Marijuana + Catnip = OMG

have got catnip seeds, but i havent yet found a place to grow them as the cats find them always and rip them to shreds (in a purry growly ecstasy)
as soon as they sprout (really guilty look though everytime i tell them , hey wait a bit and you can have anytime you want lol)

eh,maybe ill clear a space in flowering for it, love to see the cats do that, though watching a cat with dribble of saliva down to his legs on youtube(thick bubbly foamy stuff with the cat halflooking like he´s giggling in a daze)
and i think maybe i better put out really big plastic sheets if i ever do grow that much :D

you can start them in doors and they can be grown fairly easy in most windows for a long time :D just use a wooden fence to keep cats away.
Without using google, I believe Some cats have a certain genetic component that allows them to feel the effects of catnip. Some cats are completely unaffected. Perhaps it's due to this that catnip affects (assuming it is possible) vary from person to person. Someone more well versed on this can either back up or refute this ^

I stand by my opinion it's a good mixer, as the common practise over here is to mix weed with tobacco. And if it tastes good... Well, what are cigars for?
I agree, I use catnip in many smoke mixes :D
It's a pretty sweet plant. Leaves are shiny in veg. Very reflective, almost looks silver. Cats will rub up on the leaves and destroy the plants just like regular catnip. The fruits high in vitamin C :D, but here is some more information on the plant:

(I've had relatives that consumed a tea blend with catnip in it. It was a night time tea, if there is such a thing. Assuming the caffeine didn't effect you, supposedly the catnip was supposed to knock you out.)

That is very interesting dude I'm definitely going to have to get one of those babies!
Yes catnip buds are great to smoke. Its like smoking Mexi brick. But who tf keeps bringin back these old ass threads?
I was just tellin my wife last night about catnip! Lol... where you get the seeds for catnip? Lol

at the store? technically if you are looking for a hallucinogen then grow some morning glories...then after the plant has made it's flowers go through and find the seeds...and then eat them, or make them into a tea...Morning glories contain LSA, which is very closely related to LSD...I mean you aren't going to see the walls bleed but you definitely feel like the world has a slight hallucinogenic tilt to it...anyway, don't eat the seeds from the pack..they treat them with stuff that will make you sick if you eat them...they do this so people won't be buying Morning glory seeds to just get high, but if you grow the plant and don't put anything on the seeds it grows, then those seeds won't make you sick to your stomach...but smoking catnip will give you a headache not really a high...we aren't made to get the effects like cats do.
My ex's mom used to brew up catnip tea. I don't know why or anything, that bitch hated me so I never asked. Always thought it was weird though.
It helps with nausea and sometimes headaches...
It actually has a lot of properties that can help humans, but not if you smoke But eating it and using it as a spice in food is actually good for people.
Why are these old threads getting bumped up?

When I was a kid, some folks would sell catnip and say it was weed.
I don't showed up in the new posts thing...and that is usually how I find posts to respond to...
It helps with nausea and sometimes headaches...
It actually has a lot of properties that can help humans, but not if you smoke But eating it and using it as a spice in food is actually good for people.
Your wrong about that. I know alot of peeps that smoke catnip and I have tried it myself.. it gives a nice mellow buzz