Atheists Are Going To Hell

You don't acquire truth from experience, from that you merely acquire the truth that you desire... which is not truth, merely desire.

"My name is Chief, and I... am a super saiyan."
Wouldn't you say that all of your life's experiences brought you here, made you who you are now, made you speak the words that you speak.
I questioned everything from a very early age, never took anything for a fact, always had to see for myself if they were true. It took some horrible experiences in my life to start enquiring the basics of what i was taught to be fact or truth. I enquired until i was left with nothing, no beliefs, no nothing, i saw that even what i perceived was the only thing real in this world, me, was an illusion,infact the biggest one of them all. There was suddenly a void, nothing, silence, empty space. It was horrible, depressing because my mind, the ego wanted to associate with it but it no longer had the power or control to take over again. Something else stepped in and it wasn't a different version of the ego, it just was. It has no opinion, no belief, no need to label things, it doesn't care, it just is. I have no word to describe it, it is nothing and everything at the same time and i didn't realize it, it realized itself. I see it as you and me, as a base from which everything springs to life. I have no desire to deviate you from your path, it is your path and yours alone. It shows you and gives you experiences that you need to see.


Well-Known Member
LOL,Chief you dont know,so stop pretending,pretend time is over,actualy follow up on a question with some logic behind your answer,Strife,Pad and Tyler have given multiple questions that you immediately dodge with your own brand of bias logic,they have asked you the questions from a non-bias POV,u continue youre assertions while skipping A VERY important step in your reply's.Just reading all of the posts you have made in the last week,I see that you have had your own experiences while thats good for you to find your self knowledge,Youre self truth not everyone elses.,u continue to evade any real logical answer to important questions you have been asked time after time,You sir have made a fundamental mistake about science is first and foremost a non-bias point of view in which a method has been devised,to systematicaly observe and discern the functioning phenomena of reality this is as basic as anyone can put it,,.You keep positing your experiences as though it were a form of truth that everyone is suppose to see or else. Once again it is your self truth not everyones self truth as there is no universal truth ,,,,If only i could meat youre telepathic friend in real life,Or any one of us could meet him,we would certainly find where the misinterpretation of your experience with this telepethy he supposedly has is.It is not my intention to assault you or ogle you ,,,just to get you to see where U make bold assertions that are blatantly fallacious.


Well-Known Member
Why is him claiming truth insulting? It seriously bothers you that he claims truth to something that you dont believe in? Hes speaking from personal experience and he has found truth in his personal experience, I have had personal experiences as well and I found truth in them. We're not trying to force things on you, believe what the fuck you want, claim theres only self and no gods, I dont care, Im not gunna get mad at you for your beliefs. It seems every skeptic here is insecure about their beliefs because when a theist claims truth to something they get all butt-hurt and have to show the theists their view of reality. People have experiences that a lot of people never get to have, and those experiences change their lives and view of reality. This guy has outer body experiences and explores different realities with his astral body, hes found truth in that. I met two guys who can read minds and completely enter other peoples bodies, I found truth in what they have to say. He is not insulting, hes expressing what he has learned through his experiences, get over yourself.
Well, this is it, exactly. If you are asking sincerely, then here is my answer.

The claiming of experience is not insulting. However, the claim of some universal truth, that we just don't get, in a condescending way,most certainly is insulting. To claim special knowledge with deep lingo that few accept; to speak with self-proclaimed wisdom from past lives; to suggest we are inferior in our understanding because we need more past lives; these I tell you, are marks of Spiritual Ego. Holy, Holy, me, not you, talk.

Since you asked. And since magister666 has put the time in, he knows what I'm taking about. Hopefully you understand and start putting in the time. Then you won't just be re-gurging someone else's beliefs. It will be your experience.
Not what you think about your friend. What do you find about Self?


Well-Known Member
It seems every skeptic here is insecure about their beliefs because when a theist claims truth to something they get all butt-hurt and have to show the theists their view of reality.

State what those beliefs would be then.Actualy List them if u will.

