please help, pics

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
so today i discovered that this plant here, my biggest oneIMG245.jpg was a male. pretty pissed hah, stuck with these nowIMG291.jpgIMG292.jpgIMG293.jpgIMG294.jpg pic two is a purple kush, planted on the same day as the one in pic one.. and so is pic 3, except it got munched in half by a slug, so it grew the 2 new tops you can see. and these 2 shitty drooping seedlings whats up with them..

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
is this worth it.. lol im germinating 4 more seeds i will grow some small plants and have a low yeild on all of them but it will add up i hope?

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
haha so im hoping they will start to flower around august maybe a bit before. how much do you guys think the plant in picture 2 will yeild when?when the others are already showing male signs


Active Member
It's way too small and early to determine the yeild for the slugs make a boarder around the base using some dolomite lime adds some calcium and magnesium into the soil also and help stabilize the Ph at neutral which doesn't really matter for plants in soil but better to be safe then sorry with Ph lockout I would start those seeds already and just grow them out because with those 4 other plants there's a good chance you might lose some more to being male and starting the seeds seeds will give more plants=more females

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
sunshine mix #4 is what the big plants are in. and im not sure about the two small ones, im digging more holes and filling them with sunshine mixs later today planting seeds tmrw, should i start them in small pots in the green house, small pots outside, or directly in the ground..

Da Almighty Jew

Well-Known Member
sunshine mix #4 is what the big plants are in. and im not sure about the two small ones, im digging more holes and filling them with sunshine mixs later today planting seeds tmrw, should i start them in small pots in the green house, small pots outside, or directly in the ground..
Fill them with some dolomite lime as well. But not too much. about 1/2 tbls per gallon max. Although some people like to go up to tbls per gal, i dont. Start them somewhere where it is gentile and gradually harden them off.