"The government of France disagrees with you....."
First off... I never said hydraulic fracturing was without risk. Hydraulic fracturing has been a standard completion practice for over half a century. So what exactly in my comment is there to disagree with??
the disagree part i guess is when u said this "The liberal media has latched onto "Fracing" as their new rallying cry as if this is some new dangerous procedure the evil oil companies have designed to rape the planet for profit"
Its kind of obvious that oil companies' plan has been to rape the planet for profit since the beginning. What delusional world are you living in where oil companies, mining companies, agriculture companies, lumber companies, etc care about the long term health of our planet and its citizens? Who designed Fracing then...hmm... magic ferries from Uranus? I realize they are probably supporting your lifestyle, and this heavily biases your opinion. The realtionship is much like every lobby group and the malleable elected officials.
Do people think an increase in production will translate to cost savings for us? If anything it will increase the already-record-breaking oil companies corporate profit margins!
Just because something has been for xxx amount of years doesnt mean its right. Think the racial, cultural, and women's rights movements for example. Farmers used to dump old tractor oil and old gas and what not in creeks, people would pour motor oil down drains, etc ....for many years it was standard practice! Just because things are how they are, doesn't mean its right!
And im sorry but didnt you also say when you're pumping acid down the earth at under 20000 psi you're trying to not have it come back up the casing?! How can you contradict yourself of the dangers so obviously and so quickly lol.
"When your tap water is flammable, it may pose a problem....."
I agree 100%.... but the presence of natural gas in surface water formation is a natural occurrence. If we are going to use families experiences for examples then my Aunt and Uncle drilled a water well on their property in the 60's. There wasn't a oil/gas well within 50+ miles of their property. And my Uncle blew himself off the toilet while smoking on the crapper..... natural gas can and DOES exist in formation drilled for use as potable water.
I think you're a little misguided on the cause/effect here. The reason they put traps in toilets is to stop the buildup of gasses such as methane in bathrooms. People blowing the bathroom up was a common problem if it was missed, especially if the people were smokers.
Even if you are saying somehow the methane gas accumulated due to the fresh water plumbing, it does little to prove how safe fracturing is due to another false cause/effect connection.
"Anyone who thinks that pumping millions of gallons of this type of concoction into the earth isn't harmful is deluding themselves....."
No argument there. You are 100% correct. But do you have the foggiest clue as to how these fracturing procedures are performed,monitored and controlled?? I'd wager no.Liberal loudmouths like Bill Maher like to go on and on about "fracing" while never getting around to the actual problem. Because if they did then they'd have to acknowledge the fact that the solution is simple, these incidents where hydraulic fracturing has contaminated could have been easily prevented and the fracturing procedure could have still been performed w/o incident. If they did there really wouldn't be anything to get up on a soap box over. Nothing to drum up fear about and in turn.... no attention for themselves.
yes, bill maher is a retard.
Because a chemical was made by humans does not mean it is safe.
Oil companies and epic huge fuckups.....BP could have not fucked up the gulf, or exxon alaska, if only proper procedure was used...har har