Theists claim certain truth that has NO BASE in reality,the reality in which we use reason and logic as well as an observational methodology that is not prejudgementaly based on opinion or emotions to determine a claim to be Scientificaly valid or provably demonstrable beyond any shadow of doubt,if it is not such then it can be dismissed away from physical actuality as it dose not pertain to objective reality,the claim of truth will be from the subjective reality of self-truth,thus the burden of proof will be upon the person making the truth claim.,,<---this is where it is a requirement for objective proof to be had If the claim is to be accepted as fact.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the entire thing is full of logic bombs. Sceptics see there is no proof of this so-called Universal Truth.

But, the Chief is wrong. We don't believe there is no Universal Truth. It is just that he offers nothing of his inner experience and expects us to buy his re-gurg of beliefs with no practical experience. Then acts upset. But, he's just being challenged.

It is only a shallow debate tactic. The Chief knows that. Skeptics don't have beliefs. That's why we are skeptical, right?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Since the beginning of recorded history, which is defined by the invention of writing by the Sumerians around 6,000 years ago, historians have cataloged over 3,700 supernatural beings, of which 2,870 can be considered deities.

So next time someone tells you they believe in God, I'll say "Oh which one? Zeus? Hades? Jupiter? Mars? Odin? Thor? Krishna? Vishnu? Ra?..."

If they say "Just God. I only believe in the one God."

I'll point out that they are nearly as atheistic as me.

I don't believe in 2,870 gods, and they don't believe in 2,869...


Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
LOL,Chief you dont know,so stop pretending,pretend time is over,actualy follow up on a question with some logic behind your answer,Strife,Pad and Tyler have given multiple questions that you immediately dodge with your own brand of bias logic,they have asked you the questions from a non-bias POV,u continue youre assertions while skipping A VERY important step in your reply's.Just reading all of the posts you have made in the last week,I see that you have had your own experiences while thats good for you to find your self knowledge,Youre self truth not everyone elses.,u continue to evade any real logical answer to important questions you have been asked time after time,You sir have made a fundamental mistake about science is first and foremost a non-bias point of view in which a method has been devised,to systematicaly observe and discern the functioning phenomena of reality this is as basic as anyone can put it,,.You keep positing your experiences as though it were a form of truth that everyone is suppose to see or else. Once again it is your self truth not everyones self truth as there is no universal truth ,,,,If only i could meat youre telepathic friend in real life,Or any one of us could meet him,we would certainly find where the misinterpretation of your experience with this telepethy he supposedly has is.It is not my intention to assault you or ogle you ,,,just to get you to see where U make bold assertions that are blatantly fallacious.
Once again, same old song and dance. Im not trying to force anyone to believe anything, is me claiming truth forcing you to accept something? No. You dont HAVE to pay attention to me you know, simply ignore me if you find me ridiculous. OR just keep on shoving YOUR view of reality down my throat (most likely the case). I want you guys to meet my telepathic friendS, that'd be fantastic, wouldnt even have to do some stupid 52 card test, he'd just tell you to think about something personal then he'd explain the details of what you were thinking of against your will. He didnt use such tactics against me though, I had respect for him even when I thought he was fucking insane. Tyler had the idea of sending Pad down here if everyone raised some money, would be the best educational field trip he ever had, Im totally down, would also sweeten the deal with a bet just to make things interesting lol Thats not gunna happen though, just wishful thinking.

The first word in the title of this subforum is SPIRITUALITY my friend, people are going to claim truth about spirituality no matter what butt hurt atheists have to say. Ignore what you think is ridiculous or keep pointlessly getting offended and trying to force your view of reality on me, your choice.


Ursus marijanus
Same old song and dance. "Durr science doesnt take subjective experiences seriously, that doesnt count", I dont care Pad, Im not confined by science, I refuse to live in a world with limitations. Science cannot explain my experiences, so therefore my experiences are unexplainable? thats stupid. I know exactly what I've experienced. I've experienced them time and time again, butt hurt skeptics cant say anything to change my mind.

