um, well half my family is canadian and trailor park boys is not a mockumentary is a dramatizationi hate when the canadians try to act like they dont have problems
well at least the other half came from good stock lol jkum, well half my family is canadian and trailor park boys is not a mockumentary is a dramatization
RIU has been acting up lately....Another crash in the works?? Finshaggy perhaps??.................
idk why it keeps double posting
but i blame the canadians
i think finshaggys dad is canadianRIU has been acting up lately....Another crash in the works?? Finshaggy perhaps??
lol.......i think finshaggys dad is canadian
u watch to much micheal mooreWow looks like its becoming a crazy thread lol who cares there is good and bad on both sides of the border
but i will put my 2 cents in lol only in america can you have a pizza delivered faster to your house then a ambulance
or how bout this one only in america you can open a bank account and choose from either bank giving you a shot gun or 9 mm for opening the account)
hahaha only in america you can supersize your fries and order a diet coke at the same time @ Macdonalds
french canadiani think finshaggys dad is canadian
then stay the fuck in canada or we will shoot u and your femalesIn a cross-border comparison for the year 2000, Statistics Canada says the risk of firearms death was more than three times as great for American males as for Canadian males and seven times as great for American females as for Canadian females.
Because more of the U.S. deaths were homicides (as opposed to suicides or accidental deaths), the U.S. rate of gun homicide was nearly eight times Canada's, the agency says. Homicides accounted for 38 per cent of deaths involving guns in the United States and 18 per cent in Canada.
just saying its allot more dangerous in USA then in Canada, and guns are a issue on both sides
also I have walked right into ppls front yards with their pit in it......My homie just reached over the fence and punched the shit out of the pit dead on the top of the skulll.......that dog cried like a lil bitch.....i dont think he would have an arm today if it was a rot.
LMFAO i was swigging my beer when I read this. you owe me a new keyboard lolthen stay the fuck in canada or we will shoot u and your females
The owner was a snitch and sent my buddy to prison for 4 years.....The dog tried to run up and attack us and my buddy let him have it. Fucked up situation for the poor pup. I know. And it was only a 2 year old pitbull.why would anybody punch a dog in the head? Poor dog probably thought it was gonna get some attention and then WHAM! Lucky the owner didn't see.
and they like hotcakesamerica also has 10X as many people to have to coddle and hand feed, Canadians live majorly on the boarder of America, so its just an extension of the US, canada is flanel US