The Seed Collectors Thread

I pay top dollar for half ass weed that how shitty it is in this archaic as republican state right hurr.

That may soon become a reality for all of us:


At least he made his point clear on the subject... crystal is you ask me.
I thought drip clean was purely a hydro product? I also read somewhere you have to use it from start to finish as it can shock the plant? I usually use cleanex and alternate my feedings with plain waterings with a good flush towards the end.

I mix drip-clean into every batch of nutes I make at around .75 ml a gal.

Its not just for hydro, many people that hand water, ect. use it.

If you start using it in the middle of a grow just start out light, I have never seen it burn a thing.
Yea Greenhouse Seed Co should change their name to Garbage Seed Co.
My white widow tasted like Arizona green tea and was about as potent.
And like Arizona it probably should have had a retail price per gram at 99cents.
Never again. You win some, you lose some. The price you pay for trying something unfamiliar.

With my run now I know what to expect from most of my seed plants. The only untested gear I am running as of now is a few Latte Stone from OMMPKid out of pure curiosity, and Bodhis Lemon Larry x Snowlotus.. cuz it's Bodhi. Too much time and money invested for me to gamble it all away on Maybe genetics.

It's be killer to do a big Bro Grimm-ish Grow. Apollo11. Apollo 13, and Apollo 13x Apollo 11, Cinderella 99
I think I might do that next time. Big fruity rocks. Jars and jars of bud that is sure to please everyone 100%.

I love me some C99. Cinderella is a Sexy Bitch

I thought humic acid only worked in organic soils. Does the MG kill the beneficial microbes and stuff? And last but not least, do you ever notice a taste diff when using MG or going organic. I have very good results using MG however I have not grown enough to know if there is a diff.

Miracal grow dosent kill bennificial bacteria. Cheep chem Nutes are amazing.
Plants don't care where there N Comes from. (urea is organic, ammonium nitrate is my baby!)

i definatly seen bigger roots an fruits wih Humic acid
Tase is great if it's dried right.
But mg is strong shit , to much an they are toast.......
Oboma and Roomney and all the feds are battling MM.
Big pharma is about to release sativex, therefore all states will have to close all MM programs.

You can get a free sample if you turn in a grower :hump:



At least he made his point clear on the subject... crystal is you ask me.
that is insane if you're right... looks like $cheap zips gonna be ending & elbows of cali outdoor over-fert'd "primo" gonna SKYrocket over night.

picky weed snobs better start growing your own on the down-low. before you know it, the kook ratio on the canna web be going up too.

now im pissed.

& which is why dude from harborside & dude from oaksterdam & the like need to join forces (financially) & go at them Feds hard in court.

if you make it a money issue no way big pharma is paying the same taxes as licensed growers, med users, dispensaries, etc...

hope these haters all fall of a cliff.
I thought I read a dr say yeast sugar an water help make some enzyme for microbes to digest starches in soil or something, an found this......
If I was into organics I'd try it .
Any opinions??

"Bug Juice" is what the originator calls it..


Bug Juice is a copyrighted name for a process that many scientists conduct every day of their professional lives. They grow bacteria in their laboratories. They may need the bacteria for genetic engineering or for a product the bacteria makes and secretes into their growth media. When scientists grow bacteria, they add a mix of sugar, protein, vitamins and minerals to water, heat sterilize it, and add the bacterial culture when the solution cools. The bacteria are grown in incubator shaker flasks. Shaking helps mix air into the solution. Most bacteria require oxygen for survival. Some components of scientific “bug growth” formulas include”

Sugar: usually glucose because it is rapidly metabolized by virtually all microorganisms. In the real world, microorganisms normally live on sucrose (table sugar that contains one molecule of both glucose and fructose linked together by a chemical bond), and polysaccharides such as starch (many glucose molecules linked together into a large polymer for energy storage). In order for sucrose or starch to be metabolized by bacteria, the bacteria must make enzymes that break down sucrose into free glucose and fructose (sucrase) or the starch into individual glucose molecules (amylase). This takes time and energy and slows bacterial growth. Scientists hate slow bacterial growth, because it wastes their time.

Protein: usually soy or animal protein that has been pretreated with enzymes in order to cut the protein into small pieces. The enzymes are called proteases and the process is called proteolysis. This occurs naturally in the soil. Microorganisms cannot ingest large protein molecules. They have to bring them into their cells either as free amino acids or small peptides (small fragments of proteins). By electing to predigest the protein, the bacteria don’t have to secrete as many proteases into the culture broth to break down the proteins. Again, this speeds bacterial growth.