Keep huffin and puffin...
OK so here's a question. How do you *know* these things? Specifically, consider your chosen role on these boards: to screw with the materialists. But really, deep down: how do you know that you aren't being trolled by lesser things/agencies/whatnots whose primary talent is wowing us monkeys?
That is a thought that underlies science's rejection of the subjective experience: it's an issue of trust and trustworthiness. Science (edit: and quite independently, simple human sense) has (have) shown that people can know utterly wrong things, so our baseline trustworthiness stinks. However, the proper subject of science is distinguished by having an objective component that serves as an authentication, a freeing from our so very gullible psyche.
Unless and until you can demonstrate such an objective, portably authentic component to the claims you make, we have the unassailable right to say: Nonsense. We may or may not be right, but seriously ... your naked say-so carries no weight. That is just a basic fact of human life, and you're gonna stumble over it as long as you are so amazingly high-handed in your approach.
Unless, of course, you are the troll puppet of trolls, and are amusing both yourself and the mind-rodents giggling at your pliability by trolling us here in SS&P. It's quite possible your actions are rather less voluntary than you'll admit to yourself. You may be unconfined by science, in trade for a more subtle and more severe servitude. cn


Well-Known Member
Once again, same old song and dance. Im not trying to force anyone to believe anything, is me claiming truth forcing you to accept something? No. You dont HAVE to pay attention to me you know, simply ignore me if you find me ridiculous. OR just keep on shoving YOUR view of reality down my throat (most likely the case). I want you guys to meet my telepathic friendS, that'd be fantastic, wouldnt even have to do some stupid 52 card test, he'd just tell you to think about something personal then he'd explain the details of what you were thinking of against your will. He didnt use such tactics against me though, I had respect for him even when I thought he was fucking insane. Tyler had the idea of sending Pad down here if everyone raised some money, would be the best educational field trip he ever had, Im totally down, would also sweeten the deal with a bet just to make things interesting lol Thats not gunna happen though, just wishful thinking.

The first word in the title of this subforum is SPIRITUALITY my friend, people are going to claim truth about spirituality no matter what butt hurt atheists have to say. Ignore what you think is ridiculous or keep pointlessly getting offended and trying to force your view of reality on me, your choice.
Im not getting offended,Lets make that much clear Chief,You have senselessly been making assertions that are not founded in any real form of logic,you repeat yourself like a broken record and for what?Trying to make a point?We see you Chief and you know what?Youre in the wrong place to make youre assumptions as you do and expect everyone to just sit idle while u profusely ignore any response to make youre self more sensable.I wont ignore you because,I do not practice ignorance of what I observe.....You think I am getting offended somehow?That is one of the dumbest things you can say Chief,,,be smarter than that.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Im not getting offended,Lets make that much clear Chief,You have senselessly been making assertions that are not founded in any real form of logic,you repeat yourself like a broken record and for what?Trying to make a point?We see you Chief and you know what?Youre in the wrong place to make youre assumptions as you do and expect everyone to just sit idle while u profusely ignore any response to make youre self more sensable.I wont ignore you because,I do not practice ignorance of what I observe.....You think I am getting offended somehow?That is one of the dumbest things you can say Chief,,,be smarter than that.
Really? The SPIRITUALITY forum is not the place to "assume" spiritual truth? Are you kidding me man? Thats ridiculous. OF COURSE you are getting offended. Doer explained why its offensive for us theists to claim truth, if you werent offended then you'd simply ignore me instead of writing emotional responses. I speak from my experiences, I acknowledge the accomplishments of science but I dont give a fuck what it has to say about personal experiences and how they relate to reality. You dont have to listen to me man, not trying to force anything on you. Simply ignore me or keep getting offended and try forcing your view of reality on me like a priest lecturing a kid who questions Jesus. Your choice.


