Business told to either give up their religion or give up their business

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The owner is not forcing his belief on anyone. Saying so is a lie. Forcing him to subsidize contraception would be forcing YOUR belief on him.

actually, it would be following the law of the land, which was upheld as constitutional. remember?

I thought you had a Mac laptop ?

How is a de facto taxation issue, which is how I read the contraception fracas, an infringement of free speech? cn

I'm not following either prong of your reasoning.
How would reducing access to the pill not exacerbate the abortion issue?

And how is it a moral issue? i thought it was a religious one, and moral (not equals) religious. cn

Bumped because I'm interested in the answers. cn
How is it fake when the second place finisher for the republican nomination said "Rapes babies are gifts from god."
Let's see, so someone making a statement you disagree with, long after the fake war on women started, somehow changed history? By the way, many women who were impregnated by rape have, keep, and love their babies. They DO consider them a gift.
Clearly not to the right, its a moral issue of making them pay for something they don't believe in.

Can't women just buy their own PMS pills and pay for their own abortions so we can all get along?

they should stop paying women in the company if they are gonna do that.
Can't women just buy their own PMS pills and pay for their own abortions so we can all get along?

the law of the land, recently upheld as constitutional, covers preventive care. birth control pills are preventive care.

sorry buddy, it's just a medical thing. medical decisions are between a patient and a doctor, no church or employer gets a say in it.
tell that to women with ovarian cysts or severe menstrual pains. lack of access to birth control for them would indeed endanger their health.

keep your sky daddy belief nonsense away from everyone else's health care. thanks.

What does that have to do with the subject ? Off point comments that are filled with contradiction are so your style. I do not share the belief against birth control, and as I stated when the safety of others is at stake the line should be drawn. I guess it's ok for you to shove your beliefs on others but not the other way around. I get it you have no respect for others who don't walk, talk or think like you. It's ok though. You think forcing people into doing things they do not believe in is ok but it's just another way to oppress them. Fascism is what that is. I get it now thanks.
There are a lot of health reasons besides preventing pregnancy that they are good for. I was put on them before I was having sex for health reasons. But why is preventing pregnancy Not A Health Issue? please explain.
Funny. I didn't know men took birth control pills. I guess maybe you sissy boys do. Who said preventing pregnancy "Not A Health Issue?" Misdirection = lying.
What does that have to do with the subject ? Off point comments that are filled with contradiction are so your style. I do not share the belief against birth control, and as I stated when the safety of others is at stake the line should be drawn. I guess it's ok for you to shove your beliefs on others but not the other way around. I get it you have no respect for others who don't walk, talk or think like you. It's ok though. You think forcing people into doing things they do not believe in is ok but it's just another way to oppress them. Fascism is what that is. I get it now thanks.

what do ovarian cysts and crippling menstrual cramps have to do with a debate about birth control pills?

oh, nothing.

nice incoherent rambling there though.
the law of the land, recently upheld as constitutional, covers preventive care. birth control pills are preventive care.

sorry buddy, it's just a medical thing. medical decisions are between a patient and a doctor, no church or employer gets a say in it.

So if we are forcing people to pay for abortions/BC and it is against their religion, isn't that a violation of their first amendment rights?

I feel the state shouldn't be involved and it should be up to the family to make these decisions, but you shouldn't force others to pay for it.
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