Vitamins: synthetic vitamins are sometimes added, but generally dried yeast is added as a food and vitamin source. Yeast contains the highest concentration of B vitamins of any known organism. Feeding yeast extract, as it is called, is a cheap way to provide the bacteria with pre-made vitamins. Bacteria can make most of their own vitamins, but this takes time and slows growth.

Minerals: salts such as sodium chloride, magnesium sulfate, etc. often are added to supplement the minerals already present in the protein powders. These minerals are soluble in water unlike many minerals that are found in the soil.

As a scientist and organic gardener, I understand how both bacteria and plants grow in their natural environments. Plants are passive organisms, and require substantial help in order to grow in the soil. This help is provided by soil microorganisms. Plants can make all their own proteins, sugars, and vitamins, but they cannot do so without help from their friends in the soil (see the essay on the nitrogen cycle). There is one exception to this rule. If the plants are provided with all the necessary soluble minerals, they can grow in the absence of microorganisms, e.g. hydroponically. However, unless a mineral can dissolve in water, it cannot enter the roots of a plant. It is a simple concept, but one that is easy to forget. In the lab, plants and microorganisms can grow nicely in water that has been spiked with soluble minerals. The microorganisms won’t grow as fast (because they have to make all their proteins and vitamins from inorganic building blocks), but they will grow as long as they are provided with a source of sugar. Plants make their own sugar from CO2 in the air. In the soil, minerals exist in forms that are not appreciably soluble in water. As a consequence, minerals can sustain plant life, but their presence is not sufficient to insure rapid and sustained plant growth. In the soil, this is the role of microorganisms and one of the reasons composted organic matter is such a powerful fertilizer.

From the perspective of an organic gardener, it would be wonderful if every square millimeter of soil contained all the right microorganisms for maximally breaking down organic matter. It doesn’t. Did you ever notice a new lawn that grew unevenly? The lawn appears to have major and minor gaps where the grass seed didn’t seem to take. This happens so often that many homeowners won’t take the risk and “order in” grass turf from a commercial supplier. One of the reasons for the “gap effect” is the lack of a proper mix of microorganisms necessary to provide nutrients to the seed and eventually the grass plants. The microorganisms are sporadically present because many homeowners use inexpensive “potting soils” rather than topsoil as a nutrient foundation for their lawns. As discussed in another essay, most potting soils have no nutrient value for plants. Bugs cannot thrive in them because they consist primarily of shredded bark. No bugs-no plants, unless you want to feed your lawn inorganic fertilizers from now until eternity.

I have been mixing Bug Juice for years. It is simply a variation of what I do in the laboratory—growing large amounts of bacteria for a particular experiment. However, in the case of Bug Juice, I am growing bacteria from compost piles so they can be strategically distributed around the garden. In the process, I found that plants loved the growth media I developed, whether it included bacteria or not. This media is made from common household items and is described below.

Bug Juice™ is designed to stimulate the growth of many different types of bacteria and fungi. In a compost pile, we need bacteria that can degrade cellulose, pectin, protein and starch. Compost piles are optimal growing areas for bacteria because they are moist, warm, and aerated. Hopefully, they do not contain a lot of junk, such as sawdust (from woods that contain turpentine) and citrus—both of which can inhibit the growth of microorganisms.

Compost piles in the garden should be designed to “turn over” waste organic matter as rapidly as possible so the compost can be used elsewhere in the garden. When the compost is added to the garden soil, the microorganisms responsible for degrading the compost are also transferred. This is common sense, but it is easy to overlook the value of these microorganisms in the soil ecosystem. No patch of soil is equal to another. They are all different, and they reflect their differences in the manner to which they can support plant growth. If a patch of soil is devoid of digestible organic matter, the bacteria present in the soil will not be able to degrade leaves, grass clippings or pasteurized cow manure, for that matter, if they are roto-tilled into the soil. Eventually these bugs will make an appearance, but the process of becoming established in the soil is slow. Did you ever hear someone tell you that it took three or more years of mulching to get the soil to a point where it produced great tomatoes? This is the reason we developed Bug Juice™ as a cheap innoculent for compost piles and depleted soils.

Most people have under performing compost piles, if they have them at all. So, if you want to go into the home bug growing business, all you need is some really good fresh compost, and a five gallon bucket of Bug Juice. Throw the compost, a handful, into the bucket, stir it a few times a day for aeration, and leave it in the sun. Cover the top with some cheesecloth if you have it. This keeps the flies out of the Juice. The bugs will begin to grow in the juice. After one week, you should have some potent home grown liquid fertilizer.

This is what you need in order to make Bug Juice™.

One 5 gallon bucket.
Corn starch
Bread yeast
MaxGro™ our fishmeal product, or another source of protein. Blood meal will work.
Ripe fruit, such as plums, apples, apricots, peaches, watermelons, peeled bananas or whatever. No citrus.

