The primary role of government?

The corporate media is rather succusfull at selling snake oil.

Ah what snake oil it is - ask any American if they have the "right to free choice" and then ask them what that means - they see it as "the right to purchase".
the purpose of government is to keep the gays from destroying the fabric of society, make sure my wife's vagina is well legislated against, and to guarantee that the "job creators" never have to suffer the indignity of paying $77k for their dancing horses. amen.
the purpose of government is to keep the gays from destroying the fabric of society, make sure my wife's vagina is well legislated against, and to guarantee that the "job creators" never have to suffer the indignity of paying $77k for their dancing horses. amen.

I dunno about you, but Equine Opportunity is in the Constitution. It's troo 'cuz I read it on Facebook somewhere. cn
The government has corrupted you.
Those people in their country are hero's.
Just as our soldiers are hero's to us.
But terrorists to them because WE invade.

I will never call someone in a mask with a gun a hero. Sorry. I dont care what the populace opinion is.

what country are you hinting at anyway? who is brainwashed?

Yes, there is a vast distinction between the noun "The Government" ( usually the government a citizen resides in ) and "government" the concept.

I did totally think this thread was about The Government at first, until the OP, or others was it, explained their goal.

ask someone what they think of government, without making the distinction not their government but government as an idea, and you will get same nation-centric answers ( i am guessing, as evidenced by this thread )
I will never call someone in a mask with a gun a hero. Sorry. I dont care what the populace opinion is.

what country are you hinting at anyway? who is brainwashed?

Yes, there is a vast distinction between the noun "The Government" ( usually the government a citizen resides in ) and "government" the concept.

I did totally think this thread was about The Government at first, until the OP, or others was it, explained their goal.

ask someone what they think of government, without making the distinction not their government but government as an idea, and you will get same nation-centric answers ( i am guessing, as evidenced by this thread )

In my experience, when people think "government", they think of the one that controls THEM.
The roll of the government is to collapse so we can reset this shit all over again. We all know they don't follow their real role.

Only once this collapses, will they understand their protocols, conduct, and ethics were fundamentally flawed. While they understand this to some degree now, there is no current action for correction. They will be forced to understand they made some major flaws.

I would rather lose most of my life savings and assets now, than be paying 50%+ income tax by the time I'm 30, for the rest of my life.
The roll of the government is to collapse so we can reset this shit all over again. We all know they don't follow their real role.

Only once this collapses, will they understand their protocols, conduct, and ethics were fundamentally flawed. While they understand this to some degree now, there is no current action for correction. They will be forced to understand they made some major flaws.

I would rather lose most of my life savings and assets now, than be paying 50%+ income tax by the time I'm 30, for the rest of my life.

Still talking about what I presume is the United States Federal government as a monolithic "they". In fact, even today, "they" is us. In the very recent past a realtively small group of people got together and peacefully rebelled against what they considered a "they" government. Those Tea Party folk managed in a very few years to alter the makeup and attitude of our government to more closely align with their beliefs. Now I don't agree with most of what they want, I don't even think that their actions were totally without influence from other forces but the example is plain.

We can alter the direction our government heads and if that is so, then flawed as "they" are, we are still in charge.

Oh, and I seriously doubt that unless you have horrific problems with your taxes that you will ever pay 50 percent income tax. Your taxes have not gone up for some time now and it is likely that they will not for some time to come.
What IS the primary role of government today?


What SHOULD BE the primary goal of government?

To manage.

Manage whatever socialist policies make sense. Infrastructure is socialism. Health-care is socialism. Armies are socialism. Education is socialism. Courts, police, EMS, fire-fighting, roads, bridges, food drug and environment safety etc. etc. Man-kind has been on a socialist trend since we were in the cave when the biggest, meanest ate first and fucked all the women. If your plane went down on a deserted island with a cross-section of society would it be everyone for themselves?

Plenty of room for innovation, success and reward for everyone with good government.
Still talking about what I presume is the United States Federal government as a monolithic "they". In fact, even today, "they" is us. In the very recent past a realtively small group of people got together and peacefully rebelled against what they considered a "they" government. Those Tea Party folk managed in a very few years to alter the makeup and attitude of our government to more closely align with their beliefs. Now I don't agree with most of what they want, I don't even think that their actions were totally without influence from other forces but the example is plain.

We can alter the direction our government heads and if that is so, then flawed as "they" are, we are still in charge.

Oh, and I seriously doubt that unless you have horrific problems with your taxes that you will ever pay 50 percent income tax. Your taxes have not gone up for some time now and it is likely that they will not for some time to come.

Taxes should be up, and need to be up, in order to make up for the monetary mismanagement & irresponsibility of this government. Funny thing is that higher taxes wouldn't solve a god damn thing in that regard.

The taxes we are paying now are in no way correlated properly to the governments expenses anymore. It's all an illusion at this point, to float the sinking ship for another decade or so. The government has mismanaged itself fiscally, into an irreversible, infinite, shit-holed, cluster fuck of a situation.

The only thing that will come of a result of the government's shit-fest, situation, is either heavy taxes, or the elimination of your bank account via a massive devaluation of the dollar, as the government attempts to dissolve it's debt problems with inflation. A little inflation will not take care of the problem as the problem is too large. A lot of inflation will. Any way it goes, you will see the fruition, and realized situation of highway robbery of this nation's people within the next couple decades, as a result of the government's misconduct.

The monetary issues this government is facing, are absolutely and irrefutably insoluble.

The baby-boomers pulled quite the heist on their post generations. Anyone who says otherwise is smoking on some good pipe dreams.

You have to remember, if the government dipped it's hands into the SS fund, in what way are they expected to financially correct their situation, given they fucked up, and manipulated the one fund that was not supposed to really be touched? Instances like this are just the tip of the iceberg in regards to the baby-boomers, robbing the fuck out of my generation, and thereafter. Someone has to pay for it, and it won't just vanish into thin air. In other words, someone needs to be robbed, in order to pay back the theft.
To manage.

Manage whatever socialist policies make sense. Infrastructure is socialism. Health-care is socialism. Armies are socialism. Education is socialism. Courts, police, EMS, fire-fighting, roads, bridges, food drug and environment safety etc. etc. Man-kind has been on a socialist trend since we were in the cave when the biggest, meanest ate first and fucked all the women. If your plane went down on a deserted island with a cross-section of society would it be everyone for themselves?

Plenty of room for innovation, success and reward for everyone with good government.

Easy there. Socialism hinges on the public (i.e. the government, in real terms) holding ownership if the means of production: mines, farms, factories etc.

What you're describing is social spending, which is a hallmark of every government since recorded history began. cn
Easy there. Socialism hinges on the public (i.e. the government, in real terms) holding ownership if the means of production: mines, farms, factories etc.

What you're describing is social spending, which is a hallmark of every government since recorded history began. cn

You're right. Free enterprise is actually my primary belief. I do believe that natural resources and essential services should be held by the people(the govt.) Plenty of room for success after that.
UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA is a corporation! Same with UNTIED STATES...

2 different entities!!

We the People....

Our government stopped printing money in the 30's and the 60's is when we all were truly lied to!!

Everyone wants Reserve Notes that we call money!! Look at the history of Fiat Money!! Theory of objective value!
Any government can learn a thing or two from us growers..

Keep It Simple Stupid


Keep it Stupidly Simple.....

hmmn either way i guess....

HB DC, they dont care, those that know, wont do anything about it...
It is a shame!!

“Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action.”

“When firearms go, all goes. We need them every hour.”

- George Washington