• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

911 conspiracy theory


Well-Known Member
lord knows everyone would want an out of shape scottish dude around if shit went down. lol thats why i said keep your mouth shut cause you have no room to talk.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
What i am saying they were given statments to read to the world that tower 7 had colapsed but they would not come strate out with we were forced to say this would they no so they filmed the news with tower 7 in the background?
I have already explained this but lets break it down one more time. Lets take for granted all the construction workers, demo experts, engineers, police, building owners, fire department, and the entire government is in on the plot. Why on earth would they give statements to any news organization ahead of time about any info and compromise this extremely well kept secret? Back that up a step further, and why would they give them anything to read at all? I mean I can see the building live in the background, are news reporters not smart enough to tell the difference between building up and building down? The entire idea that the news was fed information about wtc 7 collapse ahead of time is so asinine and illogical that I cannot believe we are discussing it. It didn't happen, nor does the premise even remotely make sense.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
If the bush administration wanted to have an excuse to go to war wouldn't finding wmds in iraq have been much easier to pull off than 911? Like orders of magnitude easier? And involve a fraction of the people with a fraction of steps needing to take place with a fraction of things that could possibly go wrong?

a 911 inside job is a rube goldberg machine.


Well-Known Member
thanks for starting this thred im tired of people saying it was an inside job lol there are 2 many facts that show that it wasnt a missle attack rofl for example the missing planes and all of the people who died. if it were a missle why whould someone commit suicide for no reason by crashing a plane into the buildings there are some dumb ass people out there that will still argue about it:) it makes me laugh though


Well-Known Member
How does a fire on the upper tier of a building make it collapse in and upon itself like a controlled demolition?

Watch the explosions leveling each floor on the way down.
it wasnt just a regular fire dude it was thousands of pouds of jet fule witch super heated the seal beams and that cause it to fall in on it self causeing a chain reaction its proven they studied the steel dude


Well-Known Member
What a real steaming pile of llama fecies of a thread. If you dont see that 9/11 was an inside job then you are the one that suffers from mental retardation. Either you are too stupid to put 2 and 2 together, or you in full blown denial.
your the reatarted one you say put 2 and 2 together what do you mean made up conspiracy bs or facts that jumbo jet full of the hottest kind of fule crashing into the buildings killing thousands of innocent lives that would make many of the smartest people in the world retarted cause there are verry few people dumb enough to belive that this was an inside job including you i rofl at your ignorance


Well-Known Member
if i took enough time i could come up with a credible conspiracy of how the cia brain washed rc7 into implanting a dildo into his but hole he likes it so much he opted to never take it out. this is what rc7 would say "true story if anyone doesnt belive it your just retarted tell me how come i feel pressure in my but hole every night? anyone who is dumb enough to belive other wise is just retarted the goverment raped me and i like it if you dont belive it go read a book" rofl


Well-Known Member
abslouty none of your dumb ass made up facts have any proof behind them they are all unsupported made up opinions of crazy people who have to much time on there hand :)


Well-Known Member
To op right say for a second i beleave it was Al Qada PUt yourself on plane one.

A rag head jumps up wips out his box cutter and says it's my plane now move and your dead are you A going to sit there and do nothing? B kick him in the cunt?

If B then fair enuf you may have some wounds but you will stop him as there are other people on the plain thinking if i am going to die i will die trying to save myself?

If A then the other people are sill going to kick his arse or die trying?
they did people over powerd the terroist in the plane that crashed into the field i heard the black box my self you should study shit before you start makeing blind conclusions you not even from america so wtf would you know about 9/11 not shit i rest my case


Well-Known Member
i just showed my brother this thred he is laughing hes ass off rofl hes was like how could anybody be dumb enough to belive that shit hahaha he also watch the attack unfold on the news and he studys this shit all the time he knows what he is talking about if it was an inside job he would know he is verry smart and has been in collage for 8 years now. so ill take his word for it before i listen to some uneducated scotish fuck


Well-Known Member
Holy shit some people are fucking dumb as fucking shit. open your eyes motherfuckers
Why were the Bin Laden and Saud families (142 people total) permitted by the FBI and the White House to fly out of the U.S. on private jets on September 13th when all other private flights were still grounded by the FAA? In June of 2004, Tampa Bay International airport verified that this flight indeed took place. And Why did Bush stop all investigations into the Bin Laden family before 9/11? The FBI documents "199-I" (indicating a national security case) show that the FBI was pulled off the trail of Abdullah and Omar bin Laden in 1996 – and reopened Sept.19, 2001, eight days after 9/11.