The Bug Juice™ Formula

Fruit: The fruits mentioned above contain sucrose, proteins, various vitamins and other nutrients, easily digestible cellulose and pectin. They are the perfect food for soil microorganisms. Pit the fruit, and smash it so it can be more rapidly digested by microorganisms. It should be mush. Add 1 pound or so to the bucket. Decaying fruit that has fallen off a tree is the best. Just save it for making Bug Juice™.

Cornstarch: Starch is present in all organic matter as a form of storage energy. Bugs need to degrade it in the soil in order to obtain a carbon source for their metabolism. Add 5 tablespoons to the bucket.

MaxGro™ or blood meal: MaxGro™ is a heat sterilized fishmeal that has a high nutrient and growth promoting value for plants and microorganisms. It is the protein source for the bugs and the source of biochemical building blocks for the auxin and cytokinin plant growth hormones. Blood meal is a poor substitute, but it is more readily available. Add 5 tablespoons to the bucket.

Yeast: Yeast is a cheap source of B vitamins. It is also a source of cytokinins and protein. Mix two teaspoons of yeast, two teaspoons of sugar and one teaspoon of bread flour to 2 cups of warm water. When the yeast stops foaming, it has consumed most of the sugar. Add 2 tablespoons of corn starch, 1 tablespoon of bread flour and allow the mixture to sit for 2 hours. You are adapting the yeast to the starch. This is important. In order to break down starch, the yeast must be induced to secrete the enzyme alpha amylase. You want to promote this reaction. Most sugars in the soil are in the form of starch—not sucrose.

You have now mixed the ingredients, a handful of good compost and added water. Mix periodically to aerate the mix and leave the bucket in the sun. After one week, start applying the Bug Juice™ to the compost or table scraps you have collected, or directly to poor soil. Bug Juice™ can be directly applied to plants, trees, grass, whatever. It is disgusting to look at, but it is a powerful organic “nutrient soup” for the soil. And you made it. You are now officially a backyard scientist.

Bon Appetite.

Copyright 2001© Stephen Martin, Ph.D
Chief Scientist, Grouppe Kurosawa
All Rights Reserved

more at the link

Isn't it odd that President Obama, who is very thoughtful and very articulate, will not discuss the topic of medical marijuana and becomes tongue-tied when he tries to explain his administration's position on marijuana? He even had the nerve to blow off the White House petitions on marijuana that were on the website this past year.

Isn't it odd that Romney, who is a Mormon and who doesn't even drink tea, coffee, or alcohol, and with his business history of corporate takeovers at Bain Capital as a vulture capitalist who would love to slice and dice, and transfer medical marijuana into the hands of a for-profit corporation, also stands with Obama on this same issue, refusing to take reporters' questions?

Isn't it odd that the Republicans will go after Obama on every political issue except one, his early, heavy use of marijuana as a teen as part of the "total absorption" of the "Choom Gang" growing up in Hawaii?

Very odd, indeed, that neither candidate will give the medical marijuana question any oxygen, stalling and dodging until after the election, when GW Pharma goes big with TV ads touting Sativex as the new breakout miracle medicine that will in time be expanded to treat many other medical conditions across the board, generating billions of dollars in future profits in a monopoly scheme. Sativex is already legal in Spain, Germany, Denmark, New Zealand, the UK, and Canada.

The fix is in, or should I say the double cross. No matter who wins the 2012 presidential election, Obama or Romney, the DEA and IRS already have operational plans in place to launch a country-wide strike operation to shut down all 17 legal medical marijuana states and DC in a surge coup d'état in support of Sativex's dominance of the marketplace.
that article is deep. best be reading it... somewhat overly fatalistic but nails being pounded on the head.

what if the big pharma plan fails? maybe this new medicalized canna will just legitimize canna everything?

people need to start playing the game like they do. political jungle war.

lazy stoners too worried about them tasty scoobie snack edibles... & fat chicks.
& by fat chicks i mean ...full flowering plants. i hope the mj industry as we like it & know it acts FAST.

weed war on tv? stupid fuckfaces!
should be takin it to (supreme) court !!!!
& getting people to unite over this bullshit schedule 1 listing of mj.

only thing gonna make me feel better is if i crack these last 2 bodhi nl5 x tok i got.
to the fridge !
should be takin it to (supreme) court !!!!

Ya... that may not be the best idea. :sad:

u think antonin scalia calls the general solicitor "stupid" during court?

i bet he does.

like mel brooks said "it's good to be the king"
The way the feds have been operating we'd be lucky if they take it here-


Our better MJ supporting representatives like Barney Frank Chill here tho-


the reason he supports cannabis in the first place-
