Do you believe that plants have feelings?

Do you believe plants have feelings?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 44.0%
  • No

    Votes: 14 56.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
I have some seird things about that and I want to think they do.
Another part of me wonders why evolution has not helped grass stop
growing where I walk my dog. That can not be much of a life.
Or maybe evolution has caused grass to enjoy my feet and dog dookie.

Irie Genetics

Active Member
My plants feel my energy in the room. It may not be feelings but it is energy for sure. I dont think about money or bills or expenses while gardening. I play my favorite songs and think about how much better my patients will be when they use my medicine. I can see the difference in my plants because of the personal relationship I have built with them. I dont see problems in my garden, I hear the plants asking for things and I provide. When I listen to the plants I am never wrong. When I THINK about a problem I am often wrong.


Well-Known Member
I hope not ...cause its pretty fucked up to treat them really good for 3+ months and then cut them up

I don't think they'd be too happy about that if they had feelings


Well-Known Member
they dont have a consious how could they have feelings? no brain no thoughts no feelings if they did when i top my plants i should feel bad lol ouch why are you decaptateing me :)


"for most felt it was mad to conceive/that plants thought, felt, and moved quite like we/but with instruments Bose would devise/would take science itself by surprise." from a song in the movie...The Secret Life of Plants.

I believe plants have feelings or something along that line. It has been proven they react/grow better when classical music is played. Thanks for the post...I need to learn more about this.


Well-Known Member
"for most felt it was mad to conceive/that plants thought, felt, and moved quite like we/but with instruments Bose would devise/would take science itself by surprise." from a song in the movie...The Secret Life of Plants.

I believe plants have feelings or something along that line. It has been proven they react/grow better when classical music is played. Thanks for the post...I need to learn more about this.
if that is true then it has nothing to do with feelings trust me man something without a consious cannot feel in a mental form


Well-Known Member
LOL, you actually made a thread about this.. That's great.

Beliefs are different than facts SGT.. Plants do not have a conscious mind. They don't have a nervous system.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I have some seird things about that and I want to think they do.
Another part of me wonders why evolution has not helped grass stop
growing where I walk my dog.
That can not be much of a life.
Or maybe evolution has caused grass to enjoy my feet and dog dookie.
That's the opposite of how evolution works. It is precisely because of evolution that they can survive so much stress; the ones that couldn't did die and were replaced with more resistant plants.

Plants don't have central nervousness.


Well-Known Member
LOL, you actually made a thread about this.. That's great.

Beliefs are different than facts SGT.. Plants do not have a conscious mind. They don't have a nervous system.
Facts can be beliefs that just are not proven.
Let's consider this. Plants react to certain types of light. And when not given light the react differently. Let's also take cannabis for an example since were on a cannabis growing website. Cannabis produces cannabinoids which Cannabinoids are a class of diverse chemical compounds that activate cannabinoid receptors. These include the endocannabinoids (produced naturally in the body by humans and animals),[SUP][1][/SUP] the phytocannabinoids(found only in cannabis), and synthetic cannabinoids (produced chemically by humans)
That being said. If a plant can produce something that could effect the human brain, one would go to consider that these plants are intelligent. They have the ability to affect our way of thinking or our actions. Which could also mean that these plants are smart enough to hypnotize you.

Plants "remember" and "react" to information encrypted in light as well as transmit information about light intensity and quality from leaf to leaf, a process that is strikingly similar to the human nervous system.

These "electro-chemical signals" are carried by cells, which act as plant "nerves"

I for one have noticed that my plants reward me better when they are well taken care of whether than left to just grow by themselves. Plants may not have a nervous system like we do. But they do in fact have feelings. They also have rejuvenating properties. Like when we top the plant instead of them growing straight up they grow out and create more branches to accommodate for the severed limb.
That to me signifies feelings and intelligence.