Well-Known Member
Really? The SPIRITUALITY forum is not the place to "assume" spiritual truth? Are you kidding me man? Thats ridiculous. OF COURSE you are getting offended. Doer explained why its offensive for us theists to claim truth, if you werent offended then you'd simply ignore me instead of writing emotional responses. I speak from my experiences, I acknowledge the accomplishments of science but I dont give a fuck what it has to say about personal experiences and how they relate to reality. You dont have to listen to me man, not trying to force anything on you. Simply ignore me or keep getting offended and try forcing your view of reality on me like a priest lecturing a kid who questions Jesus. Your choice.
Once again you are of base.Once again i have to point out to you ,Youre making assumptions that are incorrect.I am not getting offended U only assume that much. You do not know my emotions.I state again ,I will not ignore you,because I am not ignorant.Ok, you are certainly entitled to you opinion about what science has to say about personal experiences,It is when you assert them as a truth for everyone is where you falter.I do not try indroctinating or preach to anyone.As i said in my previous post it is dumb for you to assume that you have any control over my emotions.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
OK so here's a question. How do you *know* these things? Specifically, consider your chosen role on these boards: to screw with the materialists. But really, deep down: how do you know that you aren't being trolled by lesser things/agencies/whatnots whose primary talent is wowing us monkeys?
That is a thought that underlies science's rejection of the subjective experience: it's an issue of trust and trustworthiness. Science has shown that people can know utterly wrong things, so our baseline trustworthiness stinks. However, the proper subject of science is distinguished by having an objective component that serves as an authentication, a freeing from our so very gullible psyche.
Unless and until you can demonstrate such an objective, portably authentic component to the claims you make, we have the unassailable right to say: Nonsense. We may or may not be right, but seriously ... your naked say-so carries no weight. That is just a basic fact of human life, and you're gonna stumble over it as long as you are so amazingly high-handed in your approach.
Unless, of course, you are the troll puppet of trolls, and are amusing both yourself and the mind-rodents giggling at your pliability by trolling us here in SS&P. It's quite possible your actions are rather less voluntary than you'll admit to yourself. You may be unconfined by science, in trade for a more subtle and more severe servitude. cn

Its personal experience, I know they mean nothing to you or anyone else. But I'll still claim truth to them to see if any theist would like to discuss them or something similar. I KNOW because these experiences are far too specific, far too accurate, and far too CONSISTENT to be trickery or coincidence. I know more than a handful of people who experienced what Im talking about so Im not just making my own reality. No ones forcing anyone to accept these things to be true though. My experiences mean nothing to anyone else because they have not experienced the same thing. Im still going to claim truth though, you dont have to listen to it, Im not preaching to the atheists, I am just presenting what I have experienced and what I've learned from it.

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Once again you are of base.Once again i have to point out to you ,Youre making assumptions that are incorrect.I am not getting offended U only assume that much. You do not know my emotions,nor do you control them.I state again ,I will not ignore you,because I am not ignorant.Ok, you are certainly entitled to you opinion about what science has to say about personal experiences,It is when you assert them as a truth for everyone is where you falter.I do not try indroctinating or preach to anyone.As i said in my previous post it is dumb for you to assume that you have any control over my emotions.
I'm not telling you to believe me, Im not preaching like you are, Im not trying to force my view of reality on anyone. Im presenting my personal experiences and what I've learned from them and Im going to keep doing so. I speak to the theist who might want to discuss mine or similar experiences, I know the atheist will not take me seriously so I dont say "I KNOW THE ANSWER TO THE BIGGEST QUESTION IN LIFE! GATHER AROUND AND BE ENLIGHTENED!". Im simply presenting these experiences to those that accepted "god" as truth, I dont care what the bickering atheist has to say.


Well-Known Member
Its personal experience, I know they mean nothing to you or anyone else. But I'll still claim truth to them to see if any theist would like to discuss them or something similar. I KNOW because these experiences are far too specific, far too accurate, and far too CONSISTENT to be trickery or coincidence. I know more than a handful of people who experienced what Im talking about so Im not just making my own reality. No ones forcing anyone to accept these things to be true though. My experiences mean nothing to anyone else because they have not experienced the same thing. Im still going to claim truth though, you dont have to listen to it, Im not preaching to the atheists, I am just presenting what I have experienced and what I've learned from it.


Ursus marijanus
Its personal experience, I know they mean nothing to you or anyone else. But I'll still claim truth to them to see if any theist would like to discuss them or something similar. I KNOW because these experiences are far too specific, far too accurate, and far too CONSISTENT to be trickery or coincidence. I know more than a handful of people who experienced what Im talking about so Im not just making my own reality. No ones forcing anyone to accept these things to be true though. My experiences mean nothing to anyone else because they have not experienced the same thing. Im still going to claim truth though, you dont have to listen to it, Im not preaching to the atheists, I am just presenting what I have experienced and what I've learned from it.
You're missing my main point. I'm assuming that your experiences are genuinely being provided by a supernatural agency, but not unicorns or other majestic masters of the beyond ... rather, roaches andor rats. And they're having you on. How can you be sure you're not being hoodwinked by ultraterrestrial vermin engaging in variant cow tipping? cn