How did they find Mohammed Atta’s and Satam al-Sugami’s passport which magically survived – unscathed – the plane crash, explosion, fire, over 200,000 tons of steel and 425,000 cubic yards of concrete totaling 1.2 million tons of rubble? Yet they can't locate the flight recorders from either plane? And who "found" them and at what time did they "find" these? This is the real outrageous conspiracy theory! (I have an idea, why doesn't Boeing design a new data recorder manufactured from the same indestructible material used to produce magical Saudi passports?)

You may ask how and when the bombs were planted in the towers. There were plenty of opportunities to plant bombs with low risk of detection. Here are a few examples:
• Ben Fountain, a 42 year old financial analyst who worked in the South Tower, said the weeks before 9/11 there were numerous unanswered and unusual drills where sections of both the Twin Towers and WTC 7 were evacuated for "security reasons".
• Bomb-sniffing dogs were inexplicably removed from the Twin Towers five days before 9/11
• Scott Forbes, working for Fiduciary Trust in the 97th floor of the South Tower, reported that there was a 36 hour "power down" in the upper half of the South Tower on September 8–9 to complete a "cabling upgrade," where security systems consequently were shut down and many workers ran around busily doing things unobserved. They were informed by Port Authority three weeks prior to this.
Yet another coincidence, a Bush-linked company, Stratesec, handled security for three clients that figured prominently in the attack - United Airlines; Dulles International Airport where AA FL 77 was hijacked; and the World Trade Center itself. The President’s brother, Marvin P. Bush, and his cousin, Wirt D. Walker III, were principals in Stratesec, with Walker acting as CEO from 1999 until January 2002 and Marvin reportedly in New York on 9/11.

On October 26, 2001 George Bush signed the misnamed USA PATRIOT Act, which was proposed just five days after 9/11! Just six weeks later this bill was passed! It is IMPOSSIBLE for a bill to be conceived, written, debated, and passed this quickly. You see, they had already written the bill BEFORE 9-11, and needed this disaster to justify its passage. In addition, testimony by Rep. Ron Paul revealed that most members of Congress were compelled to vote for the bill without even reading it. This was a vote to eliminate the Constitutional Bill of Rights, which has defined American freedom for 200 years, and it was accomplished when legislators voted for the bill without even reading it!

Did you know that the U.S. financed, armed, and trained Al Qaeda? After Russian troops invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the CIA financed (with billions of dollars), armed, and trained bin Laden and thousands of other Mujahideen rebels. (Reagan called them "freedom fighters") The name "al-Qaeda" as an organization was first used in early 2001, when the U.S. government decided to prosecute Bin Laden in his absence (for the Aug ‘98 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed 224 people) and had to use anti-Mafia laws that required the existence of a named criminal organization.

What about the President’s odd behavior at the elementary school? After hearing about the second plane attack, President Bush sat down with a classroom of second-graders and began a 20-minute pre-planned photo op. Bush's behavior is made even more astounding by the fact that his Secret Service would have had to assume that he was one of the intended targets. One Secret Service agent, seeing the television coverage of the crash of the second airliner into the WTC, reportedly said: "We're out of here." He was obviously overruled. Why wasn’t he immediately whisked out and protected? The terrorists could have targeted the President along with the 200+ people at the school? The Secret Service breached all standard procedures and allowed President Bush to remain at a highly publicized location for 25 minutes after it was known that the nation was under attack!