Well-Known Member
Facts can be beliefs that just are not proven.
Let's consider this. Plants react to certain types of light. And when not given light the react differently. Let's also take cannabis for an example since were on a cannabis growing website. Cannabis produces cannabinoids which Cannabinoids are a class of diverse chemical compounds that activate cannabinoid receptors. These include the endocannabinoids (produced naturally in the body by humans and animals),[SUP][1][/SUP] the phytocannabinoids(found only in cannabis), and synthetic cannabinoids (produced chemically by humans)
That being said. If a plant can produce something that could effect the human brain, one would go to consider that these plants are intelligent. They have the ability to affect our way of thinking or our actions. Which could also mean that these plants are smart enough to hypnotize you.

Plants "remember" and "react" to information encrypted in light as well as transmit information about light intensity and quality from leaf to leaf, a process that is strikingly similar to the human nervous system.

These "electro-chemical signals" are carried by cells, which act as plant "nerves"

I for one have noticed that my plants reward me better when they are well taken care of whether than left to just grow by themselves. Plants may not have a nervous system like we do. But they do in fact have feelings. They also have rejuvenating properties. Like when we top the plant instead of them growing straight up they grow out and create more branches to accommodate for the severed limb.
That to me signifies feelings and intelligence.
That just shows me how great evolution is.. But it doesn't mean they have a conscious mind.. And like I said, they don't even have a nervous system.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
If a plant can produce something that could effect the human brain, one would go to consider that these plants are intelligent.

They also have rejuvenating properties. Like when we top the plant instead of them growing straight up they grow out and create more branches to accommodate for the severed limb.
That to me signifies feelings and intelligence.
The same way this book "reacts" and "feels" when I kick the table out from underneath it? Is it the intelligence of the book telling it to fall down?


Well-Known Member
The same way this book "reacts" and "feels" when I kick the table out from underneath it? Is it the intelligence of the book telling it to fall down?
That is called gravity.
Newton's law explains all this to you. Maybe you should be reading a book instead of propping a table up with it.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that plants have feelings but I do believe that they can react positively or negatively to their surroundings. Like mentioned above, plants react positive toward classical music vs hip hop or metal... That's why when I do grow I talk to my girls a lot and try positive reinforcement... like oh you girls are so pretty... you girls are doing so well can't wait till we can really be with eachother... stupid shit like that... stay high

Chief Walkin Eagle

Well-Known Member
I heard this from a friend, dont know how legit it is. Apparently they did a test where they hooked a plant up with sensors and what not and they got a strong response from the plant that started right before a scientist would cut it with scissors, silent screams?.
I say they do have a consciousness but just not the consciousness animals and humans have, we all are connected in a way. I was reading HighTimes and a guy asked Danny Danko if different strains could have the same characteristics as each other as they mature. He had like five strains and they all grew with almost the same structure and color and even the scent was similar from plant to plant. Danko said no, but I say yes, I think that was the collective consciousness field in action. Cool stuff.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
That is called gravity.
Newton's law explains all this to you. Maybe you should be reading a book instead of propping a table up with it.
The reaction of the plant to "create more branches to accommodate for the severed limb" is a result of a chemical reaction and is done for the plants survival. It has absolutely nothing to do with intelligence or feelings. It is a reaction to a stimulus.

And the book is propped up by the table. Maybe you should just learn to read period.


Well-Known Member
I heard this from a friend, dont know how legit it is. Apparently they did a test where they hooked a plant up with sensors and what not and they got a strong response from the plant that started right before a scientist would cut it with scissors, silent screams?.
I say they do have a consciousness but just not the consciousness animals and humans have, we all are connected in a way. I was reading HighTimes and a guy asked Danny Danko if different strains could have the same characteristics as each other as they mature. He had like five strains and they all grew with almost the same structure and color and even the scent was similar from plant to plant. Danko said no, but I say yes, I think that was the collective consciousness field in action. Cool stuff.
I agree that we are all connected... Like one big giant oraganism with individual thoughts and feelings... deep man... stay high


Well-Known Member
Define Feelings? Would you say Hunger is a feeling? How about the need to climb and be free? Watch this and tell me plants don't have any feelings :bigjoint:
