Gay marriage?

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No I have gay uncles and friends.....I just love making ppl mad.

back to the thread......homosexuality is bad.....don't do it
#1 rule of trolling, never admit it. Ignored.
Scientifically proven? Please show me this ground breaking evidence that im sure would have been announced publicly by now...

No dude, it hasnt been proven. In fact, its leaning more towards feelings of homosexual being brought on by distortions in sexual development during adolescence.

I agree to an extent.....I believe homosexuality can have influence on my child. Just like everything else can influence your child whether it be good or bad......children are like sponges they absorb everything they encounter.....if they absorb too much bad stuff they have a tendecy to lean in that direction......just like children who grow up in abusive homes tend to be more violent than those who didn't.

While I agree that gay culture can have a surface effect, I do not believe that peer pressure can influence the core of one's sexual orientation. In a world ruled by restrictive and non-negotiable doctrine like the nations where Abrahamic religion is the moral yardstick ... the best gays can do to conform is to repress their natures and choose celibacy. Imo that is cruel. cn
I know this was directed at Kaendar, but my take on things is I don't want my son and/or daughter walking around thinking it is alright to have a life partner of the same sex......I would like grand kids some day......and not created in a laboratory or petri dish
So really your problem isn't with gay marriage, it's with homosexuality in general.

Homosexuals are going to exist regardless of the legality of gay marriage. It's not like your children aren't going to be exposed to it anyways. You just have to explain to them you feel about it.
While I agree that gay culture can have a surface effect, I do not believe that peer pressure can influence the core of one's sexual orientation. In a world ruled by restrictive and non-negotiable doctrine like the nations where Abrahamic religion is the moral yardstick ... the best gays can do to conform is to repress their natures and choose celibacy. Imo that is cruel. cn
I beg to differ, and any glance at a Facebook newsfeed can confirm the fact that you are wrong. The whole openness of homosexuality has led to almost all teenage girls claiming to now be bisexual.
I beg to differ, and any glance at a Facebook newsfeed can confirm the fact that you are wrong. The whole openness of homosexuality has led to almost all teenage girls claiming to now be bisexual.
And 90% of teenage girls are dumbasses who will say anything for attention ;)
While I agree that gay culture can have a surface effect, I do not believe that peer pressure can influence the core of one's sexual orientation. In a world ruled by restrictive and non-negotiable doctrine like the nations where Abrahamic religion is the moral yardstick ... the best gays can do to conform is to repress their natures and choose celibacy. Imo that is cruel. cn
no they can fuck in private....just don't swap tonsils in front of my child.......I feel disrespected when heterosexual ppl make out or play grab-ass in front of my child......No need to teach a child that behavior in my opinion.....And most queers love being sooooo flamboyant and want to be noticed by the world so badly they do all sorts of out of line things in public(spanking, kissing, genital grabbing...the list goes on).....yes, it is a stereotype.....and yes it is true from what I have seen.
Honestly, Im not arguing this shit rite now. Im hungry, I have to go to the bank, and my son has a fever or 101. Im not hunting for links right now. Just take a moment and think about shit from a logical and psychological point of view.

I have, long and in depth, over the course of decades. That is why i oppose what you say as incorrect and corrosive. Corrosive because it's backed by so much doctrinaire nonsense coming from the virulent evangelical communities in this nation whose most exalted document is the counterrational poo known as John's Revelation ... otherwise I'd be able to dismiss it as a minority opinion with little consequence. but because there IS consequence to what I perceive as a systematic perversion of an understanding of human nature, I bother to reply with my opposing thesis. cn

<add> I do not allow Facebook anything on my machine. Thank you Noscript.
Yes. I feel especially bad for the old folks that have been married for decades. If that was me, and gay marriage or any other alternative forms of marriage would be legalized, I would be pissed and saddened. What would be the point of getting married anymore? Like I said, this isnt only a gay thing, any type of alternative marriage dissolves the meaning of a traditional matrimony.
The point of getting married is that it is the ultimate symbol of love between two consenting adults.

Forget about all the other non-traditional marriages. We aren't talking about those. We are only talking about same-sex marriage. You may counter with, "well, where does it end?" At gay marriage. That's where it ends.
no they can fuck in private....just don't swap tonsils in front of my child.......I feel disrespected when other ppl make out or play grab-ass in front of my child......No need to teach a child that behavior in my opinion.....And most queers love being sooooo flamboyant and want to be noticed by the world so badly they do all sorts of out of line things in public(spanking, kissing, genital grabbing...the list goes on).....yes, it is a stereotype.....and yes it is true from what I have seen.

