I am using metal hoods on my CFL's with a fan that keeps everything cool, these are very lame plants that were stunted because I had no idea what I was doing, but they are 2x23 watts 1500 lum daylights, 2x15 watt GROW tube fluorescents, and the big 2600 lumen 40 watt 'indoor/interior' yellow bulb. The tubes are on pots to be up near these poor girls leaves, the others are in metal hoods and the fan is in back. I have no problems with the heat doing this with the metal hoods which I can't stress enough really really focus the light and the plants aren't being hurt by it (they are actually vastly improving); almost all of their lives these plants had only the tubes and not the CFL's so they are very stunted - I am hoping for much, much better next time.
I can really tell the difference by removing the hoods, the rest of the room gets totally lit up and there is so much wasted light rafting up into the darkness of the 11' or so ceiling, and with the hoods on there is this super bright orb of glow right around the plants.
Note: the big 40 watt CFL is turned OFF in this picture... that's how much light there is in that little spot, enough that the other bulb glows when off... the picture from my crappy camera wouldn't take with the light on.
I am going to start some Top 44 soon, and I am praying for good results with 2 females... I am going to slowly ramp the lights up from seed and try germinating with vermiculite to really give them a boost coming up and use the swing setup (which the two tubes can mount and unmount horizontally onto the bottom of) I think I can keep the focused, hooded lights within 1" or closer after they have a tiny bit of meat... the hoods are aluminum and have holes around them for air flow, adding the actual dedicated airflow makes them super cool (you can stick your fingers right into the base of the big CFL between the bulb and the metal hood and it's cool) and seems to protect the plants from the already cool CFL light...
I am running pretty low on light I know, but I plan to do everything I can to help them out,
Sprout in vermiculite
Extra CO2
miracle grow potting soil
15/30/15 miracle grow 'bloom' mix (for after 3rd week)
Very adjustable lights (and plenty of time to spend adjusting them)
extremely fast-moving, low growing and hearty breed
I really think that those using CFL's should do everything else possible to help the plants out, so I am stacking up the tricks and builing my grow room slowly but surely. I like to post here just to organize my thoughts and see if anyone responds or has anything to add that might help me out, and I thought this thread was a good place as I am planning a '2 mother SOG' op similar to what you presented with very minimal lighting... (going to try to divide the nursery off this weekend!)
Becoming like a part time job that I love... lol
Will post results, trust me