Well-Known Member
I'm not telling you to believe me, Im not preaching like you are, Im not trying to force my view of reality on anyone. Im presenting my personal experiences and what I've learned from them and Im going to keep doing so. I speak to the theist who might want to discuss mine or similar experiences, I know the atheist will not take me seriously so I dont say "I KNOW THE ANSWER TO THE BIGGEST QUESTION IN LIFE! GATHER AROUND AND BE ENLIGHTENED!". Im simply presenting these experiences to those that accepted "god" as truth, I dont care what the bickering atheist has to say.
Even if you told me to believe you I wouldnt,.Lol Im not preaching,thats an assumption U make yet again.The athiest cant take you seriously not because you are spiritual and want to present your POV.Because of your incosistancies in a debatable format and youre repeated assertions of knowledge that is supposedly universal.(this is not preaching but a simple observation).

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Even if you told me to believe you I wouldnt,.Lol Im not preaching,thats assumption U make yet again.The athiest cant take you seriously not because you are spiritual and want to present your POV.Because of your incosistancies in a debatable format and youre repeated assertions of knowledge that is supposedly universal.(this is not preaching but a simple observation).
*sigh* And Im the broken record here. You are preaching, you're trying to make me see things from your perspective even though I dont agree with it, and most likely you are going to keep doing so. Yes, my experiences say absolutely nothing about what you think reality is, that is a fact. All I am doing is presenting my experiences and what I've learned from them, you dont have to accept it. Now does this pointless discussion really need to continue? We both are at a disagreement and we both wont budge. Is there really anything left to say?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
*sigh* And Im the broken record here. You are preaching, you're trying to make me see things from your perspective even though I dont agree with it, and most likely you are going to keep doing so. Yes, my experiences say absolutely nothing about what you think reality is, that is a fact. All I am doing is presenting my experiences and what I've learned from them, you dont have to accept it. Now does this pointless discussion really need to continue? We both are at a disagreement and we both wont budge. Is there really anything left to say?
Yea dude for real, like Neer said. What IF! These so called experiences you are having, are just alien lifeforms fucking with your mind? What IF! There are sentient beings that think its funny to put images into human imaginations to make them think they know things because they think its funny?

What IF! You are just being jerked around and made fun of not only by US, but by the entities that are fucking with your brain as well.

Maybe the point to their shenanigans is to make you think you know, or believe, that what you experience is true... when really, everyone is just getting a good laugh out of it. lolz!

I know i definitely am! Who's to say the creatures that are putting those thoughts into your mind aren't getting a kick out of it too?

All of these situations are just as possible and plausible as gods existing, or demons, or unicorns, or fairy's.

You know you know bro? No, you don't, you merely THINK you know.

I mean, it's possible we are all just part of an aliens super fun SIM's game, being controlled like a video game given the illusion that we have free will, when really... we're just being toyed with.

<-- "Uncertainty in the presence of vivid hopes, dreams and fears can be extremely painful... but must be endured if we wish to live our lives without the support of comforting fairy tales."

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
Yea dude for real, like Neer said. What IF! These so called experiences you are having, are just alien lifeforms fucking with your mind? What IF! There are sentient beings that think its funny to put images into human imaginations to make them think they know things because they think its funny?

What IF! You are just being jerked around and made fun of not only by US, but by the entities that are fucking with your brain as well.

Maybe the point to their shenanigans is to make you think you know, or believe, that what you experience is true... when really, everyone is just getting a good laugh out of it. lolz!

I know i definitely am! Who's to say the creatures that are putting those thoughts into your mind aren't getting a kick out of it too?

All of these situations are just as possible and plausible as gods existing, or demons, or unicorns, or fairy's.

You know you know bro? No, you don't, you merely THINK you know.

I mean, it's possible we are all just part of an aliens super fun SIM's game, being controlled like a video game given the illusion that we have free will, when really... we're just being toyed with.

<-- "Uncertainty in the presence of vivid hopes, dreams and fears can be extremely painful... but must be endured if we wish to live our lives without the support of comforting fairy tales."
Then you are under the same stupid illusion that the aliens are putting me under, accept they gave me a more entertaining illusion lol Nice try.