First time grow. Tired of buying. How to ensure constant year-round supply?

Im growing first time from bag seed, hoping at least one girl turns out.. So after that I flower, cure and get the fruits of labour.

When this stash runs out... What next?
How to ensure a constant supply of home grown weed? I read that I should clone the plant at some stage.. What is the weed growing procedure and timeline to be followed after first successful flowering?

Some sort of a weed growing timetable would be great. Other growers please guide me.

I am planning a grow cabinet 2 ft x 1 ft x 4 ft with two partitions each 2 ft high, one for veg and other for flowering.

Consume about an oz a month.

Planning ScrOG. Some tips for setting grow box also appreciated.. absolute stealth required.


Well-Known Member
Look up perpetual grow. You will find a few people doing one. Your space restrictions might make it difficult but its not impossible.


Well-Known Member
I'm running a micro sog at the moment with a similar setup. Two mothers in one box, clones at different stages of flowering in another box. Every two weeks I cut two plants out and put two freshly rooted clones in. Rinse and repeat. Still working the kinks out a bit but I get anywhere from a quarter to a half every two weeks for my own personal enjoyment.

This is all done in computer cases with LEDs btw.


Active Member
in the summertime, I grow on the deck and bloom in the house. That way, for 6 months out of the year, I have a new crop (5-8 plants) every 2 months. It gets much more difficult in the winter months. What I end up doing is creating a dark room... in addition to my grow room. Every day, after 12 hours, I move my blooming plants to the dark room and leave the vegging plants under the light for an additional 6 hours. It sucks... but whatever... it works.

more details on winter growing...
In general, you don't want to have a ton of plants under 1 light. But it can be done. Blooming plants need more light than vegging plants. So, for the 12 hours of light the blooming plants need, they are directly under the light. The vegging plants are around the perimeter. After 12 hours, when the blooming plants are moved to a separate room to go to bed, the vegging plants are moved directly under the light for an additional 6 hours. This way, I usually have 5 or 6 good sized blooming plants... and 5 or 6 good size vegging plants... growing at the same time... with one 600 w hps.


Active Member
Run some maths ... although I'd imagine in such a small space you'll struggle, or at least be very limited in how much room you have to perpetuate.

Example scenario, lets say our plant of choice produces typically 1 ounce for harvest, and takes 12 weeks from seed. This example grow room supports 12 plants.

Max potential yield per grow room cycle: 12 ounces
Max potential grow cycles per year: 4 complete grow cycles (52 weeks in a year, divided by 12 weeks cycle, rounded down)
Max potential total yield per year: 48 ounces (1.3 kilo) or (2 lbs 16 ounces)

How often do you want a harvest? Thats the wrong question, the right question is 'how often can I harvest within my growing means' ... so what is the most amounts of harvests we could get each year with a 12 plant setup, with a 12 week grow? Clearly 12. The way to maximise how often you harvest, is to work on individual plants on a conveyer belt. So with this setup, we'd harvest 1 plant every month in a never ending cycle. With twice as many plants, you can either harvest twice as much each time, or twice as often. With each plant yielding 1 ounce (in this example), thats 1 ounce a month, every month as long as things are going well.

The time taken for a rooted clone to complete its harvest could cut a good few weeks off the time it takes per cycle, so you may be able to squeeze in more cycles so that you're harvesting every 3 weeks as opposed to every 4 etc. Everytime a plant is harvested, another is placed in its slot to do its thing.

There is planning involved, get yourself a little black organiser and come up with a schedule.


Well-Known Member
I put together a perpetual grow with the goal of harvesting one plant per week. I have 3 rooms, or areas,
going all the time. My nursery or dome room is just 2 shelves in a closet. My veg room is about 3 x 6 feet
with a 400W HPS bulb (MH = too hot). Flowering room is 8 x 8 with a 1000W HPS set-up. That's how much
room it takes for me to cure one plant per week.

Your limiting factor is going to be veg room. To keep a perpetual grow going you need a constant and reliable
means of adding new plants on an ongoing basis. Means at any time you will have plants of varying ages. Most
learn to clone, others just keep on buying beans.

Good luck, BigSteve.
Thanks for the replies. Very helpful.

I definitely need perpetual grow. I can throw in two more PC grow boxes but cannot give more space due to various constraints.
So I plan the following:

1 flowering shelf (1/2 of cabinet)
1 veg shelf (other 1/2 of cabinet)
1 cloning pc box
1 drying pc box

I am thinking to keep the clones in the veg room, so can eliminate one box.

I know the space is small. What if I move to autoflowering seeds, so I can devote the full space 1' x 2' x 4' for single grow chamber with 20/4 lighting? Will that work?


Well-Known Member
excuse my ignorance but, why dont you just grow more, or smoke less , or veg longer.

if your going to grow, grow ENOUGH !

sounds like you need more SPACE, a pc case is NEVER going to give you what u want.


Well-Known Member
You could do autoflowering seeds if you really wanted too... but you'd have to be buying a shit ton of seeds over time as autoflowers cannot be cloned. Seems pretty redundant to me.

I have a box my moms are in which is also where clones go to root. They don't get any veg time and are thrown right into flower once they root. Makes it easier just to have two boxes to worry about.


Active Member
I'm running a micro sog at the moment with a similar setup. Two mothers in one box, clones at different stages of flowering in another box. Every two weeks I cut two plants out and put two freshly rooted clones in. Rinse and repeat. Still working the kinks out a bit but I get anywhere from a quarter to a half every two weeks for my own personal enjoyment.

This is all done in computer cases with LEDs btw.
Hey I'm intrested in your pc case with led you think you can post a pick up of you setup


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm intrested in your pc case with led you think you can post a pick up of you setup
I don't have the means to put any up at the moment. But it's two UFOs in a pc case with three fans lined with mylar. Growing in 16oz soda bottles Dr. Bud style.