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Never saw it. So Tom Cruise's character is based on Howard Hunt?Tom Cruise's character in the Mission: Impossible movies. The "new" Mr Phelps.
Never saw it. So Tom Cruise's character is based on Howard Hunt?Tom Cruise's character in the Mission: Impossible movies. The "new" Mr Phelps.
Never saw it. So Tom Cruise's character is based on Howard Hunt?
Look what I just stumbled upon:The character in the TV series was Mr Phelps. Tom Cruise plays that character in something like 4 movies but the lead character is named Ethan Hunt. I don't think there was any basing on Hunt's actual espionage experiences, just a curious factoid.
Coincidence? They couldn't keep the Phelps name? Or use John Doe or James Bombed or Jack Shit? Why E. Hunt?
Look what I just stumbled upon:
So could the mass killer James Holmes be a CIA mind controlled operative? It’s possible. The CIA has trained many Jason Bourne-type killers, and has planned other state terror events, with 9/11 being the most famous example. The CIA may be playing a sick joke and twisting reality by unleashing a real Jason Bourne at a Batman screening.
thats retarded.
i wonder what other Robert Ludlum novels are in the CIA's alleged wackyness rotation, or better yet, other authors from the 60's and 70's. maybe when they get to Heinlein we will see some real shit going on.
You know what the fucked part is? It is usually the woman in the family, like the grandmother who are the most insistent. It's the whole mental gymnastics deal where they cannot allow themselves to understand how fucked they got and not believe it is the Only Way.Heinlen **hugs**
About all I disagree with him on is cultural relativity. No matter how you sugar coat it, there's no condoning mutilating a baby girl's genitals so she won't cheat on her future husband. If I found out anyone did that shit, I'd take a box cutter they love using so much and mutilate the fuck out of them so they can only sit in a chair for the rest of their life with a feeding tube unable to move. That assumes the fucker survives.
I love talking about the Kennedy Assignation because it's a great example of a Totalitarian government's ability to manage information and thus keep us in the dark any way they can.
So I'd like your thoughts on which one is next? Go straight to 911 or should we delve in Iran? South America? Iraq one? TWA 800? anything at all folks, just planting seeds here folks...
You know what the fucked part is? It is usually the woman in the family, like the grandmother who are the most insistent. It's the whole mental gymnastics deal where they cannot allow themselves to understand how fucked they got and not believe it is the Only Way.
?can you say "redacted"??Still we intresting to read and with todays ability for the world to read them overnight there will be lots of input I am sure.
I love talking about the Kennedy Assignation because it's a great example of a Totalitarian government's ability to manage information and thus keep us in the dark any way they can.
So I'd like your thoughts on which one is next? Go straight to 911 or should we delve in Iran? South America? Iraq one? TWA 800? anything at all folks, just planting seeds here folks...