The Irish Growers Thread!


Active Member
thats a strange 1 alright,maybe when you were giving to much it stored up a SHIT LOAD IN THE LEAVES and it,s taking a while to flush out of it.
I was right to go with my guts on plain water, just tested the runoff EC and it was 4.6! how the fuck is that even possible when it was flushed then next feeding was 0.7 EC lol i am using the drip clean stuff to prevent salt built up too so this is crazy to me, if anyone can explain hows this is happening i am all ears


Active Member
might go with 2 and half maybe. i was using canna aqua A+B, cannazym, rhizo, cannaboost, PK13/14 for 10 days and advanced nutrients sensical mag bloom, the rhizo is a root stimulant and stress reliever. its all im going to be feed ing this 1 for a couple of weeks.
oh and two inch seems fine but im going with 3 too be sure i can move the flower sites as needed..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thanks dude, i may invest this grow in the nutes for flower, maybe some rhizo for the roots in veg otherwise i`m happy with the babybio, gives lush green to them, and with the cfls there nice and tight node wise...

on the scrog, i hear twine is best and a self made screen as when done if buds grow around the twine you cut it and pull it through the bud..

have yet to try i just read it on here... what you thin of these light movers thingys..


Active Member
its all pricey stuff but worth i reckon. thats a good idea with the twine and simple 2 i was goin to make it with some welding wire,but i reckon twine now, know nothing about the light movers man, read a bit about them before,they seem to be a good job.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
well i`ll be investing in nutes and work up too the movers and the extra 600w it looks like.. with the cost of nutes like...

theres always time to upgrade in the future with the lights, need to dial in my growing a bit aswell, have started to study up on things but as i`m a more hands on before it sticks i`ll be trying a couple of things with some future grows so mybe then have like a seperate experimental flower room, and keep the much needed weed crop comeing for the hash and brownies..

speaking of which, any more bakeing have you????

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
watching paranormal activity 3 here, had watched it when released on the lappy, but now get to watch it in 50inch hd glory...

about to scared shitless . com.....;)

piped piper

I was right to go with my guts on plain water, just tested the runoff EC and it was 4.6! how the fuck is that even possible when it was flushed then next feeding was 0.7 EC lol i am using the drip clean stuff to prevent salt built up too so this is crazy to me, if anyone can explain hows this is happening i am all ears
could it be that your soil has time release nuts already it it? i hear the miracle gro does this.

piped piper

hi ae86

i see no one has answered you with the nutes question yet. i didn't want to as i don't use soil, but if i was i would use organic nutes.
what brand? i don't know, but the guys in the shops will guide you on that and they'll help with the boosts too.
but if your looking for nutes in homebase or something like that, just get a organic tomato feeder liquid with a small bit of baby bio and then add a small bit of molasses "black treacle".
the baby bio is high in nitrogen and the black treacle is more or less just sugar and works as a boost.
do not use them in a hydro setup as you will cause yourself problems. organic nutes feed the soil which in turn feeds the plant. hydro has no soil to feed so you need your nuts to feed the plant direct. not that you can't use hydro nutes on soil. but with soil it's better to use organic feeds as your babies will love you for it and will taste much nicer.

as for them light mover, i fell in love with them when i 1st seen them. even today i think they are a great idea. but i wouldn't get one. the guys that have them have stated that moving the light bulb when its on reduces the life of the bulb. which is probably the reason that the JML halogen oven's only last a few months.
if you want to move something i would move the plants.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
thats fucking awesome piped piper... have never seen anything like that before...

have the babybio and the molasses can be found local, thing is i will be useing the hempy type buckets you now the type with a small res in the bottom of each pot...

so the tomato feed and organic feeds are a no no ive heard... something like they coagulate in the bottom of the buckets or some shit..

have yet to hear from anyone that actually has a mover, unless billy has one not sure... but aren`t bulbs 600w like 40euro? so its not too expensive, and they save the cost of the second 600w so we might break even with one hee hee hee, thanks for the input tho its great to bounce ideas about, even if they are shit ones it still good to go through it.......;)

the original plan was for 2 600w for yeild...... then billly mentioned i`m up for it, saves the leccy.. now cash for nutes comes into it, so were down to 1 600w and a full lineup of nutes so was going with rhizo in veg and the bud blaster and one or two other things in flower... just to up the size of my yeilds they been pretty piss poor so far....


Well-Known Member
could it be that your soil has time release nuts already it it? i hear the miracle gro does this.
I am not using soil piper i am using coco

nothing new today weather still could do with a kick up the arse but my tomatoe's are doing well also the tobacco leaves are massive lol id say one leaf would be a pack of tobacco

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
I am not using soil piper i am using coco

nothing new today weather still could do with a kick up the arse but my tomatoe's are doing well also the tobacco leaves are massive lol id say one leaf would be a pack of tobacco

you going to grind it to tobacco or use them like cigar leaves???


Well-Known Member
i think that theres a big but to light movers, either because their gimicky crap or its just strain dependant. if they boosted yield/quality or could sub a light, way more folks would use them.

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
good view on it tonto, was hopeing to hear from someone that used them.... its like the cool tubes tho, some people swaer by them and others hate them....

had wondered about subbing a light with one too... surely everyone with 600w would use one?

and moveing "robotic" things are very hard to both fix and repair, haveing some experience with the likes of chairs on some saabs and volvos which have the same kind of motors and are a nightmare too work with....


Well-Known Member
you going to grind it to tobacco or use them like cigar leaves???
Ill grind it up id say unless i find an oz of weed by the side of the road to fill up a cigar leaf! no harm in hoping right?

Also hows jingle this weather? you chop ur big bud and afghani milk yet? i want a smoke report

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Ill grind it up id say unless i find an oz of weed by the side of the road to fill up a cigar leaf! no harm in hoping right?

Also hows jingle this weather? you chop ur big bud and afghani milk yet? i want a smoke report

hahahaha, bet he`s stoned off his ass... lucky so and so..;)

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
so circulating fan going in, not that theres a need for it just yet, bt it can ony help with the stem strenght until there up enough to lst a little, don`t mind tho, as stated before the cfls are good for the tight nodes so can only hep when she does strech up....

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
last pic is 2 week from germ on right and one week on the left....

and they only went under lights few days ago so few more days and we`ll see some reall growth...