Let me see here for a moment. Whites occupy every exclusive club in America, nearly exculsively. They are in the fast majority as CEOs and Presidents of companies, they are in all seats of power in this country in very large majorities but that isn't enough for them, they have to complain when minorities form their own exclusive clubs, no matter how powerless, no matter how small those clubs actually are.
Rather than even attempting to police their own behavior they insist upon policing the behavior of those who formed those clubs in reaction to their having been discriminted against to begin with.
Modern racisim in America is as much "gotcha" politics as it is anything else. I don't particularly care how many black racists there are, my job is to see to it that the white racists are curbed - I leave them to take care of their own in this arena.
Now, I see nothing wrong with hatred, that is simply the nature of man, I don't even care about hatred of groups, that as well is simply the nature of man and I can do little about the sentiment of those around me, but when that hatred becomes institutionalized, I can refuse to accept it, or even point it out and you will see very little institutionalized hatred that has any effect except for that eminating from white males.
And the strawman is being built!
Where is your data backing up the claim that whites complain when minorities form their own exclusive clubs besides it's irrelevant. Why don't we just stay focused on racism, because you just contradicted yourself by making the point that black racism should be nullified because you feel whites are more guilty of it.