Not SSI, which seems to be what some of those people are on.Those on SS have paid into the system regularly and are entitled to get their money back, those on food stamps may or may not have paid into the system.
Thanks for bringing this contradiction up. Wouldn't it be better if people simply made free and choices of what to do with their own money and government got out of the forced redistribution of it entirely?Not SSI, which seems to be what some of those people are on.
Thanks for bringing this contradiction up. Wouldn't it be better if people simply made free and choices of what to do with their own money and government got out of the forced redistribution of it entirely?
Okay maybe I misunderstood. I'm beating the same drum I always do...government intervention is not needed, they should get out of all forced redistribution, social security, welfare etc. all of it.Well since SSI is for disabled people who have not paid into the system I have no idea what you're talking about.
Thanks for bringing this contradiction up. Wouldn't it be better if people simply made free and choices of what to do with their own money and government got out of the forced redistribution of it entirely?
Okay maybe I misunderstood. I'm beating the same drum I always do...government intervention is not needed, they should get out of all forced redistribution, social security, welfare etc. all of it.
Okay maybe I misunderstood. I'm beating the same drum I always do...government intervention is not needed, they should get out of all forced redistribution, social security, welfare etc. all of it.
....whether a person is prudent or not, it's THEIR money is it not?No it wouldn't. You are under the impression that each person is prudent with their money, that each person has at least the same ability, at least the same income, at least the same fiscal situation througout their lives. Some people are incapable of planning for their future for any number of reasons.
Look, for example at the numbers of people who see tax refunds as a windfall? Had they managed to work their situations out, they would have had their money all allong and earned more with it. This doesn't happen and it is up to government to ensure that these people are taken care of.
Was the thief a tax collector ?And what do you suggest people that are disabled and have never been able to work do? What about a 75 year old lady who just lost her life savings to a thief?
I don't think I'm politically "on the right". I simply don't endorse state aggression, why do you endorse the state using force to carry out YOUR plan for others lives?Here is the thing, many on the right are all for the notion of consequences. They wish to rain consequences down upon those who didn't plan for the future, who acted irresponsibly, who they feel, ultimatly deserve the plight they fall into by their own hand.
But those same people don't acknowlege that there are societal consequences as well and that they themselves are forced to deal with the consequences of government's failure to act on behalf of all. The refuse to understand that societal consequences produce individual consequences. They fail to grasp that they are affected by government's failure to provide.
Was the thief a tax collector ?
I suggest that you and your neighbors help her if she has no family if you are inclined to. You DO help your neighbors right? I suggest the thief perform labor to restitute her.
....whether a person is prudent or not, it's THEIR money is it not?
Some people are incapable of planning ? Are you okay with those that desire to be responsible being left alone or should the mommy state always divvy things up ? If that's the case why not give them everything ?
Sure, come on out, you're just in time to help me cut firewood. Of course if you have a $3,000 mortgage payment you probably made some choices along the way that I wouldn't have made.Hey I like your idea, I'm a little short being able to make my $3000 a month mortgage payment due to having to pay for my kids hospital bills. Can ya cover it for me for the next few months?
Not really. A "community" is made up of mny individuals with varying points of view and abilities. You try to typecast me as uncaring, that's not the case. I wouldnt dream of telling others what to do with their life, their money or their property if they left others alone. How is a "community" made better if force underlies interactions ?I see you have the same problem many on the right have, the inability to perceive community. This is not a collection of individuals, this is an highly intigrated society where the misfortune of the one affects the whole. What exactly would you have done with the person who failed with his own money and is broke due to his own long term inability to project into his future?
Am I ok with those who desire to be responsible being left alone? Not really, because they are never ALONE, because they depend upon that orderly society I have been talking about. Beyond that, even those with the best intentions and plans can fail and may need the very same help those who are irresponsible will need.
"divying things up"? hardly, but alocating a portion of what you have to those who have had misfortunes or even those who simply don't care is in the interest of order for he society.
"give them everything"? why? what giving them everything does not further the cause of order, giving them enough does.
We are not a society of neighbors. The right seems to think that we should all go back to those rural little communities where everyone knew everyone else and ma and pa lived out on the farm with the kids until they died.Was the thief a tax collector ?
I suggest that you and your neighbors help her if she has no family if you are inclined to. You DO help your neighbors right? I suggest the thief perform labor to restitute her.
No no no, I have a sick kid, remember? I can't just pack it in and head to the backwoods of Virginia or wherever you are. I need you to cover my mortgage for a few months, I'm sure you don't have a problem with that.Sure, come on out, you're just in time to help me cut firewood. Of course if you have a $3,000 mortgage payment you probably made some choices along the way that I wouldn't have made.
Oh no, I don't believe you are uncaring. in fact I believe that you may have an opinion of the individuals in this country as being more caring than they really are.Not really. A "community" is made up of mny individuals with varying points of view and abilities. You try to typecast me as uncaring, that's not the case. I wouldnt dream of telling others what to do with their life, their money or their property if they left others alone. How is a "community" made better if force underlies interactions ?
Are you insinuating somebody else is responsible for your actions ? That would make you responsible for others actions too right? How does that happen?No no no, I have a sick kid, remember? I can't just pack it in and head to the backwoods of Virginia or wherever you are. I need you to cover my mortgage for a few months, I'm sure you don't have a problem with that.