The Skeptics Annotated Bible (Great Bible Resource)


Well-Known Member
I always suspected this was a hateful religion. Remember this one when Christians act high and mighty.

"If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed." John 2:10


Active Member
And let thy own live in a sea of green where the harvest is bountiful and spills forth the essence of...
Cannabitch81 4:20

I'll let you guys finish


Well-Known Member
I always suspected this was a hateful religion. Remember this one when Christians act high and mighty.

"If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed." John 2:10
That is not what John 2:10 says at all.

They did so, [SUP]9 [/SUP]and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside [SUP]10 [/SUP]and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”


Well-Known Member
The bible doesn't control a damn thing unless you let it. It's the gideons you gotta watch out for.
Yeah man, there are some good weed smoking Christians out there.

Bob Marley smoked and was a Christian and I would hang out with him.


Well-Known Member
The bible doesn't control a damn thing unless you let it. It's the gideons you gotta watch out for.
Tell that to the 99% Christian majority that runs the senate, congress, supreme court and executive branch, otherwise known as the US government. Tell it to the Christian majority of their constituents.

You're fooling yourself if you don't think Christianity plays a huge role in daily American life.


Well-Known Member
Tell that to the 99% Christian majority that runs the senate, congress, supreme court and executive branch, otherwise known as the US government. Tell it to the Christian majority of their constituents.

You're fooling yourself if you don't think Christianity plays a huge role in daily American life.
I am yet to be controlled by these christians you speak of. I'll be responsible for my life it's not in the hands of our "Christian" govt.


Well-Known Member
I am yet to be controlled by these christians you speak of. I'll be responsible for my life it's not in the hands of our "Christian" govt.
You are consciously and subconsciously influenced by our government every day whether you believe it or not.


Well-Known Member
You are consciously and subconsciously influenced by our government every day whether you believe it or not.
Do you have any proof of this? Sounds like a christian telling me god has planned my life out for me.

No, he was a Rastafarian. It has christian roots, but by no means is it your schoolbook christianity.
What other christian sects are also exempt from "schoolbook christianity"?


Well-Known Member
Do you have any proof of this? Sounds like a christian telling me god has planned my life out for me.

What other christian sects are also exempt from "schoolbook christianity"?
he didnt even say anything about god planing your life for you, it doesnt "sound" like anything. you athiest act like you are so much smarter and so much better than everyone elts well gusse what you not get off your high horse and come back down here with the rest of socitiy. wah wah wah god doesnt love me cause my life was horrable thats all i hear from you guys when we start talking about anything meaning full. i havent had the best life either but i dont go around acting like a douch bag beacuse i hate my life, i try and treat other people the same and with respect.


Well-Known Member
he didnt even say anything about god planing your life for you, it doesnt "sound" like anything. you athiest act like you are so much smarter and so much better than everyone elts well gusse what you not get off your high horse and come back down here with the rest of socitiy. wah wah wah god doesnt love me cause my life was horrable thats all i hear from you guys when we start talking about anything meaning full. i havent had the best life either but i dont go around acting like a douch bag beacuse i hate my life, i try and treat other people the same and with respect.
cool story bro


Well-Known Member
he didnt even say anything about god planing your life for you, it doesnt "sound" like anything. you athiest act like you are so much smarter and so much better than everyone elts well gusse what you not get off your high horse and come back down here with the rest of socitiy. wah wah wah god doesnt love me cause my life was horrable thats all i hear from you guys when we start talking about anything meaning full. i havent had the best life either but i dont go around acting like a douch bag beacuse i hate my life, i try and treat other people the same and with respect.
Barring only a couple, this hasn't been my experience with atheists on this site. Would you reference posts where atheists state that they are better than others? Atheists cannot say the god doesn't love them, as they do not believe in god, hence the term atheist. I also don't know of any atheists here that hate their lives, where was this posted? Seems like you set up one big strawman, do you know what that is? One thing most atheists here do have over you in particular is that they can read and write above a 5th grade level, something you may want to look into...


Well-Known Member
Do you have any proof of this? Sounds like a christian telling me god has planned my life out for me.
Well, how would your life be different if you were living in an Eastern or Middle Eastern country?

