Black Couple denied marriage at white church

Let me see here for a moment. Whites occupy every exclusive club in America, nearly exculsively. They are in the fast majority as CEOs and Presidents of companies, they are in all seats of power in this country in very large majorities but that isn't enough for them, they have to complain when minorities form their own exclusive clubs, no matter how powerless, no matter how small those clubs actually are.
Rather than even attempting to police their own behavior they insist upon policing the behavior of those who formed those clubs in reaction to their having been discriminted against to begin with.

Modern racisim in America is as much "gotcha" politics as it is anything else. I don't particularly care how many black racists there are, my job is to see to it that the white racists are curbed - I leave them to take care of their own in this arena.

Now, I see nothing wrong with hatred, that is simply the nature of man, I don't even care about hatred of groups, that as well is simply the nature of man and I can do little about the sentiment of those around me, but when that hatred becomes institutionalized, I can refuse to accept it, or even point it out and you will see very little institutionalized hatred that has any effect except for that eminating from white males.

And the strawman is being built!
Where is your data backing up the claim that whites complain when minorities form their own exclusive clubs besides it's irrelevant. Why don't we just stay focused on racism, because you just contradicted yourself by making the point that black racism should be nullified because you feel whites are more guilty of it.
And the strawman is being built!
Where is your data backing up the claim that whites complain when minorities form their own exclusive clubs besides it's irrelevant. Why don't we just stay focused on racism, because you just contradicted yourself by making the point that black racism should be nullified because you feel whites are more guilty of it.

tut tut, I am talking about institutionalized hatred. Nothing irrlevent about an institution of racism, what exactly would you have the hated group do? MLK worked out some details but his is the hardest way and lots of people just can't get their heads around altering a society by being jailed, or punished or killed or hurt. but what I am talking about is institutionalized hatred - BY white males, sticking their noses in gay marriages, women and abortions, defensive racial groups (NAACP, Panthers, women's groups and the like). When those groups begin making laws governing white males, then you have a position. I didn't say that black racisim is nulified, I said it was not my concern and likely not yours either.
tut tut, I am talking about institutionalized hatred. Nothing irrlevent about an institution of racism, what exactly would you have the hated group do? MLK worked out some details but his is the hardest way and lots of people just can't get their heads around altering a society by being jailed, or punished or killed or hurt. but what I am talking about is institutionalized hatred - BY white males, sticking their noses in gay marriages, women and abortions, defensive racial groups (NAACP, Panthers, women's groups and the like). When those groups begin making laws governing white males, then you have a position. I didn't say that black racisim is nulified, I said it was not my concern and likely not yours either.

I was talking about racism in general and how blacks are just as guilty, no need to categorize the hatred bro, let's debate one subject at a time, if you don't mind. So are you dismissing racism if the hate comes from the blacks?
I was talking about racism in general and how blacks are just as guilty, no need to categorize the hatred bro, let's debate one subject at a time, if you don't mind. So are you dismissing racism if the hate comes from the blacks?

Let me put it another way. If you and I lived in a country where blacks held most of the seats of power and they didn't much like us whites and they did things overtly or covertly to keep us from what we believed was some sort of social parity, then that racism would be important to me. As it is, it affects you and me very little. As I said, I have no control over anyone's hatred, I only have control over actions that may evolve from that hatred, in this country very little of that evolution stems from black hatred of whites.
Let me put it another way. If you and I lived in a country where blacks held most of the seats of power and they didn't much like us whites and they did things overtly or covertly to keep us from what we believed was some sort of social parity, then that racism would be important to me. As it is, it affects you and me very little. As I said, I have no control over anyone's hatred, I only have control over actions that may evolve from that hatred, in this country very little of that evolution stems from black hatred of whites.

Whatever do you mean by "us" and "you and me" ?
I was talking about racism in general and how blacks are just as guilty, no need to categorize the hatred bro, let's debate one subject at a time, if you don't mind. So are you dismissing racism if the hate comes from the blacks?

I believe canndo answered directly to that point. He isn't dismissing racism from nonwhites, but is saying that it is of much less legal/legislative consequence at this time. If I've missed the point, someone say so. cn
You black bro?

yes........why does it change something for you

notice how on these types of threads.. no one has everyasked if someone was white... notice

ive almost been made a mod on some other site untell the guyfound out i was black.... you should see how people change how the reacted toyou when they found out your black...
yes im a black guy with a white name... so i know first handhow after your application has been accepted how now the situation is differentin person.... also by the way i talk ive had white's shocked to find out thatmy wife is black... really...... of course i sound this way and talk this wayand act this way in public.. I'M AFUCKEN EDUCATED MAN
I believe canndo answered directly to that point. He isn't dismissing racism from nonwhites, but is saying that it is of much less legal/legislative consequence at this time. If I've missed the point, someone say so. cn

Are you telling me you can't see a contradiction in the statements below?

Here we GO!!

Somehow racism is nulified if "well they do it too". There is some sort of notion that if black people are racist then its ok dude, like we can hate on a brother too man.

I don't particularly care how many black racists there are, my job is to see to it that the white racists are curbed - I leave them to take care of their own in this arena.
Im really worried about Black racists
The New Black Panthers have a active natiowide membership of between
12- 18 members
Depending on how many are in jail for child support obligations and probation violations
and i want everyone to notice on these types of threads how... they start off cool,,,,, and all,,"ask a question, get a question answered" ... but then out of no where ... the HATE comes in .. it starts off as a light jab.... for example.. why bring in race... why even ask someone what they are.. why keep that type of score.... let just have a convo...... a toke and talk if you will ...... let enjoy each other brains... it fill like "archy bunker" in here.... you know how once he hears someone's last name.. he starts going threw his catolog of races that might own that name... then for the rest of the show he nolonger like wahat that guy says..... SMH.. really... its THAT srs with some of you white.. thats a hard way to grow up .... i feel sorry for yall...

In all seriousness
I hate all racism
it exists
But no one should tolerate it
Go look thru the threads
I am called the biggest racist on the board
Please feel free to point out anything I have said or done that is racist
I dont create the racism here
I just point it out
Im really worried about Black racists
The New Black Panthers have a active natiowide membership of between
12- 18 members
Depending on how many are in jail for child support obligations and probation violations

but if a black responds back to that... which is all a ployto either get the thread closed , or to bring out all the blacks, or the black sympathizers,,, then that is black racism …… point made … black racist only exist do to therebeing white racist ….. this was the point all along … there is only a blackpanther party .. because there is a kkk/skin nation…..