Do you support gay marriage

Do you support gay marriage?

  • Yes

    Votes: 58 69.0%
  • No

    Votes: 26 31.0%

  • Total voters
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right: may not be voted on.

policy: may be voted on.

learn to use some nitrogen you fucking hack.

Of course. Just like Obabma can have a "policy" to take away a natural right of self ownership or bad people can vote other people of a different skin color into slavery. Yeah...makes perfect sense. Learn the difference between voluntary interactions and government aggression.
Really its only fair that if heterosexual people can get married then gay people should be able to as well....but I don't think anyone should have special privileged..not everyone is able to marry for various reasons. I think it undermines marriage/love for the fact that a major factor is "the financial benefits".
Decent results, a little disappointed that it has 10 no votes tho, would like to see the yes turn into at least 50 if possible before I turn then in.
As a straight person who was divorced and then remarried, straight of course,...I think ALL marriage should be illegal. Marriage is the leading cause of divorce. And some going through a divorce try or do kill the other. No marriage equals no divorce. No divorce equals less domestic violence and murders.
If your committed, just live your life together. What does a marriage certificate really mean? Other than your going to loose half your shit when your partner leaves.
right: may not be voted on.

policy: may be voted on.

learn to use some nitrogen you fucking hack.

Policy: a definite course of action adopted for the sake of expediency, facility, etc.: We have a new company policy.
2. a course of action adopted and pursued by a government, ruler, political party, etc.: our nation's foreign policy.

3. an action or procedure conforming to or considered with reference to prudence or expediency: It was good policy to consent.

4. sagacity; shrewdness: Showing great policy, he pitted his enemies against one another.

Once again Bucky is caught pulling shit out ass and gets pwned! LOL

What a
Policy: a definite course of action adopted for the sake of expediency, facility, etc.: We have a new company policy.
2. a course of action adopted and pursued by a government, ruler, political party, etc.: our nation's foreign policy.

3. an action or procedure conforming to or considered with reference to prudence or expediency: It was good policy to consent.

4. sagacity; shrewdness: Showing great policy, he pitted his enemies against one another.

Once again Bucky is caught pulling shit out ass and gets pwned! LOL

What a

so a course of action may not be voted upon?

really, just astounding fail by been nowhere today, who's unable to admit that he's a person whose idiocy knows no bounds.
Why? Do you lose sleep over it? Boo hoo
Who said I'm losing sleep over it?

Personally, I could give a rats ass what gay people do with their own lives.
But here is the problem I see with calling it marriage. Once the federal government acknowledges the law, it opens up civil rights lawsuits against any church that fails to marry a gay or lesbian couple. Do you think a church has the right to turn down a gay couples marriage, I do.
so a course of action may not be voted upon?

really, just astounding fail by been nowhere today, who's unable to admit that he's a person whose idiocy knows no bounds.

I'm getting tired of handing your ass to you, but hold on, I'll give it to you one more time. LOL

The Maryland Same-Sex Marriage Referendum will appear on the November 2012 ballot in the state of Maryland as an initiated veto referendum. The measure is in response to the enactment of the Civil Marriage Protection Act on March 1, 2012, which will allow same-sex couples to obtain a civil marriage license in the state beginning January 1, 2013.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] The referendum will allow voters to decide whether the law will be upheld.
I'm getting tired of handing your ass to you, but hold on, I'll give it to you one more time. LOL

The Maryland Same-Sex Marriage Referendum will appear on the November 2012 ballot in the state of Maryland as an initiated veto referendum. The measure is in response to the enactment of the Civil Marriage Protection Act on March 1, 2012, which will allow same-sex couples to obtain a civil marriage license in the state beginning January 1, 2013.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] The referendum will allow voters to decide whether the law will be upheld.

Do you know how pathetic it is that people take the time out of there day to stop other people from doing something that hurts nobody?

Who is the victim here?
If government would stay completely out of the marriage business, no one would be hurt!

True, that would solve the problem. Why don't right wingers focus on business rights instead of just trying to shut down gay marriage?

Besides, gay people aren't going to go get married at a church where people don't think they should get married anyway.
Why is this up to 12 now? Are these serious people or someone trolling making new accounts, knew I should've made it names visible.
True, that would solve the problem. Why don't right wingers focus on business rights instead of just trying to shut down gay marriage?

Besides, gay people aren't going to go get married at a church where people don't think they should get married anyway.

A lot of the right wingers are religious nuts. I disagree with your thought that some gays won't take advantage of the system by filing civil rights lawsuits, some of these far left goofballs are no better than their counterparts of the religious right. Like I said, if government would just stay the fuck out of peoples lives, we'd all be much happier, gays could marry and churches wouldn't have to worry about getting sued for not marrying them!
True, that would solve the problem. Why don't right wingers focus on business rights instead of just trying to shut down gay marriage?

Besides, gay people aren't going to go get married at a church where people don't think they should get married anyway.

Marriage is a business ... just look at differential taxation. Were that not the case, the whole thing would be without practical consequence. But by the same token, practical consequence makes a mighty fine shield for bigoted attitudes. cn
14, I see the thread is tainted now. Therefore all no votes do not count, sorry people who actually believe in their beliefs but a troll messed it up.

26yes 0 no.
I'm getting tired of handing your ass to you, but hold on, I'll give it to you one more time. LOL

The Maryland Same-Sex Marriage Referendum will appear on the November 2012 ballot in the state of Maryland as an initiated veto referendum. The measure is in response to the enactment of the Civil Marriage Protection Act on March 1, 2012, which will allow same-sex couples to obtain a civil marriage license in the state beginning January 1, 2013.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP] The referendum will allow voters to decide whether the law will be upheld.

funny how you ignored the unconstitutionality of putting minority rights to a majority vote, even moreso since that happened in your own state.


douchebag. add some nitrogen.
I think gay couples should have all the same rights as married couples do, but they need to call their union something other than marriage.

I think that ignorant biggoted people should have the right to post here just as other people, but they need to call themselves something other than a decent human being.
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