Religion influences everyone, even if they don't directly believe in the religion, like me. I'm conditioned by western society, before I reached adulthood, I was pretty much a product of the system. By that I mean the system that was in power as I grew up, for the most part it was during president Bush's administration. Our government at that time was waging two international wars, so the media and pretty much everyone I knew (back in 03-05 you'd of been really hard pressed to find anyone who didn't support the war, contrast that with 07, 08' supported them too. My family is probably the quintessential lower-middle class family, there are probably millions of other families just like mine in America, millions of other people with the exact same background and circumstances. How religion fits into all that is a little more complicated and involves a lot of history. A few simple examples are nationalism, bibles in courtrooms, capital punishment, even marriage.

We're influenced in the west by religion in the same ways, just different, as people with Eastern or Middle Eastern religions are.


Well-Known Member
Well, how would your life be different if you were living in an Eastern or Middle Eastern country?

Religion influences everyone, even if they don't directly believe in the religion, like me. I'm conditioned by western society, before I reached adulthood, I was pretty much a product of the system. By that I mean the system that was in power as I grew up, for the most part it was during president Bush's administration. Our government at that time was waging two international wars, so the media and pretty much everyone I knew (back in 03-05 you'd of been really hard pressed to find anyone who didn't support the war, contrast that with 07, 08' supported them too. My family is probably the quintessential lower-middle class family, there are probably millions of other families just like mine in America, millions of other people with the exact same background and circumstances. How religion fits into all that is a little more complicated and involves a lot of history. A few simple examples are nationalism, bibles in courtrooms, capital punishment, even marriage.

We're influenced in the west by religion in the same ways, just different, as people with Eastern or Middle Eastern religions are.
lame there were tons of people who were anti war right from the get go even christians.

[h=3]Three Nuns Jailed for Vandalizing Silo[/h]

Three Nuns Jailed for Vandalizing Silo
By Judith Kohler
Associated Press
Friday 25 July 2003
DENVER (AP) -- In October, three nuns vandalized a nuclear missile silo to protest the use of weapons of war. For that act, all three will spend the next several years behind bars.
A federal judge on Friday sentenced Jackie Hudson to 2 1/2 years, Ardeth Platte to almost 3 1/2 years and Carol Gilbert to two years and nine months. All three were given three years of supervised probation.
U.S. District Judge Robert Blackburn departed from sentencing guidelines Friday in punishing the women. While the maximum term is 30 years, the guidelines call for a six-year minimum term.
"We're satisfied," prosecutor Robert Brown said.
Hudson, 68, Gilbert, 55, and Platte, 66, were convicted in April of obstructing the nation's defense and damaging government property after cutting a fence and walking onto a Minuteman III silo site, swinging hammers and using their blood to paint a cross on the structure.
Officials said the women caused at least $1,000 in damage.
Hudson's lawyer, Walter Gerash, said he wasn't happy the women were going to prison but was surprised the term wasn't longer. The nuns had until Aug. 25 to report to prison but chose to go immediately.
During the hearing, Brown enumerated the arrests of the Roman Catholic nuns at earlier anti-war protests: Platte, at least 10 times, Hudson five times and Gilbert, at least 13 times.
"These ladies could not be deterred for the last 20 years. They will be deterred for the time the court sentences them," Brown said.
The case drew international attention to the three Dominican Sisters. An adjoining courtroom was packed with supporters listening to the proceedings on a speaker. The three women, dressed in black, took notes during the hearing and occasionally swung their seats around to smile at well-wishers in the audience.
They said nothing during the hearing. Earlier, they defiantly told a crowd of 150 supporters outside the courthouse they were not afraid of prison.
"The hope of the world rests on each of our shoulders," Hudson said. "We are doing our part. What about you?"
The three nuns were arrested Oct. 6 at the silo on Colorado's northeastern plains. Wearing white chemical weapons suits, they argued it was a symbolic disarmament that did not jeopardize national security.
The nuns said they were compelled to act as war with Iraq moved closer and because the United States has never promised not to use nuclear weapons.
Many of the nuns' supporters waved anti-war banners before the sentencing, including Irina Zadov, 19, of Boulder. "To see people of their age sacrificing as much as they have is so inspirational," she said.

I think people have free will. I am told by the christian government not to grow weed. They are sooo effective. I'm not even going to respond to the living in a muslim country shit. I live in America where religion can't be forced upon me.



Well-Known Member
I didn't say it was forced, I said it's influential.

How can you disagree with 75% of the population Christian, and another 5%-10% claiming a different religion?