending racial discrimination is just wrong. You shame yourself.The one everyone is up in arms about Is spending money on trying to figure out how to get blacks to perform better Tell me how that is inherently racist in nature? is it the whites that are underperforming? Do you feel the status quo with blacks underachieving is desirable? In appalachia where the vast majority of students are lagging the rest of the country They are trying to help everyone its just a coincidence that 92.7% of those in west virginia are white
Not gonna get any takers on that bet.I'll wager a beer they were made in China. cn
so do you think that someone who hails from a race that has faced centuries of persecution in this nation has the equal opportunities as anyone else?
No individual has faced centuries of prosecution. Another bankrupt concept.
As far as equality of opportunities goes ... imo we have a situation in this country where anyone from a background of above-median income has full opportunity for education and employment. Money is the ultimate equal-opportunity vehicle. Unfortunately, this undeclared depression has hit that vehicle of self-advancement hard with no regard to race or color lines. cn
This was for your friend, ChesusRice, but it fits you, too.............Misstating the situation and asking us to prove your misstatement wrong is a dishonest tactic. Defending racial discrimination is just wrong. You shame do you think that someone who hails from a race that has faced centuries of persecution in this nation has the equal opportunities as anyone else?