I'm not promoting overtness. I expect gays to observe the same guidelines of discretion that apply to straights. Sluttiness is neither a straight nor gay prerogative imo. I do not celebrate gross exhibitionism no matter the polarities involved. cn
And 90% of teenage girls are dumbasses who will say anything for attention ;)
Very true. 90% of them do it to get attention and use the gay community to defend them. The problem here in 2012 is that it isnt just empty claims for attention, they are actually doing it. I cant even log into my Facebook anymore without being bombarded by pictures of 16 year old girls making out and giving eachother oral sex. This whole gay pride movement is having a direct negative effect on todays youth. Same thing with drug use in music and tv.. kids are inventing all these new drugs and getting high and shit.
The point of getting married is that it is the ultimate symbol of love between two consenting adults.

Forget about all the other non-traditional marriages. We aren't talking about those. We are only talking about same-sex marriage. You may counter with, "well, where does it end?" At gay marriage. That's where it ends.
No, its the ultimate symbol of love and commitment between a man and a woman.
I'm not promoting overtness. I expect gays to observe the same guidelines of discretion that apply to straights. Sluttiness is neither a straight nor gay prerogative imo. I do not celebrate gross exhibitionism no matter the polarities involved. cn
yeah my uncle is queer but he's not slutty. just like my wife isn't slutty but my ex was a regular whore.....from my experience queers do tend to want to be heard and/or seen more than others.
Very true. 90% of them do it to get attention and use the gay community to defend them. The problem here in 2012 is that it isnt just empty claims for attention, they are actually doing it. I cant even log into my Facebook anymore without being bombarded by pictures of 16 year old girls making out and giving eachother oral sex. This whole gay pride movement is having a direct negative effect on todays youth. Same thing with drug use in music and tv.. kids are inventing all these new drugs and getting high and shit.
You are friends with chicks who post pictures of themselves giving oral to other chicks? Awesome! :-P

To be fair though, you're making an inference of the youth of today based on what I would assume is 1) a small sample size, and 2) not an SRS. Ergo, it's probably not indicative of the actual population at all.
So really your problem isn't with gay marriage, it's with homosexuality in general.

Homosexuals are going to exist regardless of the legality of gay marriage. It's not like your children aren't going to be exposed to it anyways. You just have to explain to them you feel about it.
I'm not against homosexuality......I just don't want it taught to my children.....If my son or daughter is be it....but no need to push something into their minds if it wasn't already there.
I'm not against homosexuality......I just don't want it taught to my children.....If my son or daughter is be it....but no need to push something into their minds if it wasn't already there.
Fair enough. But wouldn't you agree that they're going to be exposed to it regardless of the legality of same-sex marriage?

Do you have kids now, or are you planning on having children?
yeah my uncle is queer but he's not slutty. just like my wife isn't slutty but my ex was a regular whore.....from my experience queers do tend to want to be heard and/or seen more than others.

My experience is otherwise. I used to hang out in academic circles on the sciences side. The gays and lesbians there, with a single exception, were remarkably discreet in both their manner and likelihood to disclose. I had to earn their trust more often than not before they let me in on it. Of course, i honored that trust. cn
Fair enough. But wouldn't you agree that they're going to be exposed to it regardless of the legality of same-sex marriage?

Do you have kids now, or are you planning on having children?
Yes I agree......I'm neither for nor against same-sex marriage....I personally don't think it is something a government should control in the first place.

Yes I have 1 child and plan on having more before my sperm count deminishes.
Yes I agree......I'm neither for nor against same-sex marriage....I personally don't think it is something a government should control in the first place.

Yes I have 1 child and plan on having more before my sperm count deminishes.
Well let me sling this at your cranium. Consider the idea that the amount of attention payed to homosexuality would, in my guess, dramatically drop after a few years of legal same-sex marriage. Once the storm settles, and people realize it's not the end of the world, people will stop talking about it so much. This leads to less exposure to your children, and a happier you!
My experience is otherwise. I used to hang out in academic circles on the sciences side. The gays and lesbians there, with a single exception, were remarkably discreet in both their manner and likelihood to disclose. I had to earn their trust more often than not before they let me in on it. Of course, i honored that trust. cn
if only more homo's could be more like them.......I love everybody equally........I also hate everybody equally......If they are doing something I believe is morally wrong then I don't want that around my children.......Just like sluts......I don't want my son thinking it is okay to have a slut for a wife just because that is what he see's every day. I would rather keep him away from the negative things in life(I know.....impossible),but at the same time I will teach him about those things when the time comes.
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