who thinks that they got the biggest outdoor plant so far this season?!!

Looking good man. A larger pot could bush that out more FYI. :) Good shit for your first grow. Next season try a larger smart pot and different nutes. You will have just as much fun!
they are the only people i know that smoke ganja. i dont know any pattients that need weed. all the medical card holders i have ever meet were just abusing the system to make money and have a good time. I worked at a "club" in friant, CA (the hemp shop) i swear to you out of 1000 patients only about 7 or 8 really needed weed, the others were around 18-25 years of age and just smoking for a good time.

agreed that is the majority of the medical patients. but what makes your neighbors any different than them. the kids just dont want to be arrested for possession and i cant blame them!!

the plant shouldn't be illegal at all in my opinion. but because it is illegal and i want to be apart of this movement i will follow the laws provided and i will continue to "provide medication to medical patients"

the amount of weed i give my patients is alot considering i pay for everything and do 99% of the work aswell as sleep outside in a tent for 2 months to make sure they have there medication for the year. its hard to have a job at the same time! so why shouldn't we get paid for out time

sorry guys ill stop and get back on track... ill go take some pictures to post up
Yeah just let it go man. Back to the GREEN!!!!! :) Swing by my thread if you haven't seen the new vid yet. If you have... Thanks! :D
Looking good man. A larger pot could bush that out more FYI. :) Good shit for your first grow. Next season try a larger smart pot and different nutes. You will have just as much fun!

Damn, but I just repotted it 10 days ago....with the biggest one I could find. I've never seen any plant grow like this, and as for nutes, tell me how this could be healthier? I used reg. potting soil mixed 50/50 with bagged manure. Seems to work beautifully.
I think its more work trying to keep em under the fence then letting them grow up and over.
I have cloned them so much I didn't have room for more clones so I started taking 1 foot off the top every 2 or 3 week.
3d pheno 1---3d pheno 2---3d pheno 3---Purple diesel---3d pheno 4---3d pheno 5
3d pheno 6
3d pheno 7
purple kush
Lemon Larry OG
mixture of plants grown in shade
my big mosaic virus resident male

Hopefully ill get 6 or 7 thousand seeds this year. last year I seeded smaller plants.
Damn, but I just repotted it 10 days ago....with the biggest one I could find. I've never seen any plant grow like this, and as for nutes, tell me how this could be healthier? I used reg. potting soil mixed 50/50 with bagged manure. Seems to work beautifully.

I wasn't knocking your plant at all. Your pot is fine if you are keeping it short but if you are pushing 7' let that girl bush out! And I am not knocking your nutes at all. It's just that there is MUCH more you can learn about MMJ if you start breaking down what you are giving it. Miracle Grow works but is WAY TOO STRONG and could end your season if you use too much. :) Sure it's cheap and it works but for a little more money and a little research you can blow this plant out of the water next season. :)
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my big mosaic virus resident male

Hopefully ill get 6 or 7 thousand seeds this year. last year I seeded smaller plants.

LOL now i remember you and i Know why you want me imprisoned... cuz i said i would chop that big male down if you were my neighbor...

ok sorry to go off track but everything just made a whole lot more sense when i saw that
LOL now i remember you and i Know why you want me imprisoned... cuz i said i would chop that big male down if you were my neighbor...

ok sorry to go off track but everything just made a whole lot more sense when i saw that

yeah I'm sure anyone flowering early will be sorry. Usually by the time the females start flowering my male will be done and collected pollen and store in the refrigerater.
That random male is my worst nightmare. Although I have already stated that if I get seeded I'm popping seeds and growing my ass off! :D
That random male is my worst nightmare. Although I have already stated that if I get seeded I'm popping seeds and growing my ass off! :D

yeah forreal!!!

but cutting males before the females flower and storing pollen in the freezer to brush on later is a perfectly fine technique. i assumed he was doing a massive open outdoor breeding which would be my worse nightmare!
P7300083.jpg SS3D i got growing by squash i dont feed it every and it drys up sometimes like right now when i took the pic